Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 289 Master

Looking at the tender and sticky sauced chicken drumsticks stewed in the iron pot, Yang Xiao controlled himself and only ordered two. After all, ordering six sauced chicken drumsticks at one time was too eye-catching. He didn't want to leave any memory points for the people of Xiashi Town. .

After matching several dishes according to Yang Xiao's request, the boss poured a large spoonful of braised pork soup on top of the rice.

He handed the lunch box to Yang Xiao, "Little brother, hold it carefully, be careful not to get hot."

After paying, Yang Xiao found a place to sit down near the roadside. The supervision here was not as strict as in a big city. There were several small low tables outside the fast food restaurant, and there were several tables near each table. There are colorful plastic chairs where anyone who orders food can sit and eat.

From Yang Xiao's position, he could just see the entrance of the noodle shop. There were many people eating nearby, and there was a table sitting behind Yang Xiao.

"Hey, this day comes to an end." A man in a plaid shirt behind him looked away and sighed, obviously sympathizing with the owner of the small noodle shop.

"Is there anything you can do? He doesn't hit or scold anyone, and it doesn't mean he doesn't consume. Every time he comes, he orders two bowls of plain noodles, and then sits down to eat and drink what he brought. It's useless even if you call the police." The man's companion sighed. The tone is, "When the police come, they will at most drive people away. If they leave today and come back tomorrow, to say the least, they will just arrest people."

The worst they can do is switch to two more people and see who can survive the other? "

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," the third person hurriedly stopped the conversation between the two companions, glanced quickly in the direction of the noodle shop, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, are you the ones you can afford to offend Mr. Huang? Be careful. Disaster comes from the mouth.”

"Hey, eat, eat, and leave as soon as you're done. Out of sight, out of mind." The three of them stopped talking and lowered their heads to eat.

Time passed by and the sun set. The owner of the fast food restaurant thoughtfully lit a few light bulbs to provide lighting for the diners.

After the diners gradually dispersed and there was no business, the two members of the Hunting Tiger Gang raised their buttocks and

After arrogantly shouting to the restaurant that we, the gentlemen, would come to patronize your business tomorrow, he packed up his folding table, picked up his things and left.

After the two of them left, Yang Xiao also stood up, lowered the brim of his hat and followed slowly. They couldn't go far with so many things. Yang Xiao guessed that they had a car parked nearby.

The fact was what Yang Xiao thought. Not long after the two walked, they turned into an underground parking lot. Yang Xiao knew that the opportunity had come.

After looking around, no surveillance cameras were found. Yang Xiao reached out and grabbed it from his backpack, then took out the soul-capturing mirror.

Then he took out a big silver whisk and approached the two of them.

After getting close to a certain distance, following a thought, they just put the folding table into the trunk of the car. Before they could get in the car, the two of them were pulled into the mirror world by Yang Xiao.

Although the world in the mirror looks consistent with the real world, it is much darker and colder, and it is easy to distinguish. The two were stunned for a while, and it was only then that they noticed Yang Xiao who was gradually approaching behind them. The thin man said with a fearful expression: "You. ..who are you?

"Where is Huang Sanbing?" Yang Xiao asked immediately.

Although the two of them were not smart, one look at Yang Xiao and it was clear that the person coming was evil. The thin man took out a switchblade from his pocket.

The burly man quickly opened the trunk and pulled out a heavy machete from the black tennis bag.

But in the next second, this person was hit by Yang Xiao's dimensionality reduction blow. With a dust fly pulled out, the whole person decomposed in mid-air, turning into a pool of sticky and disgusting human tissue that was splashed on the car, the ground, and the walls.

The remaining thin man had never seen this scene before. His fingers were trembling so much that he lost his grip on the switchblade and fell to the ground.

Yang Xiao sneered, walked towards the thin man, and raised the whisk in his hand threateningly. But what Yang Xiao didn't expect was that the thin man suddenly twitched all over and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes. .

After a while, the man stopped moving. This didn't bother Yang Xiao. He cautiously approached the thin man and kicked him hard twice, but there was no reaction at all. Yang Xiao squatted down and put his fingers on the side of the thin man's neck. , and then discovered that the person was dead.

"Oh my God... I'm scared to death?!" Yang Xiao never thought that he was also a gang member. Is this all he had to have courage?

Originally, Yang Xiao wanted to use his strong figure to give the thin man power. After all, according to his observation, the dirty work was done by the strong man who was now being spread out. The two of them should have a superior-subordinate relationship, but who would have thought that... Before he could be tortured, the person was frightened to death.

"Useless thing!" Yang Xiao kicked the thin man hard again, and then he realized that the thin man's pants were completely wet, and a pool of disgusting urine leaked out.

After Yang Xiao turned his head and looked at the miserable state of the strong man, he couldn't help but take a deep breath. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he still felt it was too cruel every time he saw it. The most terrifying thing about this dust whisk magical weapon is not that it can kill people. Killing can make living people look like ghosts.

The strong man whose body was spread out was not dead. The half-head hanging on the wall was still shaking from time to time. The eye sockets were completely broken and the eyeballs were missing. Yang Xiao stepped forward, suppressing his nausea, and used a whisk to The spikes on the tail pierced the unknown mucous membrane covering the human head's mouth. Now the human head could finally take a deep breath, making a sound similar to that of a sun bellows box.

The human head roared with unknown meaning as if it had seen something. Yang Xiao quickly found two eyeballs embedded in rotten flesh on the car door and on the ground.

His eyes are still rolling, and he should still be able to use them. He looks at his body from two different directions, and his body is still spread out. I'm afraid not many people in this world have the opportunity to experience it.

Yang Xiao raised his foot and stepped on an unknown piece of flesh and blood, causing the man's entire flesh and blood organs to tremble.

Very good, I can feel the pain, Yang Xiao said directly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, just tell me where Huang Sanbing will appear tonight, and I will help you end the pain, otherwise, you can stay here to fend for yourself. ”

In order to let the other party understand the current situation more clearly, Yang Xiao uncovered the piece of flesh and blood with the eyeball stuck on it.

He picked it up and turned it around so that the man could see the full picture of his body.

The man is much better than the thin man who was scared to death. Although his vocal cords were damaged and his speech was unclear, Yang Xiao guessed while listening and got a rough idea. At 10 o'clock tonight, Huang Sanbing will go to a KTV that he has newly invested in. , the name is Big World, it has not officially opened yet, it is considered a trial opening tonight, and the entire Xia Shi Town's color trading is almost monopolized by the Hunting Tiger Gang.

"How many people will he have with him?" Yang Xiao asked, "Besides Huang Sanbing himself, are there any masters hiding inside?"

After all, he had been attacked before, Yang Xiao thought that Huang Sanbing must have heightened his vigilance, and maybe he had some experts around him to protect him.

But the man shook his head desperately and repeated inarticulately that Huang Sanbing was very confident in his own strength and was very stingy. Except for a few free men in the gang, he never hired anyone.

Although he didn't hold out much hope, Yang Xiao still asked about the weapon without sticks. As expected,

The man has no idea.

After confirming that he had asked all the questions, Yang Xiao found the machete from the flesh and blood, pointed it at the broken half head, "Forget it in this life, remember to be a good person in the next life."

After dealing with the two of them, Yang Xiao returned from the Mirror World and saw that the black SUV was clean and the door and trunk were open. Even he couldn't help but feel a little dazed for a moment. In the Mirror World, this car was full of cloth. It was full of twisted flesh and blue blood vessels, like an ugly monster made of machinery and flesh.

"Sure enough, the evil cultivators can't be suppressed. This magical weapon is too scary." Yang Xiao sighed in his heart, put away the fly whisk and the soul-collecting mirror, looked around to confirm that no traces were left, lowered the brim of his hat with his hand, and left quickly.

I arrived early and squatted near the Big World KTV. The night breeze was a bit cool. Yang Xiao was eating mutton skewers in a corner sheltered from the wind. Several tough black off-road vehicles drove from the intersection. There were three vehicles in front and behind them, parked at the KTV. main entrance.

Soon, someone got out of the car, led by a bald man wearing a fur coat, KTV

The stained glass door was pushed open, and several women wearing low-cut clothes, black stockings, and heavy makeup rushed out to greet them.

A group of people walked into the door surrounded by the bald man.

This bald man was Huang Sanbing, but Yang Xiao had no intention of taking action in the KTV. There were many people there, so he focused on the three off-road vehicles that were driven away.

After parking the car in the underground garage, only the yellow-haired boy was left to look after the car. The other two people ran towards the garage elevator without choosing, presumably to make an appointment with the girl.

The garage is very new. It has obviously been recently renovated. Some remaining building materials are still piled in the corner of the garage.

It is covered with a waterproof plastic film.

After confirming that no surveillance equipment had been installed in the garage, Yang Xiao found a remote corner to hide and rest.

While waiting for Huang Sanbing to have enough fun, he got down and took the bus home.

This wait lasted until late at night. It was around 2 o'clock in the morning, and Yang Xiao was already a little sleepy. Then laughter and uncoordinated footsteps came from the direction of the elevator. It was obvious that someone was drunk.

The place where Yang Xiao was hiding was about 20 meters away from the parking lot, but he hadn't installed any lights yet. It was in absolute darkness, and there were piles of building materials as a cover. If he didn't come over, he wouldn't even notice it from the outside. With a person.

Huang Sanbing was drunk, and a woman with wavy hair and a hot figure was supporting him. Huang Sanbing's right hand was dishonestly touching the woman's body, and the boy behind him burst into laughter from time to time.

Huang Sanbing leaned next to the most luxurious off-road vehicle, pulled the beautiful woman into his arms, and waved impatiently with his left hand to the younger brother who was following him. At the same time, a lewd smile appeared on his face covered with flesh. The younger brothers understood the situation and quickly got into their cars and drove away in the other two cars.

Yang Xiao, who was hiding in the dark and watching all this, had his heart pounding wildly. He thought to himself that the gods had blessed him, and this opportunity was absolutely perfect. Not only was Huang Sanbing single, but he could also enjoy a live erotica for free.

Of course, a gentleman like Yang Xiao is not interested in this kind of thing, but he wants to consume Huang Sanbing's physical and mental strength as much as possible, so he can wait.

When Huang Sanbing reaches the most intense moment, he suddenly breaks out, hey, hey, give him a surprise. Things are developing in the most beneficial direction for Yang Xiao. The drunk Huang Sanbing presses the woman against the car door with his backhand, but next Within a second, he raised his hand and slashed the woman's neck with a knife. The woman's body softened and she fainted. Huang Sanbing opened the car door and threw the woman in.

Then he turned around, the drunken lunatic look on his face disappeared, a pair of tiger-like eyes stared straight at the hiding place of Yang Xiao, and sneered: "Which brother on the road is he squatting on me for so long, come out?" Let’s meet!”

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