Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 318 Lifting the Yin Coffin

"What?" Lu Youcheng was visibly panicked.

"Don't be confused, it's still far away." Cheng Cha reassured everyone, and then the group walked out, intending to change to a better place to observe.

"He... what should I do with Quan Doufeng?" Hu Yanming was at the back and turned to look at Quan Doufeng, who was tightly tied up.

But no one paid attention to him, and Hu Yanming didn't dare to make any decisions. He had no choice but to follow him and walk out of the forest. The view was much better now. The group squatted down and stared at the fire in the village at the foot of the mountain.

Slowly, everyone could see more clearly. What was emitting fire were white lanterns. They were a group of people holding lanterns.

As the group walked out of the village and got closer to Yang Xiao and the others, everyone could see more clearly. Liu Haiping couldn't help but take a breath and her face became paler, "What is that? They... they Why are you carrying a coffin?”

There were more than 20 people in this team, and they were even more weirdly dressed. They wore black clothes and black shoes, a red horned hat, and a red belt around their waists. A few people were holding lanterns to clear the way in front, and four people in the middle were Men were carrying a coffin.

"Is it a funeral?" Sui Chengguo frowned, "But why is there no movement at all during the funeral?"

There was no suona or crying. This weird team was moving very fast in the night. It stands to reason that a large coffin plus the body inside must weigh a lot. Four people carrying the coffin can move smoothly for a long time. Even if it was good, the four people carrying the coffin were walking like flying.

Also, the most important thing when carrying a coffin is to be stable. Do not replace someone when you are exhausted, otherwise you will offend the spirit of the undead in the coffin.

And with such a fast pace, aren't you afraid that something will go wrong along the way and the coffin will fall to the ground?

In short, these people gave Yang Xiao the feeling that they were not as safe as coffin bearers, but like they were throwing something difficult out of the village as quickly as possible.

There was something wrong with the coffin, that much was obvious.

"It's to carry the Yin coffin." Tong Han narrowed his eyes, as if he had discovered something.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Haiping was frightened by these words. Her lips trembled. This team of coffin bearers gave her a very bad feeling.

Yang Xiao knew about the theory of carrying a coffin. Generally, people who died in disasters were so resentful that they could not close their eyes, or their mouths were wide open and could not be closed. This is what people often say when they die without eyes and mouths. The dead body cannot be buried hastily, otherwise it will cause harm to future generations at the least, and evil will occur in the worst case, causing a blood disaster in a short time.

Naturally, there are ways to solve the problem, but asking eminent monks to come to pray for salvation is expensive and the effect may not be good. Therefore, some Yin practitioners have figured out an evil way to transfer the grievances of the dead, which is to carry the Yin coffin. .

Although this method of carrying a coffin is dirty, it is really useful and simple. At midnight on the third day after the death of the deceased, find a few people with the same destiny to carry the coffin containing the deceased and wander around the street. No matter who you bump into, There is no taboo on men and women, as long as they are alive, they will get entangled.

There is no need to do anything special, just a few coffin bearers just chatting with the person, while trying to keep the head of the coffin pointed at the person.

The topic of conversation must be particular, and the conversation must be directed towards the cause of death of the deceased in the coffin. As long as the person being encountered participates in the topic and makes comments, no matter whether it is good or bad, it is called entanglement.

As long as the coffin bearer notices that the coffin suddenly becomes lighter, it means that the resentment of the deceased has been transferred to this person.

After the resentment is gone, the corpse can close its eyes, close its mouth, and be buried normally. However, the person who is entangled by the resentment will be in bad luck. It can range from losing money and getting seriously ill to suffering from a bloody disaster. Can you survive it? In the past, it all depended on luck.

"No, it's not the coffin-carrying." Cheng Cha lowered his voice, "Judging from the dress of this team, black clothes with red hats and red belts, they are indeed the attire of carrying the coffin, but there must be something inside the coffin carrying the coffin. For the corpse, their coffin is too light, it should be an empty coffin."

Hearing this, Yang Xiao couldn't help but glance at this young man. This man was not old, but he was very knowledgeable. The two of them had the same opinion. A corpse with unsatisfied grievances was much heavier than an ordinary corpse. There was absolutely no reason for it to be killed so easily. carried away.

But Tong Han was right, these people were indeed dressed like Yin Coffin Pickers, and Yang Xiao didn't know what this group of people were doing.

Soon, the team arrived at the river, Cheng Cha frowned suddenly, "They want to throw the coffin into the river?

Are you crazy? "

It is a taboo for coffins to come into contact with water. Throughout the ages, the first standard for burial coffins has always been to be moisture-proof and water-proof. Water mainly controls the shade. Although the coffin does not contain a corpse, it cannot avoid containing the deceased's clothes or favorite objects. Yang Xiao couldn't figure out what they were going to do.

But in the next second, a scene happened that made everyone present dumbfounded. Instead of slowing down, the team of coffin bearers went faster and faster, rushing straight into the river, and then... .Then he stepped on the water and ran unsteadily on the river, facing halfway up the mountain where they were.

"I'm twenty!" Yang Xiao was the first to jump up, "It's the fucking ghosts who are carrying the coffin and coming for us!"

Everyone present was stunned. No one expected that less than an hour after arriving in this world, they would encounter a ghost, and a group of ghosts came towards them carrying an empty coffin.

Liu Haiping's legs went weak for a moment. She squatted on the ground and couldn't stand up anymore. Her lips were trembling and she couldn't say a word.

"Run! Run to the mountains!" Cheng Cha also came to his senses and called to everyone, "Don't leave, don't leave, nothing will happen!"

Yang Xiao also understood what was going on. He had been frightened just now when he saw a ghost rushing towards him on the river. But now that he thought about it, there was only one coffin, so these ghosts could only kill one person at most. Encountering a midnight chase by more than 20 ghosts, killing several people in a row, is unrealistic. If it was really such a hellish difficulty, they would have just committed suicide.

As for the person who died, everyone knew very well that it was Quan Doufeng. There was movement in the village at the foot of the mountain before, but almost no one mentioned that Quan Doufeng was put down just to prevent such an extreme situation. Now it’s okay Well, even if those ghosts rush over, Quan Doufeng will die.

Just when everyone was getting ready to escape, suddenly, the ghost coffin-carrying team that had run from the river to the other side suddenly stopped. More than 20 ghost figures stood silently, led by a few guys carrying lanterns. I walked around according to certain rules, as if performing some kind of ritual.

After a while, these ghosts all knelt down and knelt down to where Yang Xiao and the others were hiding, and knelt down three times in a row.

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