Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 312 Cursed Village

He doesn't want to be a chess piece at the mercy of others, he also wants to be a chess player, sitting there, staring at each other with Nalan Shuomo,


This takes time, Yang Xiao can wait. As a new apostle, he has just stepped into this new world. His top priority is to find out the identity of the original owner of the opera robe, get rid of the ghost in the mirror, and improve his mental power as soon as possible.

He has become proficient in using the Ghost Lantern Soul Mirror, but these two things cannot directly kill people. They are more of auxiliary. The two real killer weapons in his hands are the human bone stick and the whisk. With his current mental power, he can only use the human bone stick to kill people. He can barely use it, but he will be exhausted after 5 or 6 times at most. As for the whisk, he is even more powerless. If he uses it with all his strength, he can drain his mental power with one blow.

By then, unless the original owner of the opera robe comes to help, just like when he faced Grandma Hong, Yang Xiao, who is mentally exhausted, will be a lamb to be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao couldn't help but reach out and scratch his back. The last time he wore the opera robe for a long time, it actually stuck to his body.

When taking it off, a layer of skin was torn off, and the injury on the back was the most serious. Yang Xiao guessed that it was almost knotted now.

Because my back keeps itching.

Returning to the office, he went directly to Nalan Shuo's office. After closing the door, Nalan Shuo congratulated Yang Xiao on his actions. At the same time, he told him that news had also come from the provincial office. Yang Xiao's position had been regularized and he was no longer an agent. Captain, but the official investigation captain of the Lin'an Security Bureau.

In a large office like Lin'an Office, Yang Xiao, the investigation captain, is naturally more valuable than a captain in a deputy director-level office like Wu Zhe and Wu Zhengwu. Now Yang Xiao is the well-deserved No. 1 among the 14 captains and deputy captains in all 7 offices in Rongcheng. Two people.

"Thank you, Director, for your cultivation!"

Nalan Shuo waved his hand and said with a smile: "My help is secondary. Your efforts are worthy of your achievements today. Yang Xiao, I have always been very optimistic about you."

As if thinking of something, Nalan Shuo returned to his desk, took out the key, opened the door of the green iron cabinet beside him, and took out a suitcase. The black suitcase looked inconspicuous and placed it on the desk. After opening it on the table, there was a stack of neatly coded money inside. "Yang Xiao, this is the Provincial Office's reward for the grudge you handed in before."

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that Nalan Shuo was talking about the shadow carving stone, which he seized from Qi Long, the captain of the Yuyuan Sect during the battle at Qingfeng Office.

"I have already handed over the engraved stone to the Provincial Office, but after all, this matter involves the evil cultivator of the Yuyuan Sect, and you are carrying their treasure, so the office will not hold public awards. This is also the case for the Provincial Office. What does the office mean?" Nalan Shuo looked at Yang Xiao, "What's your opinion?"

"I completely obey the organization's arrangements." Yang Xiao stood up straight with a very correct attitude.

After a moment, Yang Xiao lowered his voice and asked tentatively: "Director, is the Provincial Office satisfied with our operation?"

Nalan Shuo smiled slightly, "Of course I am satisfied. Although the two real perpetrators were not caught, the mastermind was found after all. Not only a large amount of cash, gold bars and other stolen goods were seized, but also two pieces of resentment. People from the technical department It has just been confirmed that one of the two pieces of resentment is the Yuyuan Sect Venerable Level Evil Cultivation Staff used to protect the elderly. In addition, we also seized a batch of imported firearms at the scene, including the murderer. The evidence is very strong for the same type of mini-submachine gun used at the crime scene.”

Nalan Shuo kept talking about the perpetrator, the mastermind, and the murderer, making it seem as if this matter had nothing to do with Yang Xiao.

"Yang Xiao, you must be careful about Mo Dadai. Last time, besides you and Tong Han, he also sent other people. It was these people who completely wiped out Yan Hetian's family and the evil cultivators on those two cars." Nalan Shuo's expression became serious, "I have seen photos of the scene. Those who died didn't even have time to resist. The methods of this second group are much better than yours."

"I understand. If Tong Han and I have different intentions, I'm afraid this second group of people will kill us and Yan Hetian." Yang Xiao knew that Mo Dudai was completely capable of such a thing. He claimed to be a businessman Honesty is the most important thing for people. Sure enough, if someone kills someone, even a dog in the whole family will not be spared.

"As long as you know what's going on, people like this are just external forces after all, not one of our own." Nalan Shuo sighed.

How could Yang Xiao not hear what Nalan Shuo was saying, and immediately expressed his support: "It was you, the director, who brought me to the patrol station. If it weren't for your support, I would still be squatting in a rental house writing scripts. You are the one who brought me to the patrol station." The noble man!”

Nalan Shuo laughed and waved his hand, "It doesn't matter whether you are noble or not. As long as you enter the door of my patrol department, everyone will appear to be superiors and subordinates, but in fact they are all brothers."

After some pleasantries, Nalan Shuo let Yang Xiao go. Before leaving, he reminded him that training was arranged for him tomorrow, and it was not the case that the investigation team leader would not show up at the office all day long.

It was late at night. Yang Xiao had a quick meal outside and then returned to the apartment with the cash box. The first thing he did after entering the room was to take off his clothes and take a shower.

The wound on his back itched terribly, but when he took off his shirt and stood in the bathroom with his back to the mirror, Yang Xiao was stunned when he saw the wound on his back in the mirror. After a moment, he felt a chill. There were no knots in the wounds that swept across the body, but fresh flesh and blood grew out. But strangely, the texture and color of this flesh and blood were exactly the same as the opera robe!

No, this is the opera robe! Yang Xiao turned his arm and caught the triangular piece of irregular flesh and blood. The texture...

The texture to the touch is exactly the same!

This is not new flesh and blood, this is simply a fragment of the opera robe that came out of the flesh and blood! He...: He can even feel the fragments moving!

Rushing out of the bathroom, he opened his backpack like crazy and dug out the opera robe. What made him even more desperate happened was that a piece of the back of the opera robe was missing, and this piece was now filled with a piece of human skin. , a piece of bloody human skin.

This piece of human skin shaped like a triangle is naturally Yang Xiao's skin. His skin was taken away by the opera robe, and the opera robe replaced his skin with part of it.

This sudden blow was more uncomfortable than killing him directly. Yang Xiao couldn't bear it. In desperation, he directly pulled out the dagger, walked back to the bathroom, turned his back to the mirror, gritted his teeth, and used the tip of the knife to cut through the flesh and blood bit by bit, removing the piece of drama. The fragments of the robe were dug out.

In an instant, blood flowed from his back, but Yang Xiao was ruthless. Even if he took out a piece of flesh, he still had to dig out the pieces of the opera robe.

Fortunately, it went smoothly. After a while, Yang Xiao fell to his knees on the ground, with blood dripping from his feet. However, he stared at the fragments of the opera robe with flesh and blood on the tip of the knife, with a smile on his face.

Fortunately...Fortunately, I didn't find it too late, otherwise I wouldn't have known what big trouble it would cause. As expected, the owner of the opera robe didn't have good intentions, just like the ghost in the mirror.

But at least he knew that the purpose of the ghost in the mirror was to replace himself. What about the original owner of the opera robe? What did she want to do?

Yang Xiao forced himself to calm down. He disinfected the wound first, and then simply bandaged it. Yang Xiao, who could only half-sit on the edge of the bed, gasped for air. He suspected that if he wore the opera robe for a long time without taking it off, the last opera robe would be damaged. It will be exchanged with his own skin, which means that the opera robe will become his new skin, and he will get a complete human skin that once belonged to him.

Thinking of that scene, holding his own skin in his hand, Yang Xiao's head felt chilly. He had never seen the terrifying scene when the little girl with the human bone stick lifted her clothes to reveal her back.

Suddenly, Yang Xiao was startled. He felt something squirming in the wound on his back. He rushed into the bathroom, tore open the bandaged wound, and turned his back to the mirror. The scene that followed completely challenged his physical limits. He only saw a scene. The fragments of the robe were emerging from the depths of his bloody wound, and then they were spread over the wound bit by bit, and they actually fit perfectly.

Yang Xiao collapsed. He clearly remembered that he had just reattached the pieces of the opera robe to the opera robe, and threw the human skin on the opera robe into the toilet and flushed it away. But in the blink of an eye, the pieces of the opera robe appeared again. Has it come back, or has it emerged from the depths of its own flesh and blood?

He rushed out of the bathroom, reopened his backpack and pulled out the opera robe. He saw that the opera robe was restored to the original state, with a piece missing, and that piece was being filled by Yang Xiao's skin. It was also a perfect fit, just like his own skin and the original opera robe. It's oneness.

He fell slumped to the ground. After half an hour, Yang Xiao seemed to have found some strength. He pulled on his opera robe, his eyes filled with despair and his voice weak, "Just tell me what you need me to do. I will do it if I can." I’ll do it for you, there’s no need for this.”

After waiting for a long time, Xipao didn't respond at all. He didn't know whether he didn't hear him or whether he heard him but didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

Yang Xiao did not do stupid things again, such as digging out the opera robe again. That was stupid and unnecessary. This was reality and he had to accept it.

There is Yu Yuan Sect chasing him outside, and the original owner of the opera robe and the ghost in the mirror are all plotting against him. Yang Xiao doesn't dare to write such a script for fear of being scolded, but now all this is really happening in the world. on him.

Yang Xiao didn't know how he fell asleep that night. He only knew that he slept well that night, without any dreams, let alone any messy things.

Looking in the mirror, the fragments of the opera robe behind him were still there, and the wounds had mostly healed. Yang Xiao sighed,

I know this opera robe will probably stay with him for a while.

Life has to go on, and he can't live without this opera robe now, otherwise he will die if he meets the Yuyuan Sect's enemies again.

When he came to the office, he had some simple food. He didn't have much appetite, but he would have to train soon, which was arranged by Director Nalan.

In a bad mood, he didn't go to his office at all, fearing that teammates like Beibei would see his flaws.

The training was as boring as ever. The first was Zhu Yina's fighting training class. Yang Xiao, who had experienced actual combat, was no longer the same as before. It was not easy for Zhu Yina to parry. After the training, the original training content was changed for Yang Xiao, focusing on strengthening skill training. , Yang Xiao's current physical strength is more than one level stronger than when the two first met.

"Have you recently taken some brain development courses or concentration training?" Zhu Yina asked curiously while helping Yang Xiao relax his leg muscles.

Yang Xiao was a little surprised, "Why do you ask that?"

"Your reaction speed has improved a lot, and you have also mastered the timing of catching flaws very well. Your improvement is very comprehensive." Zhu Yina pointed to her head and said seriously: "This is what I'm talking about."

Yang Xiao was slightly surprised, but he quickly realized that what she said should have the most to do with the improvement of his mental power. In fact, Yang Xiao himself could feel it. He had been seriously deprived of sleep in the recent period and had not had much rest, but he was worse than I used to have more energy.

Next came the shooting training. Yang Xiao showed his bravery as always. The bald coach couldn't help but applaud Yang Xiao and praised him for his great shooting talent and being a cold-blooded and accurate hunter.

"Coach, there are no hostage targets today." Yang Xiao looked at the bald coach curiously.

"No, there won't be anymore. That thing is of no use to you." The bald coach put away the gun and explained seriously.

In the afternoon, Yang Xiao finished the day's training. He originally thought that Nalan Shuo would arrange Lu Youdao's lessons, but no, the big iron door of the equipment room was always closed today. Just when Yang Xiao was about to leave, he received a call. A phone call came from Brother Zhao.

Brother Zhao was in a very good mood on the phone. He started by saying thank you. After listening for a while, Yang Xiao finally understood that it was Brother Zhao who had settled the matter with the script club. Not only did the other party promise not to harass him again, but he also wanted to visit him. However, Brother Zhao is also a sensible person. He knows how to accept things when things are good. He declined the other party's request for compensation. He keeps a line in his behavior so that we can meet each other easily in the future.

Brother Zhao originally planned to have dinner with Yang Xiao's boss. He wanted to thank him and specially prepared 300,000 in cash. Yang Xiao had to excuse himself and said that the boss was very busy and had to socialize in the evening. Brother Zhao had to settle for the next best thing and have dinner with Yang Xiao.

Now Yang Xiao was too embarrassed to push back, so he could only agree to attend the banquet. Brother Zhao chose a very high-end restaurant in the south of the city. While the two were drinking and changing glasses, Brother Zhao said many words of thanks, and also talked about the script that Yang Xiao sent him. After reading it myself, the content is still a bit scary and not suitable for today's market. However, as long as you are willing to pay, these problems are not big.

He could find a friend to settle the matter, and after producing the finished product, he would try to sell it in his own store. In the store where he had the best location, he was already preparing to decorate the room, following the style in the dungeon story.

During the dinner, the screen of Yang Xiao's mobile phone on the table suddenly flashed. It was a text message from an unknown number.

Yang Xiao immediately sobered up after just one glance. There was only a short sentence on it: The ghost is gone. Come back soon if you see him.

Yang Xiao stood up immediately, pretending that his boss was in an emergency and looking for him. He picked up his phone and walked to the nearest restroom. After confirming that no one was inside, Yang Xiao locked the restroom door and immediately dialed the previous number. But the next second, the phone rang. There was a noise in the bathroom.

Yang Xiao turned around in an instant, his face turned pale. The ringtone of the phone was an old brass ring, located in the innermost cubicle of the bathroom.

But how could it be possible? After Yang Xiao came in, he immediately checked all the compartments to make sure that no one locked the door.

He immediately took out the whisk, slowly approached the last cubicle, and then opened the door of the cubicle with one foot. There was no one inside, it was clean, except for a box placed on the closed toilet lid.

The box was boxy and had a strange and dark tone as a whole. What attracted Yang Xiao the most were the three words written in bright red on the right side of the box: Cursed Village.

In an instant, Yang Xiao clenched his fists. The script box arrived. It seemed that the cursed village was the mission location.

In a daze, the hair on Yang Xiao's back stood up. He stared at the wall inside the compartment, and saw a dark shadow slowly standing up, covering his original shadow on the wall.

Behind him:::There is something behind him.

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