Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 257 Nursery Rhyme

There are only two commissions tonight. One is from Mr. Wen, the author of the novel Room 5042. He needs someone to come to provide him with inspiration as usual, and the other is a joint letter from several tenants on the third floor.

The joint letter stated that every night around midnight, the elevator on the third floor would start inexplicably and make strange noises. Neighbors had gone to check before, but all of them were missing. The tenants hoped that someone would go and find out on their behalf.

Since there were only these two tasks, everyone had no choice but to accept them all.

In addition, they also found an envelope sent by the administrator, which contained two letters, one of which was written by Mr. Wen.

In the letter, Mr. Wen first expressed his appreciation for Qu Yi's courage, but at the same time pointed out Qu Yi's problems with a sharp pen, saying that she was not good at observation and had a relatively average mind. Her performance did not satisfy his readers. At the end of the letter, Mr. Wen also wrote in a provocative tone that he hoped there would be an evenly matched person tonight.

The other letter was relatively standard. It was a thank-you letter written by the dancer Mr. Hou to Tong Han, thanking her for generously gifting him a toe, and saying that it was the most satisfying gift he had ever received in his life.

In order to express his gratitude, he enclosed 19 yuan and 7 cents, which was all his savings, and he begged Miss Tong to accept it.

There is no doubt that all the money went to Tong Han in the end.

"Who will be the writer?" Putting down the letter, Mo looked at the crowd blankly.

The scene suddenly became quiet. After all, the old player Qu Yi died in this mission the night before, and judging from Mr. Wen's tone, this was not an easy guy to deal with.

"I'll go meet him." Yang Xiao stood up. As a real-life supernatural script writer, he thought he should have many topics in common with Mr. Wen.

Of course, Yang Xiao also knows that this mission is dangerous, but time waits for no one. Instead of trusting these teammates who have their own evil intentions, he might as well trust himself.

Seeing Yang Xiao taking the initiative to take the task, the tangled expressions of Fu Changxue and others instantly eased. Fu Changxue even gave Yang Xiao a thumbs up, "Brother Chu, a talented artist and a bold man, I admire you brother!"

"Everyone can say polite words. If you are really sincere, you might as well help me collect some travel expenses for my brother." Yang Xiao did not tolerate them, "10

A chunk, but not too much. "

The smile on Fu Changxue's face suddenly froze, but Mo Dudai was quite generous. He took out a 5 yuan sheet from his pocket and handed it to Yang Xiao, "I'll pay 5 yuan, and you guys can chip in."

So everyone gave Yang Xiao two yuan, which was enough to collect 10 yuan. Of course, Cheng Ya didn't contribute any money, and neither did she.

Yang Xiao took the money and accepted it with peace of mind.

"Who will go for the elevator mission?" Mo asked again.

This time, no one took the initiative to stand up. Everyone was watching their noses and their hearts. If I don’t speak up, I don’t have to go.

"Tong Han, you go ahead." Mo looked at Tong Han and advised him. Unknowingly, he naturally became the coordinator of the team.

Tong Han was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Why me?"

"Miss Tong, after all, you came up with this method. None of us know whether it is true or false." Fu Changxue spread his hands and looked like a scoundrel.

Tong Han spit in his face and scolded him unscrupulously: "Are you drafting it? I shouldn't have told you, you bastard!"

"What are you talking about!" Fu Changxue rolled up his sleeves after regaining his composure and looked like he was about to use violence.

"What did you do behind our backs? Do you think I don't know?" Tong Han showed no sign of weakness, but just this sentence instantly turned off Fu Changxue. He stared at Tong Han suspiciously, and finally I didn't dare to take action.

"Everyone, calm down, calm down." Li Qingxuan, as a fire extinguisher, persuaded everyone. After a while, the scene finally stabilized.

"Tong Han, you better go. We all believe in you. You also know that this is probably our last chance." Mo Daidai said sincerely, and at the same time, under his suggestion, everyone helped Tong Han. After paying 10 yuan for travel expenses, the matter was settled.

But Tong Han then put forward a condition. She would not allow Fu Changxue to be responsible for the night reception, saying that she could not trust him.

"You're done, aren't you!" Being targeted one after another, Fu Changxue's anger was completely ignited.

But this time, Mo Daidai also sided with Tong Han, lowered his face, and said coldly to Changxue: "Fu Changxue, do you dare to take out the money in your pocket and show it to everyone. "

"Take it, take it. I earned every penny by my own skills. I didn't steal or rob, so I have a clear conscience." Fu Changxue took out the money from his pocket. There were four 5-yuan bills and a few more. One or two yuan, Yang Xiao didn't expect him to be so rich.

But after Fu Changxue took it out and shook it, he stuffed it back into his pocket and said, "Well, you have seen it, I have money."

Mo Daidai stretched out his hand and said, "Show me those 5 yuan cards of yours."

"Why are you trying to steal my money?" Fu Changxue shouted loudly.

The next second, Mo Dadai suddenly smiled, and his tone became amusing, "Brother Fu, don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that you accidentally received fake money and were blinded by it."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Changxue's expression suddenly brightened, and Yang Xiao understood early on that it seemed that the person who had exchanged the counterfeit money before was Fu Changxue.

He definitely didn't dare to fool the ghost with fake money. He planned to use the fake money in his hand to swap the real money in the hands of his teammates while others were not paying attention.

This trick is extremely bad. Once a ghost discovers using fake money, the unlucky teammate may die inexplicably.

Sure enough, Fu Changxue's momentum immediately weakened. Although he was pouting, he no longer dared to challenge Mo Dadai and Tong Han, "Okay, if you don't take responsibility, you won't be responsible. I won't serve your aunt anymore." Well, I'm going on patrol."

Yang Xiao could see clearly that those who understand the current affairs are heroes, so Mo Dudai left the last dignity to Fu Changxue, and Fu Changxue was also very sensible and chose to swallow this breath and let the matter rest in peace.

After all, once this kind of thing is said clearly, it will completely push Fu Changxue to everyone's opposition. The most intolerable thing in the mission is to harm his teammates.

The two most difficult entrusted tasks have been settled. Next is the person responsible for taking over. This job requires absolute credibility.

and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Mo Dadai was naturally the first choice, but due to Fu Changxue's absence and Cheng Ya's lack of ability, Li Qingxuan naturally became the second choice.

The last two night watch security guards naturally fell on Fu Changxue and Cheng Ya.

After some arrangements, the arrangement for tonight has been decided. Everyone performs their duties. Yang Xiaotonghan is responsible for finding a way to the mirror world and bringing out the hidden children. In the event of an accident, he can start from Mo Dadai or... The mirror in the room where Li Qingxuan was located left.

Of course, there is also a mirror in the security room as an alternative.

"Let's agree on a secret code." Yang Xiao suggested. He raised his hand and tapped the wall beside him rhythmically.


"Dong dong dong."

"Boom, boom"

One short, three short, two long, this is the secret code. After hearing the secret code, several people agreed to open the bathroom door immediately and choose rescue.

Mo Daidai's room was the first choice, followed by Li Qingxuan. If the first two encountered accidents and failed, the security room was the last option. After clarifying the context of tonight's mission, everyone no longer wasted time and walked out of the apartment. As expected, just from Drill through the nearby broken wall,

I bumped into an old man selling candied haws on a stick.

The old man grinned, showing his yellow teeth, "Oh, what a coincidence?"

Since they already knew that the old man was a clue figure and loved money as much as his life, everyone was too lazy to talk nonsense and asked straight to the point how many candied haws they would have to buy today in order to give them clues about the apartment. The old man was not vague and just held out five fingers.

"Okay, okay, here you go." Tong Han didn't bother to argue with him and just handed over a 5 yuan note. She was relatively wealthy now.

But before Tong Han could ask, the old man who had accepted the money stretched out his hand again and asked them for money with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" Tong Han frowned.

"Fifty yuan, thank you." The old man was unambiguous.

"Take the young man?" Li Qingxuan was confused. He never thought that this old guy had such a big appetite. Last time he paid 10 yuan, but this time he paid 50 yuan.


However, Yang Xiao stopped Li Qingxuan, stepped forward, smiled warmly at the old man and said, "Old man, money is not an issue, but first you have to tell us what you know."

The old man showed a confident smile, with more wrinkles on his face than a bun, and lowered his voice mysteriously: "I know the big news, and you young people will definitely use it. Hehe, there was a family in this apartment who suffered... There was a ghost, and two people died in the family. It was a tragic death, but... there was one person who survived, and he is the only one so far. "


The old man smiled and rubbed his hands, "This, this...

Yang Xiao took out 10 yuan from his pocket and put it into the old man's hand. "This is the deposit. I will pay you in full later.'

The old man who got the money was in a good mood and was unambiguous. He introduced: "That's a child, a girl, only about 4 or 5 years old.

Her parents were dead, but she was fine, with no injuries on her body at all, but she was so frightened that after she was rescued, she could only lower her head and hum a nursery rhyme. "

"What nursery rhyme?"

"Hmm..." The old man frowned and tried to remember, "It seems... it seems like the sky is gray. Don't open your eyes, don't move, and sleep until dawn."

After finishing speaking, the old man stretched out his hand to Yang Xiao and asked for the remaining money, "Old man, I don't know anything else. You young people don't ask. Give money, give money. I have specially prepared 50 yuan for you." I’ve been busy all night, but I’m exhausted.”

Li Qingxuan cursed in a low voice: "Why don't you tire yourself to death?"

"Huh? What are you doing, you young man?"

"Nothing, old man, you also said that you want to sell these candied haws to us, so why don't you ask us what flavor we want to eat today?" Yang Xiao smiled.

The old man was stunned and said, "You want something sugar-free?"

"No." Yang Xiao smiled. "I want something spicy."

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