Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 237 A harmonious and happy family

Uncle Song ate more and naturally vomited more. Seeing the semi-digested food mixed with gastric juices turning into a disgusting and sticky puddle, Wang Longhui's throat itched and he almost vomited it out.

Uncle Song disagreed. After feeding one, he would replace it with the next. If his son vomited it out, he would catch it with his hands and hold it again and stuff it in.

Soon, he had fed three people, and Uncle Song's swollen belly gradually disappeared.

After feeding the last man, Uncle Song wiped his mouth that was covered with food and ordered Wang Longhui, who was already frightened. "It's your turn, just help me feed my daughter."

Wang Longhui was pushed to the shelf, but he had eaten nothing at all just now, there was nothing in his stomach, and he couldn't vomit even if he wanted to.

Uncle Song stood behind Wang Longhui, which inadvertently put great pressure on him. Seeing that Wang Longhui couldn't vomit anything after vomiting for a long time, Uncle Song's voice gradually turned cold, "Why don't you feed my daughter? Are you looking down on me, old man?"

"No, it's... I didn't eat just now." Wang Longhui almost cried, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Uncle Song, I will eat now!"

"It's too late! I just told you, you just refuse to eat, you just refuse to help me take care of my children!" Uncle Song's face was ferocious, his eyes bulging out in horror, "Why? Why do you just You don’t want to follow my will! You are just like my sons and daughters, you look down on me and don’t take my words seriously when you see that my old man is a useless person!”

"Damn it, you all deserve to die!!" Uncle Song was already hysterical, and his roaring voice almost burst Wang Longhui's eardrums.

Wang Longhui felt so cruel that he overturned the table directly at Uncle Song, turned around and rushed towards the door. But as soon as he took a few steps, he received a heavy blow on his back, which sent him flying away as if he had been ripped out of a sack. The big black iron pot flew behind the door and almost shattered his spine.

Wang Longhui was spitting blood from his mouth and nose, but he still struggled to crawl on the ground. He touched the door and moved upward a little, hoping to open the door handle, which might still have a chance of survival.

But the next second, the sound of footsteps came behind him, and a cane broke his hand. Wang Longhui lost his support and fell to the ground.

A miserable cry of mourning was made.

Uncle Song squatted down and ran his hands around Wang Longhui's body. He quickly found 5 yuan hidden in his pocket, which was Wang Longhui's entire savings.

"What is this money enough for? You have no sincerity in compensating at all!" Uncle Song sneered, "My daughter's legs are unusable, so let's use yours. As compensation, you can also be my son. Don't worry. , become my son and we will become a family, and dad will feed you with all his heart."

"No! I don't want it!!"

In the desperate situation, Wang Longhui suddenly burst out with a burst of brute force, trying to struggle to get up from the ground, but the next second, the crutch hit him hard, just hitting the back of his head, and blood spurted out.




Three consecutive blows opened a large hole in the back of Wang Longhui's head, and blood continued to flow out. Gradually, his expression changed from fear to stupidity, and blood mixed with saliva flowed out of his mouth, "Hey, Hey hey hey...


The crippled Uncle Song was dragged back to the dining table and fixed with thick tape. Witnessed by the other four children, Wang Longhui became a new member of this big family.

Early the next morning, everyone met outside the security room, but this time everyone waited for a long time, and Wang Longhui never appeared again.

"Hu Yi—" Fu Xuechang, who had a very ugly face, only wore a vest, revealing his strong muscles. He turned his head and glanced at the deep corridor of the apartment, and exhaled a breath, "Don't wait for him, it seems that he Didn't survive."

This was an obvious thing, but Fu Xuechang was the first to say it outright, and the newcomer Cheng Ya, who was shrinking behind the crowd, shivered hard.

As usual, there was an envelope posted outside the door of the security room with fresh bloody fingerprints on it. After opening it, there were still two letters inside.

The first letter was written in the tone of Uncle Song in Room 9034. The messy handwriting fully expressed Uncle Song's indignation. Everyone gathered around to read it for a long time before half-reading and half-guessing the content of the letter.

The broken handwriting was worse than that of a child in kindergarten. Yang Xiao even suspected that Uncle Song's arms were assembled later.

Uncle Song first praised Wang Linghui's cooking skills, and then changed the subject and pointed out that although this man was a good cook, he had a poor character, he was a man of duplicity, and had no love at all. After seeing that he was a useless old man, he was quite disgusted. , He even refused to help take care of his daughter. He was so arrogant, with a human face and an animal heart. It was a shame that I still trusted him so much.

However, Uncle Song also comforted everyone, saying that he had reconciled with Wang Longhui. Although Wang Longhui did not have enough money to compensate, in order to express his apology, he was willing to be his fourth son and fulfill his filial piety under his knees. Uncle Song would also continue to educate Love him, cherish him, and nurture him as his own son.

"Nurturing?" Tong Han frowned, the word sounded strange.

Yang Xiao went further, pointing out that the strangest thing was not here, but that in the letter, Uncle Song, a lonely old man, asked Wang Longhui to take care of his daughter, and even asked Wang Longhui to be his fourth son.

‘Not everyone who is tricked into the room will eventually become his son. "Li Qingxuan made a bold guess.

Whether it was or not was no longer important to those who were still alive. Anyway, Wang Longhui was dead and the mission failed. The letter was empty, not a dime.

Yang Xiao sniffed the letter and found it had a sour smell. There were also some oil stains on the letter paper. He judged that Mr. Song might have been eating when he wrote the letter.

By the way, Wang Longhui was called to cook for the lonely Mr. Song.

Mo Daidai adjusted his glasses and said slowly: "Wang Longhui should have at least 5 yuan in his hand, but Mr. Song said he didn't have enough money to compensate. It seems that the compensation for the failed commissioned mission is more than 5 yuan."

Then everyone looked at another letter, which was written to Yang Xiao. The letter was bulging, not like a few pieces of paper.

After the letter was opened, a lot of colorful money fell out of it, and it jingled when it fell to the ground. There were also coins that everyone had never seen in the mission.

"Don't move!"

Yang Xiao gave a warning and immediately squatted down, carefully picking up every penny that belonged to him, the largest denomination was 5 yuan, and the smallest was a dime.

The coins were very new, as if they had just been picked out of a child's piggy bank.

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