Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 255 The Man in the Mirror

No one would have thought that Qu Yi's body would appear here. This was Cheng Ya's room. Qu Yi should have gone to room 5042 last night, the room of Mr. Wen, the author of the novel.

"Why is Qu Yi here?" Li Qingxuan was confused. He approached and confirmed again and again that this broken face was Qu Yi. The body was in tatters, as if it had been crushed by a big hand.

Yang Xiao knew that this Qu Yi was a veteran and would not give up the mission. She must have encountered some trouble when she ran to Cheng Ya's room for no reason.

Of course, there was another strange thing. Where was Cheng Ya in the original room.

"Will she be in Qu Yi's room?" Li Qingxuan suddenly had an idea.

Everyone decided not to delay and went to Qu Yi's room together to check. However, just as they walked out of the room and returned to the corridor, Yang Xiao, who was at the end of the team, suddenly stopped and said, "Wait!"

Fu Xuechang turned around impatiently, "What's wrong?" The successive events made everyone feel irritated.

Yang Xiao stepped back a few steps and distanced himself from the door. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but get nervous. "Just now I seemed to hear some noise inside." Yang Xiao didn't dare to confirm.

They came and went in a hurry, and didn't search the room carefully. After Yang Xiao said this, everyone returned to the room again. Sure enough, after holding their breath, they actually heard a slight rustling sound, as if something was slowly moving.

What made everyone even more horrified was that the sound came from the bedroom.

Li Qingxuan picked up a mop rod in the corner and walked into the bedroom first, but this time, the rustling sound disappeared again, as if playing hide-and-seek with everyone.

Li Qingxuan took a deep breath and poked the body with the mop rod to confirm that the body was dead and motionless.

The others searched the bedroom, opened the cabinet door, checked under the table, searched the curtains, and even knocked the ceiling with a mop rod to see if there was a mezzanine behind. They checked all possible places where people could hide, and finally there was only one place left.

Everyone's eyes converged on the bloody bed with the body lying on it.

No one dared to move for a while. They didn't know whether there was a person or something else hiding under it. If a ghost suddenly jumped out, it would be exciting.

The bed sheet was very large and fell to the ground along the edge of the bed. If you want to check under the bed, you have to squat down, lift the bed sheet and look inside, or turn over the whole bed with the body on it.

Li Qingxuan, who was holding the mop rod, was also a little weak and didn't know what to do until someone patted his arm. He turned his head sharply and found that it was Yang Xiao.

Compared to lying down to look, or turning over the whole bed, Yang Xiao chose a more conservative method. He walked lightly to the bedside,

squatted, and then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, he stabbed the mop rod in his hand under the bed.

The next second, a scream came from under the bed. Yang Xiao jumped up in fright and turned around to run. Before everyone could come to their senses, Yang Xiao had already rushed out of the bedroom.

Li Qingxuan did not expect Teacher Yang to be so agile. He was obviously the one with the worst position and the farthest from the bedroom door, but he ran out of the bedroom first.

And soon, a crazy figure crawled out from under the bed. The figure was covered in blood and kept screaming. Who else could it be but Cheng Ya.

Tong Han immediately walked up, pulled her out, and slapped her twice.



After being beaten, Cheng Ya was obviously much more sober. Although her eyes were terrified and her body was shaking, at least she stopped screaming.

Mo Daidai's heart finally fell, and he smiled politely at Li Qingxuan, "Please call Chu Xi back."

Yang Xiao had already run to the safe passage at the end of the corridor. Seeing Li Qingxuan waving at him, he walked back cautiously.

After checking, Cheng Ya was not injured. The blood on her body was all Qu Yi's, which seeped from the gap of the bed.

"What happened? How did Qu Yi die in your room?" Fu Changxue was a hot-tempered person, and he questioned Cheng Ya fiercely.

Cheng Ya had a brain surgery by the female ghost. She was not very clear-headed to begin with, and was frightened. At this moment, she was in a very bad state, just repeating, "Mirror... Mirror...


"What mirror? Explain it clearly!"

Cheng Ya raised her hand tremblingly, pointing to the bedroom door with a horrified face, "Mirror... Bathroom... Clapping ghost, there is a clapping ghost! ! "

Hearing the three words "clapping ghost" triggered uneasiness in everyone's heart. They only knew that a ball-playing ghost would appear in the apartment after midnight. What was this clapping ghost?

After all, it was daytime and there were many of them. After opening the wooden door of the bathroom, the scene in front of them made people feel nervous.

The dim bathroom was relatively clean, but the mirror attached to the washstand was stained with blood. The mirror was covered with bloody handprints. There were dozens of handprints stacked up one after another. It can be imagined that there was a person covered in blood who was desperately clapping the mirror.

Mo Daidai walked forward alone and touched the mirror with his hand. The next second, his brows couldn't help but frown. He stared at his fingers, which were not stained with a trace of blood.

The bloody handprints were not on the mirror at all, but in the mirror.

"Look! "Tong Han had sharp eyes and noticed at a glance that there was a word "目" written in blood on the lower right corner of the mirror.

The handwriting was crooked and it was obvious that it was written in a hurry.

"This is not the word "目", it's the word "qu" in Qu Yi, but Qu Yi was killed by a ghost before she finished writing it. "

Combining the clues he had at hand and Cheng Ya's fragmentary memories, Yang Xiao roughly judged what happened last night.

Cheng Ya was resting in the room at that time, and suddenly she heard the sound of tapping the mirror in the bathroom. According to Cheng Ya's courage, she definitely didn't dare to look there, so she hid under the bed until they came after dawn.

Looking at the mirror, Li Qingxuan thought thoughtfully, "Qu Yi entered the mirror world. How did she do it?"

"You should ask Mr. Wen in room 5042 about this." Mo Dudai said, "I think there was a deviation in Qu Yi's commissioned task and he was locked into the mirror world, where he met the most terrifying person in this apartment. ghost."

‘Source ghost? " Fu Changxue blurted out. Now this is no longer a secret.

"Yes." Mo nodded blankly.

"I think Qu Yi might have had a chance to escape last night, but no one rescued her." Yang Xiao analyzed, "If Cheng Ya had run into the bathroom and pulled her up, maybe...she would have survived."

"How do you deal with the mirrors in your room?" Yang Xiao suddenly asked.

"This thing looks weird. Every time I go on a mission, as long as there is a mirror in the room, I will remove it and put it upside down, pressing the mirror underneath. If it cannot be removed, I have to cover it with a cloth or something." Fu Chang Xuedi An opening.

They were all experienced players, and they all dealt with mirrors in the same way. Yang Xiao understood that Cheng Ya was the only room that did not block the mirror last night, and this was most likely the reason why Qu Yi, who was trapped behind the mirror, came to find her. "You are saying that the person trapped behind the mirror can see outside through the mirror. As long as the mirror is blocked, the thing will not be found." Li Qingxuan's understanding ability was perfect.

Several people searched the room and found no other clues except a tragic corpse. They helped the frightened Cheng Ya and left.

Back in the security room, the order form for the new day has been posted on the wall, as well as an envelope with bloody handprints sent by the male administrator.

More importantly, the photos under the glass plate of the security room table had new changes. The two old photos that were previously blurry and yellowed became clear.

When he saw one of the photos, Yang Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. The photo was a photo of a family of three. The three of them were standing side by side, smiling uniformly. The picture was very harmonious, but after looking at it for a long time, the smiling face of the child in the middle became... It makes people feel uncomfortable, as stiff as a painting.

The most important thing is that Yang Xiao saw a small mirror with a bronze shell hanging from the child's neck. The surface of the mirror was very blurry, as if it was separated by a layer of fog.

He immediately thought of what Teacher Zuoqiu Shude told him last night, and thought that this photo was the family photo the old doctor mentioned.

And this small mirror with a bronze shell is the Resentful Eye that caused the supernatural events. They must find it, as well as the missing child. At this moment, the couple was wearing the same bronze wide-faced ring on their left hands. Everyone was surprised to find that they came closer. Finally, I could actually see the pattern on the ring surface clearly.

It was a dragon and a snake with their tails intertwined. The dragon's head looked up to the sky and roared, and the snake's head spit out the letter. It was exactly the same as the tattoo on the man who died on the first night.

Yang Xiao knew that this was a sign of a cult. If he thought about it this way, the middle-aged man before was the cultist who had infiltrated into this mission.

But Yang Xiao felt that the matter was not that simple. This man was more like a smoke bomb deliberately thrown out, a cover-up. The real cultists were hidden among the few remaining people.

Judging from the clues currently known, Yang Xiao has a bold guess that this mission may not be that simple. He doesn't know how these cultists got in, but the purpose of these cultists should be to complain about this incident. Come.

If Yang Xiao must give an example, Zuoqiu Shude's child is like a humanoid petri dish. The purpose of the evil cultivator is to use the child's flesh and blood to cultivate this resentful eye. Now, it's time for the fruit to mature, so these guys are here .

Steadying his mind, Yang Xiao looked at the second photo calmly. The photo showed a piece of yellowed paper. To be precise, it was a final letter.

The handwriting on the letter is rather sloppy.

The letter said that the couple had done everything they could. They wanted to burn the child with the evil spirits with fire and prepared gasoline.

This is the only way to save it.

But it was too late, the evil spirit had come, it took the child away and hid it in a place where no one could find it.

At the end of the letter, the writer gave an important message. In order to end this evil spirit, the child must be found, taken back to the bedroom at home, and burned with gasoline.

The writer wrote three sentences in a row with emotion: "Don't be soft, don't be soft, don't be soft!" ! This is no longer their child, the real child is dead, this is an evil ghost resurrected with the help of the child's body!

The signature is Zuoqiu Shude.

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