Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 331: The Faceless Man

Tong Han was the first to walk over, pinched the corner of the red hijab with her fingers, and suddenly opened it. The next second, even though she was mentally prepared, she took a step back in shock.

The last bit of luck was shattered, it was was Liu Haiping's head.

Her head was placed upright in the middle of the dressing table, facing them. Liu Haiping's eyes were wide open, her face was distorted, and her mouth was slightly open, as if she had seen an extremely terrifying scene.

The blood on the countertop has not completely frozen, and the pear-shaped mirror in front of the dressing table is dripping with blood. This scene is much more tragic than the Buddhist hall where the patriarch's daughter was killed.

Judging from the traces left at the scene, it was obvious that Liu Haiping died in front of this dressing table. Yang Xiao stared at Liu Haiping's dead eyes. He always felt that there was not entirely fear in these eyes, but also a sense of disbelief. the taste.

Liu Haiping seemed to have no idea why she was the one who died until the second before she died.

"Give way." Sui Chengguo stepped forward and without any hesitation, he directly picked up Liu Haiping's head and looked at it from side to side.

Perhaps he saw something, Sui Chengguo frowned, pulled Liu Haiping's long hair with his right hand, lifted the head up, turned the head away from him, and looked carefully at the terrible wound on the neck.

Yang Xiao's eyes inadvertently collided with Tong Han's, and the next second they moved away from each other without any trace. Both of them noticed a hint of vigilance in each other's eyes. Sui Chengguo's movements were too skillful, and it didn't look like the first time he had done this kind of thing.

Cheng Cha seemed to have found nothing, and remained polite, "Brother Sui, did you find anything?"

Cheng Cha's words interrupted Sui Chengguo's thinking. He slowly put down the head and said thoughtfully: "She was killed while sitting here. This ghost was very strong and cut off Liu Haiping's neck with one knife." Two-thirds of it was cut off, including the spine."

"Because he was killed with one knife, there was no room for struggle. I think Liu Haiping didn't expect that she would die. She didn't move until she died."

"How do you know she hasn't moved and has been sitting here?" Lu Youcheng asked.

Sui Chengguo raised the head again and pointed it at Lu Youcheng and others. Lu Youcheng was so frightened that Quan Doufeng couldn't help but take two steps back. This scene was too scary, but Sui Chengguo didn't take it seriously. He pointed at the person who was chopped off with a serious face. Broken bones, "Look, the blade of the knife that cut off the spine was diagonally downward. This means that the murderer's arm was higher than Liu Haiping, and the knife was cut diagonally downward."

Sui Chengguo gestured to the head with his left hand in the air, simulating the scene at that time, "Left-handed knife, this ghost's dominant hand is his left hand, and the murder weapon is a big knife with a wide back, a long blade, and it is very heavy. It should be similar to cutting a mountain." Knife or hunting knife."

"And the blade of this knife will not be too sharp. After the ghost chopped Liu Haiping to death, there was still some skin and flesh connected to the head. In order to take away Liu Haiping's body, the ghost used the knife to cut off the connecting head and the remaining flesh of the body. ”

"Because the knife was blunt, I cut it several times." Sui Chengguo said, pointing to the rough knife edge on the head and neck.

Then Sui Chengguo restored the scene for everyone, including Liu Haiping's sitting position, the place where the blood spurted out, and the position of the body after it fell to the ground. They were all the same, orderly and orderly. If Sui Chengguo hadn't been with them last night, Yang Xiao would have even It is suspected that he killed the man.

Tong Han pretended to be surprised and admired, and couldn't help but praise: "Brother Sui, you are so awesome, how do you know so much?"

Sui Chengguo sighed and gave a wry smile, obviously having already thought of his words, "I used to work in the Criminal Division of the police station, and then I encountered some troubles. They are all in the past, so I won't mention them anymore."

Seeing Sui Chengguo carrying the human head like a vegetable basket with such skillful energy, Yang Xiao suddenly recalled a joke on the Internet at an inappropriate time: "All our brothers who often kill people know...::

This Sui Chengguo is obviously not an ordinary guy, but Yang Xiao doesn't care. It doesn't matter what kind of people his teammates are in reality. Good guys, bad guys, or even heinous sinners have nothing to do with him. Yang Xiao only hopes that he will be a useful person in the nightmare world. Value people.

And this Sui Chengguo is obviously qualified.

Unknowingly, everyone's name for Sui Chengguo also changed, becoming the kind and respected Brother Sui.

We have roughly figured out how people die, and then why Liu Haiping was killed by ghosts. Everyone immediately thought of the screen Tong Han mentioned.

Several people came up to take a look, and sure enough, the screen was full of peach blossoms, which was dazzling to see. "I specifically reminded Liu Haiping before leaving yesterday, telling her not to get close to here." Tong Han recalled.

After Tong Han's observation, there was no sign that the screen had been moved. Cheng Cha leaned into the gap between the screen and the wall and looked in. There was a large black wardrobe standing in the corner. The wardrobe was wide enough to fit three people in side by side. Go, and there is a big copper lock hanging on the closet door.

With just one glance, Cheng Cha confirmed that there was something wrong with the large wardrobe. He turned around, quickly walked back to the dressing table and rummaged through a pile of rouge jewelry boxes. It was not until he opened a hidden small drawer that he found what he wanted. Want something.

It is a rather exquisite little bronze mirror.

After getting the bronze mirror, Cheng Cha quickly walked back to the screen. He wanted to insert the bronze mirror along the gap between the screen and the wall. But as if something suddenly occurred to him, Cheng Cha stopped, turned around and spoke at the same time. Warning: "Don't stay too far away from me..."


Before the last word "far" came out of his mouth, Cheng Cha was stunned for a moment because Yang Xiao and others had already evacuated to a place 4 or 5 meters away from him and were observing from a distance.

He was obviously worried that he would cause some trouble and implicate them.

"You don't need to be so far away from me." Cheng Cha tried to comfort everyone. After all, he knew what he was doing.

"Don't be afraid." Yang Xiao comforted him, "We are all here."

Yang Xiao didn't say it was okay, but this statement made Cheng Cha feel more and more uncomfortable. He turned around and turned his back to everyone, wanting to continue his previous actions, but as soon as he turned around, he felt something furry on his back, as if something was being pressed against him. Something is staring at the same thing.

Putting down the bronze mirror, Cheng Cha turned around again and scanned Yang Xiao and the others one by one. Nothing unusual was found until his eyes inadvertently glanced at the dressing table.

Even if his psychological quality was as stable as Cheng Cha's, he shuddered violently. At some point, Liu Haiping's head on the dressing table was staring fixedly at this place.

"Which of you...did you touch that head?" Being stared at by the head, cold sweat dripped down Cheng Cha's cheeks instantly, as if it was a warning.

At this moment, Yang Xiao and others also noticed that Sui Chengguo took a few steps quickly and turned the head around so that his back was facing away.

But after this experience, Cheng Cha hesitated. Although Sui Chengguo and others confirmed that the head was facing this direction before, it was just a coincidence.

After a moment of confusion, Cheng Cha took a deep breath and asked Sui Chengguo to take out Liu Haiping's head and take it out of the room, and then called Tong Han to help him.

Sui Chengguo cooperated very well, and Cheng Cha continued his movements, pushing the bronze mirror a little through the gap, and then kept adjusting the angle. Finally, he could see the back of the screen clearly, which confirmed his guess.

After retracting the bronze mirror, Cheng Cha backed away little by little. Tong Han didn't know why, but he was infected by Cheng Cha's emotions and acted a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" Tong Han followed up and asked, "What did you see?"

"There is something in the cabinet. This is not a wardrobe, but a tomb." Cheng Cha whispered.



" can you be sure?" Hu Yanming was already highly stressed by a series of things, and he didn't want to scare himself.

After a moment of silence, Cheng Cha explained in a low voice: "I saw two paintings behind the screen. One was of two old people who should be an old couple, and the other was of a child. None of these people have faces."

"What does it mean to have no face?" Lu Youcheng asked without understanding.

"No face means no face. The face is empty and blank."

Hearing this, Yang Xiao seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked: "Is there a big tree above these people with many branches hanging down?"

Cheng Cha turned to look at Yang Xiao, with rare admiration in his eyes, "Yes, that's a big willow tree, and these are all faceless people in the painting."

Before anyone could ask further questions, Cheng Cha took the initiative to explain: "There should be two paintings behind the screen. One is a man and the other is a woman. These people also have no faces and are all faceless people."

"The so-called faceless people are painted by Yinxing painters specifically for the dead. This thing is very evil. The canvas and the paint used for the painting are very special. It is an undisclosed secret of the Yinxing. It is said that after each picture of a faceless man is painted, It will take a long time for the painter to live."

"Some people have very strong grievances after death that cannot be resolved. The resentful souls will go out to cause trouble every once in a while. At this time, a screen surrounded by faceless people is used to block them. When the resentful souls see the faceless people on the screen, they will By being attracted and bringing the enemy's face into it, the resentful spirit will remain stable for a while after thinking that it has "killed" the enemy."

"It is indeed a good treasure that can calm the soul!" Wu Ma Haoming, who had always been weak, suddenly became energetic for some reason.

But Cheng Cha glanced at him and shook his head, "But this thing treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The resentful soul will soon realize that it has been deceived, because it can sense that the enemy's aura is still there, so it will come out to seek revenge again, but if you encounter After arriving at the Wuxiang person, he will be deceived again, and the cycle will continue, and the resentment of the resentful soul will become more and more serious. "

" long can this thing trap the resentful soul?" Quan Doufeng asked in a low voice. This was the question that they should be most concerned about at the moment.

"I don't know, I only know a little bit about it." Cheng Cha looked up at Yang Xiao, "Brother Chu, what do you have in mind?"

Yang Xiao shook his head, "I can't talk about Gao Jian, but I think no matter what the things trapped in the closet are, they have nothing to do with Liu Haiping's death."

"What killed her came in from outside."

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