Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 265 Missing

Staring at the mirror, Yang Xiao's mind was in a trance, and fragmented images began to appear in his mind uncontrollably. It was a void, and there were dozens or hundreds of mirrors of different sizes, shapes, and even completely different positions and directions in the void.

In just a short moment, Yang Xiao's brain power was drained, and his steps were unnatural and he almost fell to the ground.

The picture in his mind gradually faded, and at this moment, the large mirror on the bedroom wall emitted a strange light, which was a signal to leave.

"Li Qingxuan, let's go." Yang Xiao took a difficult step. At this moment, his steps were weak, as if he was stepping on cotton.

Li Qingxuan turned around and saw that Yang Xiao was not in a good state. He hurried over to help him and said in surprise: "Teacher Yang, are you injured?"

Yang Xiao waved his hand and just urged: "Go, go quickly!"

Li Qingxuan first sent Yang Xiao into the mirror, and then followed. They didn't know if there were any living people in the apartment, but whether there were or not, they had no time to care.

The moment his body passed through the mirror and stepped into the mirror, Yang Xiao stepped into the air and fell down uncontrollably.

Accompanied by a strange feeling of dizziness, it seemed that time and space had no meaning at this moment, and soon he knew nothing.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Xiao woke up in a daze, his eyelids were heavy, and he tried several times to open them slightly. Yang Xiao tried his best to support himself and not close his eyes, because if he closed them again, he would fall into a deep sleep again.

As time passed, the situation gradually improved. His eyeballs slowly moved, and he felt his vision gradually transition from blurry to clear.

Along with his vision, Yang Xiao's mind also recovered, and his originally mushy brain began to work.

This is a rather old dormitory, still inheriting the decoration style of several decades ago. At this time, Yang Xiao was lying on the ground sideways. If he tilted his head slightly, he could see the black backpack hanging on the back of the chair. The zipper of the backpack was still open, filled with food and mineral water bottles, as well as the underworld robe hanging along the edge of the table.

Yang Xiao's memory became clearer. He sat up slowly, with a sore back. It didn't seem like it was caused by sleeping on such a hard cement floor for a night. It seemed more like someone took advantage of his coma and beat him up.

Sitting up, Yang Xiao looked at the Hades robe, remembering the times he had tried to use it to fend off nightmare ghosts, but it never helped him when he needed it. He was very annoyed and complained, "Useless thing."

The next second, the Hades robe moved without wind, and the two sleeves fluttered left and right, frightening Yang Xiao so much that he jumped up from the ground in an instant, his face pale, and he waved his hands to apologize, "It was just a joke, it was just a joke, you are a generous man, don't take it too seriously, I was wrong."

The Hades robe did not move.

Yang Xiao:


After confirming that the Hades robe was really fine, Yang Xiao dared to approach it. Sure enough, there was one less square-hole paper money on the Hades robe, and on the corresponding side of the robe, there was a small bronze mirror with a copper shell embroidered on it.

Needless to say, the embroidery is exquisite. The most important thing is that the mirror part of the bronze mirror is not blank, but filled with a kind of gray silk thread.

After staring at the mirror for a long time, Yang Xiao actually shuddered, as if there was another self staring at him inside.

It was too weird, but Yang Xiao also knew that this was definitely a good thing, otherwise those evil cultivators would not have spent so much money.

Walking over and opening the curtains, the sky outside was already bright. Just as Yang Xiao was thinking about how to go back and write a mission report, suddenly, his door was knocked.

Yang Xiao's eyes instantly became alert. He didn't hear the footsteps of someone coming at all. He reached into his backpack and took out the gun. With a gun in hand, Yang Xiao approached the door little by little, slowed down his steps, and didn't say hello. He pulled the door open the moment he held the door handle.

"Captain! Don't shoot!"

"It's you!"

Ximen Xiu and Zhuge Zhijie outside the door were startled and immediately raised their hands, showing very cooperative performance.

Seeing that they were his own people, Yang Xiao quickly looked around the corridor. There were no people hiding there, and he didn't see anything unusual, so he let them in. "What's going on? What are you two doing hiding outside my door?"

Having just been pointed at by a gun, Ximen Xiu's hands were shaking and his face was sad. "Captain, we are worried about you. It's dawn, and there's no movement in your room. We sent you a message but you didn't reply."

"I just came out of the nightmare world." Yang Xiao explained.

Zhuge Zhijie's face showed admiration when he heard this, "You are worthy of being the captain. You went in on the first night and got out safely."

"How is it, did you get the resentful eye?" Compared with Zhuge Zhijie, Ximen Xiu was more concerned about whether Yang Xiao had any gains.

Yang Xiao sighed and shook his head, "I met some very difficult guys this time, it was not easy to save my life."

"It doesn't matter, this is already very good, Zhuge Zhijie, you quickly send a message to the director." Ximen Xiu turned his head and instructed, "Remember the captain's instructions, don't use the internal lines of our office, use the secret lines you made yourself."

"You don't need to teach me." Zhuge Zhijie rolled his eyes at Ximen Xiu, turned around and walked back to their dormitory to send a message.

The reason why he didn't tell them the truth was not because he didn't believe them, but for self-protection. After all, once he said that he had obtained the resentful eye, he would definitely report it to the office when he returned. At that time, it was hard to say whether the secret of his underworld robe would be leaked, and at this moment Yang Xiao did not have enough power to protect himself.

Mr. Yan Zhen, who came to the office before, said something very right, that a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure, and he didn't want to show his edge too early.

Yang Xiao was also very depressed. He didn't know why every resentful eye he got seemed to be closely related to evil cultivation. Could it be that he was really born to be an evil cultivator?

Soon Ximen Xiu received a reply from the office, saying that a team had been integrated in the office and would set out to pick them up, and it was expected to arrive in the evening at the earliest.

After receiving the news, the three of them were slightly relieved. Yang Xiao was not idle during this period. He drew portraits of people who might survive the mission, including Li Qingxuan, Mo Daidai, Tong Han, Fu Changxue, and Cheng Ya.

Especially Li Qingxuan and Tong Han, the two cursed at each other at the end of the mission, and both said that the other's identity was problematic. Although Li Qingxuan helped him, his suspicion could not be ruled out. After all, the timing of his appearance was too coincidental.

In the afternoon, Yang Xiao and his friends received an unexpected news. The officer Meng who was responsible for connecting with them in the Qingfeng Patrol Office could not be found.

He doesn't answer the phone and doesn't reply to messages, but his personal belongings in the office are still there. Now everyone in the Qingfeng Patrol Office is looking for him, and the technical investigation department has also intervened.

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