Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 337: Soul Calling

If Chief Du has been staying at the ancestral home, how can he explain the voices he heard before? Is it possible that there are two Chief Dus in this village?

The village is much larger than expected, and the terrain is special. It is not easy to travel between the ancestral hall and the ancestral home quickly, especially for an old man like Patriarch Du who is in his twilight years.

Du San had already left, and Sui Chengguo no longer had any scruples. He told everyone what he had encountered near the ancestral hall as quickly as possible. Several people frowned and said, "Ning'er, that's not the name of the patriarch's daughter." "?" Mi Shu reacted strongly.

"Brother Sui, are you sure you can hear me clearly across a wall?" Tong Han didn't distrust him, but he just felt that this was too much of a coincidence.

"I heard clearly the voice of Chief Du, but I didn't hear the Ning'er who was talking to him speak. I only heard laughter." After a pause, Sui Chengguo added with an ugly face: "It's very weird. laughter,

He looks like a madman. "

If it can be confirmed that the patriarch's daughter is not dead, then the problem will be serious. After all, they have seen the head of the patriarch's daughter placed on the Buddhist hall.

Can the dead be resurrected?

No, is it exactly her who came to life?

Yang Xiao vaguely realized that things here were more complicated than he imagined. The resurrection of the patriarch's daughter might be directly related to Liu Haiping's death.

Of course, there is no evidence now, it is just speculation. Suddenly, Hu Yanming, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, "Brother Sui, are you sure that the shack you saw is a shack for raising livestock?'s such a dirty thing as a livestock shack." How could it be built next to the ancestral hall?”

A word to wake up the dreamer. Previously, Yang Xiao and Sui Chengguo's attention was attracted by the ancestral hall and the weirdness of the shack itself, but ignored the connection between the two. Indeed, judging from the characteristics of the building itself, this The arrangement is very strange.

There was no time to think about this now. At Tong Han's urging, Yang Xiao and the three men immediately rushed towards the Buddhist hall.

As soon as I entered the gate of the courtyard where the Buddhist hall is located, I saw from a distance that the wooden door of the Buddhist hall was open and several chairs were placed inside. Patriarch Du, Cheng Cha, Lu Youcheng, Quan Doufeng, Wu Ma Haoming were all there. Everyone was sitting there. Enjoy tea together.

Seeing Yang Xiao and the others arriving, Chief Du stood up to greet him. After not seeing each other for just half a day, Yang Xiao suddenly realized that Chief Du was more than 5 years older. "Old Chief, you must take care of yourself!"

After thanking Yang Xiao for his kindness, the old patriarch invited them to the other three empty chairs. Obviously,

This is reserved for them.

There was a tall bamboo shelf beside the chair, with tea cups placed on it. After Yang Xiao picked up the tea cup out of habit, Cheng Cha across from him winked at him.

Yang Xiao made a move. At the same time, Lu Youcheng and others also looked at the tea cup in Yang Xiao's hand with obscure eyes, as if they had something to hide.

"Old patriarch, why did you call us here?" Yang Xiao used the excuse to naturally put down the tea cup and did not drink it.

The head of the Du family, who was obviously much older, sighed, "Everyone, to be honest, I have called you all here today.

I still have something to ask for. "

"Is it about Uncle Du Er?"

"Yes, he was also haunted by that monster, and his soul was stolen. You said, this man has no soul.

Are you still calling? "As if thinking of something sad, the head of the Du family shed two lines of tears from the corners of his eyes, looking very pitiful.

"What does the patriarch need from us?" Cheng Cha didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either. He continued to test Chief Du's tone.

"I hope you can go to the river outside the village entrance tonight to find Du Feng's lost soul. If you can succeed, I will be grateful."

Yang Xiao and the others are tired of hearing this. There are guys who say this in every mission, but in the end no one follows through.

It would be better if you don't kill them to silence them. "Clan leader, could you please explain in more detail." Yang Xiao also wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in the clan leader's gourd.

"Everyone, I need three of you to put on Du Feng's clothes, hold an incense stick, and take turns fishing in the river outside the village entrance. As long as a fish takes the bait, whoever among you brings the fish back will be considered successful. "After saying that, the patriarch put his hands into his sleeves. After groping for a while, he tremblingly took out three small gold bars, the kind that Tong Han brought back. "This is a little bit of kindness from our Dujia Village, for those who leave the village tonight. Warriors, must accept it!"

Yang Xiao noticed that there were raised circles on the gold bars, and there were also polished marks in the middle. They had seen such marks many times in Dujiacun.

After accepting the gold bars, Yang Xiao couldn't help but be curious: "Clan leader, I don't understand something. Didn't we agree to call the soul? Why do you want us to go fishing again?"

"Because Du Feng's soul was hidden in the river by the monster. As long as a fish bites the hook, you will bring the fish back, and the soul will be on that fish." Chief Du explained excitedly.

"As long as a fish takes the bait, will Brother Du's soul definitely be in that fish?" Lu Youcheng found it unbelievable, "There won't be any deviation?"

Hearing this, Chief Du slowly shook his head and said seriously: "Absolutely not, because that river is a dead river.

There was nothing alive inside. "

The old patriarch's eyes were gloomy, and he spoke the word "death" deeply. It seemed that the word "death" in his mouth had some unexplainable special meaning. This momentary change made Yang Xiao and others' hearts suddenly rise, and they even felt a little uncomfortable. I dare to ask further.

Next, the old patriarch told them the details that need to be paid attention to in tonight's mission. Everyone must go alone, with both hands in front, holding an incense stick. This incense stick can burn for about half an hour, regardless of whether the fish is caught or not. It is very important to return to the village before the incense burns out, otherwise you may get lost outside the village and never find your way back to the village.

"One more thing, you must remember, whether you are by the river or on the way, if you hear someone calling your name from behind, do not look back or respond." The old patriarch's expression was extremely serious, "Remember, remember ”

After the explanation, the old patriarch seemed to be very tired. He waved his hand and let them go back to rest. He also said that someone would bring incense to them in the evening and let them rest first.

When the group of people returned to their residence, everyone's expressions were not very good. Based on the description of the head of the Du family, the danger of tonight's mission can be imagined.

"You can't avoid the mission. If you don't have any objections, let's draw lots to decide the candidates." Cheng Cha opened his palms, which contained some dead branches he picked up on the way back.

Unexpectedly, Quan Dou Fengfeng reacted violently after seeing it.

, "I don't want you to come, let someone else do it, you kid cheated!"

"Then I'll come." Yang Xiao took the dead branch from Cheng Cha's hand.

"No, you are not serious!" Quan Doufeng also didn't trust Yang Xiao. Although he didn't understand why, he could feel that Yang Xiao was targeting him.

"I'll do it!" Sui Chengguo didn't bother to write any ink, so he took the dead branch and gave Quan Doufeng, the discordant factor, a hard look. With just this look, Quan Doufeng instantly lost his temper.

This time only men were selected, and Tong Han Mi Shu did not participate. There were only seven of them. In the end, Hu Yanming, Sui Chengguo, and Wuma Haoming were selected.

"This time we need to go in order, will anyone take the initiative to take the lead?" Sui Chengguo dropped the dead branch and looked at the other two people.

Wu Ma Haoming did not dare to look at Sui Chengguo and immediately lowered his head, while Hu Yanming was stunned for a moment and shook his head in fear.

This seemed to be what Sui Chengguo had expected. He nodded and sighed helplessly, "In this case, let me explore the way for the brothers."

"Thank you, Brother Sui." Hu Yanming is still very discerning and knows that Sui Chengguo is a big guy and has a good character.

On the other hand, Yang Xiaotong, Han Chengcha and the other three were dismissive. According to past experience, generally the person who takes the lead in such tasks that require multiple people to take turns often has a near miss in the end, and the most dangerous person is the person in the middle.

After the leader was determined, the order was quickly determined, with Wuma Haoming second and Hu Yanming last.

The sky became increasingly gloomy, and a light rain gradually began to fall. The raindrops were sparse, beating on the window frames and eaves. The sky was now as dark as the evening. Not long after, someone brought food, but it was still the sticky porridge of wild vegetables and whole grains. After smelling it, there was no appetite at all, but in order for the mission to proceed smoothly, everyone could only force themselves to eat.

About half an hour after the meal, Yang Xiao and others were still discussing tonight's mission. A man wearing a bamboo hat hurried over in the rain. When he took off the bamboo hat, he realized it was a familiar face. Du San took off the cloth bag on his back. , opened it, and took out three sticks of dark red thick incense.

"Dear benefactors, this is the soul-inducing incense you are going to use tonight. With this incense, you can successfully bring back the soul of Uncle Du Er." Du San emphasized, "But you must pay attention, this incense must not If you fall into the water, once the incense goes out, something may happen.”

Then Du San took out a piece of blue cloth from the package. The cloth was dirty and had a faint stench, like the smell of rotting meat.

After shaking off the cloth, everyone was surprised to find that there were three holes cut into the cloth. The overall shape was somewhat similar to the hoods used by modern people, but the workmanship was very rough, and it was large and loose. When it was put on the head, it had two sides. It should be enough to cover your shoulders.

In addition, there was a wrinkled and dirty sarong in the package, which also had an indescribable stench.

The cloth is so large and long that it is wrapped around the waist and the corners of the skirt are dragging on the ground. Even for someone with a figure like Sui Chengguo, it is enough to completely cover the lower body, and even the shoes are not exposed.

"The first one of you to go tonight should change into this outfit. The upper body should be worn by Uncle Du's clothes. When you return, don't go directly in. You should stop at the gate of the ancestral house. There is a lamp hanging on the right side of the door eaves. Brass bell, remember to ring the bell.”

"When the bell rings, the next person will hold incense and go out. Come to the gate and exchange clothes with the person who comes back. Don't delay after changing, and set off immediately. Remember not to talk during this period, don't make unnecessary movements, and don't look at each other. face, remember?"

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