Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 294 Tong Han

Flipping through the album, Yang Xiao made a new discovery. There was another photo, and it was still of himself. At this moment, he was facing away from the bed, and his face could not be seen clearly. He stood in front of the closet and reached out to open a silver suitcase inside.

The silver suitcase and valuables such as gold and cash were hidden in the bedroom of the mirror world by Yang Xiao. The texture of this photo was obviously different from the previous one, as if it was covered with a gray filter. Obviously, this was the mirror world.

Yang Xiao broke out in a cold sweat in an instant. This soul-catching mirror belonging to the Yuyuan Sect was indeed not simple. There was a ghost hidden in it. This ghost could actually occupy his body while he was sleeping, and almost stole the human bone stick hidden in the mirror world.

If it weren't for the costume, this ghost of unknown origin would have succeeded. Yang Xiao didn't know what would happen next, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Now Yang Xiao has roughly figured it out. The human bone stick is made of the spine and the whole skin of the back of the little girl in red. The skin was peeled off and the bones were extracted. The method is not cruel. As for the little girl's words that he stole her bones and flesh, Yang Xiao guessed that she was referring to the guy who occupied his body, and the robe was used to send the little girl into a dream to warn him.

From the order of the two photos, the first one is the ghost who occupied his body to steal the human bone stick, but failed and was intercepted by the original owner of the robe. The latter one is the ghost returning from the mirror world, sitting by the bed and wondering what he was thinking.

Compared with the danger of the robe, the ghost lurking in the mirror in the dark is more frightening to Yang Xiao. He suspects that this ghost wants to completely replace him.

Yang Xiao grabbed the robe and lowered his voice, "Sister, do me a favor and help me kill it."

The robe did not respond, but Yang Xiao knew she was listening.

His eyes gradually became fierce, Yang Xiao gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, "If you help me kill it, I will do you another thing, even killing someone."

The robe also did not react. Yang Xiao was not sure whether she could not do it or had other plans in mind, such as using the ghost in the mirror as a means to hold him hostage.

Since the robe could not be relied on, Yang Xiao had to do it himself. He quickly put on the robe, and as his mind moved, a ghost lantern appeared in his left hand, and the soul-catching mirror in his right hand. He took a deep breath, walked into the bathroom, and entered the mirror world through the large mirror on the wall of the bathroom.

After entering, he immediately put the soul-catching mirror into his pocket, grabbed the empty space on the robe with his right hand, and directly took out the whisk.

Ghost lantern in the left hand, whisk in the right hand, before he was fully familiar with the human bone stick, this was Yang Xiao's strongest lineup.

He would not be able to sleep well in the future if the ghost in the mirror was not eliminated.

He raised the ghost lantern to clear the way and walked out of the bathroom slowly. The cold green light enveloped a large area around Yang Xiao. The bedroom in the mirror world was silent, but the originally closed wardrobe door had been opened, revealing the silver box inside.

Without approaching the wardrobe rashly, Yang Xiao checked the door first. After confirming that it was closed, he approached the wardrobe little by little. The veins on the back of his right hand, which was tightly holding the whisk, bulged. No matter what ghost thing jumped out in a while, Yang Xiao would slap it in the face with a whisk.

There was no one hiding near the sofa, behind the curtains, or on the side of the bed. Yang Xiao checked all the places in the room where people could hide, but the ghost was not here.

Only the silver box that stored the human bone stick in the wardrobe was opened, and the rest of the things were not moved, let alone lost.

It seems that the purpose of the ghost in the mirror is very clear, that is, it is coming for this human bone stick, but now it is good, the human bone stick was swallowed by the costume, and this guy must have given up.

Yang Xiao did not find any signs of fighting in the room, but from the final result, it was obvious that the original owner of the robe was better. Not only did he secretly take photos, but he also snatched the human bone stick, which made the ghost in the mirror sit alone by the bed and sulk.

The reason is very simple when you think about it. After all, even the soul-catching mirror that the ghost in the mirror parasitized was swallowed by the robe.

From Yang Xiao's current understanding, all the treasures on him, including the dust that Fu Qingzhu highly praised, are not as useful as this robe. The main feature of the robe is practicality. Not to mention the seal of the underworld clothes, the most important thing is that it can greatly increase the upper limit of the number of resentful eyes that one controls.

After checking the bedroom, Yang Xiao walked to the door and opened it. The corridor outside was also quiet,

without a single figure.

With the improvement of his spiritual power, he is now more and more adept at using the soul-catching mirror. In the battle at the Qingfeng Patrol Station, the mirror world he could open was only an area with a radius of about 30 meters centered on him. Now, this range has expanded to more than 50 meters, otherwise he would not be able to escape so easily when fighting Huang Sanbing.

Not finding any traces left by the ghost in the mirror, Yang Xiao had to return to the real world. Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, looking at the tired and nervous self in the mirror, Yang Xiao couldn't help but sigh. Once upon a time, he was still a scriptwriter struggling for life, but now everything seems like a dream.

Patting his face, he tried to relax himself and turned to leave the bathroom, but Yang Xiao didn't, and wouldn't notice that when he turned around, the self in the mirror didn't move, but just stood there motionless, watching him leave until the bathroom door was closed and fell into darkness again.

Early the next morning, Zhuge Zhijie sent a message saying that the people Yang Xiao wanted to investigate had clues and hurried to the patrol office. Zhuge Zhijie was the only one left in the office. According to him, Beibei took Da Xiong with him. Ximenxiu and the others went to conduct joint training with several other public offices. It was Director Nalan's order.

Zhuge Zhijie handed Yang Xiao a printed document, "Captain, the people you want are all in it. You guessed it right before. The evil cultivator of the Yuyuan Sect is that Tong Han."

Inside the file was a list of people who might have survived the last mission, including Cheng Ya, Mo Dada, Li Qingxuan, Tong Han, and Fu Changxue, a total of five people.

The first one is Cheng Ya’s investigation report. The introduction of this person in the mission is all true. She has no job, is a housewife, her husband is a grassroots public official, and she has a 3-year-old child. But in reality, she Missing in

I think he died in the mission.

Yang Xiao picked up the second copy. This one was from Fu Changxue. He was from the Apostles Federation and belonged to a small gang. He was still a small leader in the gang. Like Cheng Ya, he also died in the mission. Reality manifests as disappearance.

The third person is Tong Han. She is from the Yuyuan Sect and is at the captain level. She is similar to Qi Long who led the team to kill him last time.

What really surprised Yang Xiao was the latter part. According to the investigation, Tong Han had been executed because of the failure of the mission, which aroused the anger of the senior officials of the Development Resentment Sect.

"Dead?" Yang Xiao didn't expect that these madmen were not only cruel to outsiders, but also cruel to their own people. Tong Han was definitely a talent, so he was killed like this.


Yang Xiao shook his head, and even from the perspective of his opponent, he couldn't help but sigh, "What a pity."

There is also an organizational chart of the Yuyuan Sect below. The lowest level is called believers. To put it bluntly, they are mainly ordinary people who pay money and pay tribute. Next are the believers. Yang Xiao thought for a while, and they were probably the killers led by Qi Long.

Next up are captains like Tong Han Qilong. From this level onwards, they are all apostles who can use the power of the Resentful Eye.

Then there are venerables like Grandma Hong. These venerables have a certain say in the Yuyuan Sect.

There are nine great sages above the venerables. These talents can be regarded as the top combat power of the Yuyuan Sect. The current information given to Yang Xiao does not mention the specific information of these people. It is not clear whether it is not found or whether it is Yang Xiao's level. Not enough to check.

There should be existences such as sect masters and deputy sect masters above the nine great sages, but they were not mentioned in the report, not even their names or nicknames.

After checking it, Yang Xiao picked up the next one. This one belonged to Mo Dudai, and the information about him was only a short line: the specific information was unknown, and he was suspected to be a high-level official of the Chamber of Commerce.

"No more?" Yang Xiao took the almost blank piece of paper and looked at Zhuge Zhijie.

"No more." Zhuge Zhijie gave an affirmative reply.

Even the Yuyuan Sect could find out, but Mo Dadai couldn't figure it out. Yang Xiao became even more curious about the person who left a deep impression on him in this mission.

"I'm a businessman." Yang Xiao frowned slightly. To this day, he still remembers the expression on Mo Daidai's face when he said this to him.

The last one was Li Qingxuan, and Yang Xiao discovered that he actually had a sect, and he belonged to a sect called Hehuan Sect.

"Fuck!" Yang Xiao was shocked, "Evil cultivator?!"

"No, no, no, I misunderstood." Zhuge Zhijie hurriedly explained, "I need to tell you specifically about this Hehuan Sect. It is quite special. It is not an evil cult. In fact, it is not even a sect. It was just created by a group of people. Small groups.”

Zhuge Zhijie asked Yang Xiao to come over and take a look. He pulled out some photos from the computer and said, "Captain, look, these are the activities that their Hehuan Sect usually organizes. This is the calligraphy and painting competition they hold. This one is the chess competition. This one... .

This is a dumpling-making competition, a Yangko dancing competition, and this is a sea fishing competition. They chartered a boat to go fishing. The Li Qingxuan you mentioned is a sea fishing expert. This is a photo of him receiving the award. "

Looking at Li Qingxuan standing on the boat holding a big fish in his hand and a certificate of award in the other hand, with the endless sea in the background behind him, he grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled like that, The certificate clearly stated that he won first place in the 42nd Member Sea Fishing Competition of the Hehuan Sect.

"What the hell is this?" Yang Xiao was confused, "Don't they do anything else every day?"

Zhuge Zhijie smiled, "These people have finally understood that sooner or later they will be involved in the nightmare world, so they just lie down and don't work hard anymore. They just feel happy when they get together every day. That's what the Hehuan Sect means." Come and have fun together with like-minded people.”

Yang Xiao took a deep breath, "The guy who named him should be dragged out and shot." He had already thought of the Haitian Feast and other messy yellow waste.

"Yes, these people are unique, so they are one of the very few gangs that are composed of apostles but are not officially affiliated with the Apostolic Federation."

"They are very harmonious and have almost no social harm, so there is no need to restrict them. Of course, I heard that there is another reason. These people are called the disgrace of the apostles. Our Apostolic Federation in Rongcheng does not want them because they are too dissatisfied. It’s embarrassing to say it.”

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