Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 346: The Evil Spirit

"We, the people of Dujia Village, have believed in Buddhism for generations. Although we have had festivals with Bujia Village before, now their whole village is in a disaster and everyone is dead. What can we not let go of?"

Chief Du sighed and looked sad, "After confirming that the beast soldiers would not come back, we dared to open the city gate and mobilized the whole village to come out to collect the corpses of the Bujia villagers who died. The corpses were stacked on top of each other, and there were several Hundreds of people, the scene was full of blood, and the blood mixed with the soil, soaking their shoes. "

"We did not dare to make a big fuss outside the village and erect a monument for the deceased Bujia villagers, so we had to carry the body into the village and bury it together with the monk near the ancestral hall."

Hearing this, the hair on Quan Doufeng's back stood up. He stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed at the ancestral hall outside the door, "Just... just bury it here?"

"Yes." Patriarch Du nodded, "We also hope to use the incense of the ancestral hall to appease the souls of these unjust dead people, and... and the walking monk."

Yang Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath. He remembered what he saw in his sleep last night, the ghost monk rushing behind him on his toes, and the hundreds of headless corpses that appeared so quietly behind him. The scene was chilling. .

"It seems that Patriarch Du's kind deeds have not comforted the heart of this traveling monk." Tong Han said with something in his words as he looked at the "cows" and "chickens" in the smelly shack.

The head of the Du family seemed to have heard nothing. He still had the sad look on his face, with tears constantly dripping from his cloudy eyes, "My Du family village is dedicated to doing good, and our ancestors have been serving the Buddha for generations. Who knows that good people will not be rewarded?" , unexpectedly got into such trouble!"

Yang Xiao's face was expressionless, but he had already labeled this old guy as dangerous in his heart. What happened was definitely not what Chief Du said. If he could force a monk to issue such a curse, Dujiacun might have done it. What a beastly thing.

If nothing else, these villagers and the monk who died in vain were all done by the head of the Du family. As for why, Yang Xiao also made a preliminary judgment in his heart.

Looking at the villagers who had turned into "chickens and cows" in front of him, the elder of the Du tribe burst into tears and burst into tears for a while. "Many years ago, a man dressed as an alchemist passed by our village and expressed deep sympathy for our suffering.

So he suggested that we can use the bodies of chickens and cows to prevent the villagers' heads from rotting. At the same time, the alchemist also cast a spell on the bodies of chickens and cows before leaving, so that these villagers who were killed by the demon monks obtained a very special gift. After feeling the aura of the demon monk in the evening, the cow will bray like crazy, and when the aura of the demon monk disappears after dawn, the rooster will crow. "

"Thanks to these...these poor chickens and cows for warning, many villagers have narrowly escaped disaster over the years.

Otherwise::.Otherwise, how could I possibly have a chance to meet all of you benefactors! "

Patriarch Du burst into tears and spoke sincerely, bringing to life a poor old man who was orphaned in his later years. Unfortunately, he was facing people like Yang Xiao. No matter what Patriarch Du said, they didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

Cheng Cha stepped forward with red eyes, pretending to empathize with him and wiped away the tears of Chief Du with his sleeves, "Clan Chief, I am sorry for you. To be honest, I also have an uncle in my family who has lost his life. Boy, I totally understand how you feel!"

When both parties felt that the performance was almost over and the atmosphere was in place, Chief Du finally calmed down his sad expression, led Yang Xiao and his party out of the shack, and turned around to lock the door of the shack.

Yang Xiao proposed to go to the Du family ancestral hall to take a look. Patriarch Du was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but he couldn't bear it. Yang Xiaocheng took turns at the tea table. He had plenty of reasons. He just wanted to put up incense sticks and do his best. It sounded very reasonable. In the end, Du The clan leader reluctantly agreed.

Pushing open the heavy door of the ancestral hall, Yang Xiao finally got a glimpse of the Du family's ancestral hall. The interior of the ancestral hall was larger than what he had seen last night. Although it was daytime, it was still dark inside. There were large blue stone slabs under his feet, and there were strange things everywhere. In the cold atmosphere, only a few candles on the memorial tablet stand were burning faintly, emitting a half-dead light.

What surprised Yang Xiao was that this place was very different from what he saw last night. The most obvious point was near the memorial tablet. Last night, Yang Xiao clearly remembered that there was a stone platform under the tablet, and there were notched circles carved on the stone platform. pattern, but now, that circle has been replaced by a wooden shelf. The wooden shelf is covered with old cloth. The gray cloth hangs down, and the bluestone slab that is close to the ground tightly blocks the position under the tablet.

In addition, the candlesticks and some nearby decorations were placed in the wrong place, and the number of futons on the floor was far less than last night.

Yang Xiao's first reaction was that this place had been renovated, and what he saw last night was the original appearance of this ancestral hall.

There is no doubt that those who can do this must be people from Dujia Village. As for why, Yang Xiao guesses that they are hiding something intentionally.

And this must be related to the hundreds of headless corpses and the death of the ghost monk.

There was no one in the ancestral hall, not even a person on duty. Before Yang Xiao and the others could take a closer look, Chief Du kept urging them, his tone and attitude became more and more impatient. In desperation, Yang Xiao and others had to follow Du. After the family head left, the ancestral hall was very quiet, a rare kind of silence. After staying there for a long time, there was a vague feeling of hairiness. Yang Xiao didn't know how to describe it. It was being betrayed by many people who were not pregnant by each other. Kind eyes were peeping, and he turned his head several times, but could not find the exact source of the peeping feeling, as if those strange sights came from all directions.

What made Yang Xiao even more weird was that as soon as he stepped out of the gate of the ancestral hall, the feeling of being watched disappeared, and the inexplicable chill that wrapped around his body also slowly dissipated.


Before Yang Xiao could recover, he saw Patriarch Du behind him slamming the door of the ancestral hall shut with such swiftness that people couldn't help but feel confused.

On the way back, the atmosphere among the group was quite harmonious, and Tong Han also took the opportunity to ask a key question, pointing the finger at the dead Du Feng, also known as Uncle Du, "Clan leader, I remember Uncle Du I fainted once in the Buddhist hall before being stalked by the monster monk."

Patriarch Du did not hide this. He nodded slowly and said in a sad tone: "Girl, you are right, Du Feng him... it was at that time that he was selected by the demon monk."

"Why?" Sui Chengguo asked.

"This is the vicious pain of the Five Precepts. It is the curse that the demon monk placed on our Dujia Village to punish us for not saving us!" Chief Du looked excited. "Every once in a while, the demon monk will harass the village. Lasting for five days at a time, five villagers will be randomly selected, tortured, killed, and their bodies taken away.

The scene you saw in the Buddhist hall was the ceremony of selecting people by the evil monk. Everyone selected will die.

Without exception. "

At this point, Patriarch Du suddenly turned around, and his turbid eyes suddenly brightened, "An expert has calculated before that as long as someone can survive the demon monk's pursuit, as long as one person can break the demon monk's Curse, give me the peace of Dujia Village from now on."

"Kill 5 villagers in 5 days, one per day. Counting our people, the demon monk has already killed 4 people." Yang Xiao seized on the loophole in the Du clan's long story and continued to test.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Cheng Cha, Tong Han, Sui Chengguo and others instantly became wary. Cheng Cha even winked at Yang Xiao, indicating that he was too impulsive.

But Yang Xiao was unmoved. He knew that Patriarch Du still wanted something from them, so he would not betray them so quickly. Otherwise, he would have killed them and silenced them last night when he discovered that they were peeping.

As expected, Chief Du just sighed slightly, but his answer surprised Yang Xiao and the others, "You are right, the demon monk will only kill 5 people. Your people... were not killed by the demon monk."

As soon as these words came out, everyone broke out in cold sweat, and for a while no one dared to continue answering, lest Tu Qiongdeng, the leader of Du clan, suddenly said, "I killed all of your people, and now it's your turn."

After a moment, Yang Xiao pretended to smile casually, and asked bravely: "Chief Du, I don't understand what you said. If the demon monk didn't kill someone, who else could kill him?"

"It's a villager." Chief Du nodded naturally.

Sui Chengguo slowly clenched his fists, and Tong Han on the side also put his hands into his cuffs, his eyes constantly searching the area for fear that someone from Dujiacun might be ambushing him somewhere.

Even with Yang Xiao's psychological quality, the smile on his face could not help but freeze until Chief Du sighed, "I'm talking about the villagers in Hanjia Village."

"Them?" Cheng Cha was stunned.

"Yes, I don't know why, but these dead villagers were also awakened by the demon monk. Whenever the demon monk comes to attack and kill the villagers, the souls of those who died unjustly in Hanjia Village will also wander in the village." Speaking of this, Du The clan leader couldn't help but lower his voice, obviously quite fearful.

Yang Xiao seemed to have suddenly thought of something, "This is the reason why you drove us back last night. Are those things you are talking about referring to the souls of these Bujia Village villagers?"

"Yes, it's them. These innocent souls will appear after midnight and wander in the village. Once they encounter people, the consequences are unpredictable." Patriarch Du explained with a serious face: "That's why we ask you not to come out at night because you are worried about running into them. These guys, these guys will follow the living people and call your names. As long as you agree, they will be killed. The way of death is exactly the same as that of the demon monk who kills people. The previous expert said that the demon monk has become a climate and can enslave these people. They are driven by evil spirits and evil spirits.”

"By the way, he also said that this demon monk's magical skills are beyond the reach of ordinary Taoists, and he is qualified to be called a shady person."

As soon as the word "Yin Cha" came out, Yang Xiao shuddered hard. Mo Dudu called this thing "Gui Cha" because the two were exactly the same.

"So what do we need to do tonight?" In contrast, Cheng Cha's question was more down-to-earth and pragmatic.

At this moment, the group of people had returned to the ancestral home of the Du family. Patriarch Du shook his head and said, "I don't know. We still need to select the next villager before evening. What needs to be done, and we have to wait for the villager to wake up and repeat what he said in his dream." You can only know by seeing.”

A relatively unfamiliar maid hurried over and whispered a few words into Chief Du's ear. Then Chief Du suddenly frowned and turned to look at Yang Xiao and the others, "Everyone, go back and rest first. I have some urgent matters to deal with.

I will send someone to inform you later. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chief Du followed the maid and left quickly, while Yang Xiao and his party slowly returned to the room where they lived.

Opening the door, the table inside was filled with food. It was still the multi-grain porridge and rice that looked like pig food and mixed with unknown wild vegetables. It was very sticky when stirred with a spoon. Mi Shu frowned and let the whole bucket stir. Feng stopped, this scene reminded her of Hang's dirty cattle pen.

"Brothers, let me know if you have any opinions." Sui Chengguo sat on the chair with a straight face. Now is not the time to be modest. It is business to come up with a solution as soon as possible.

Tong Han was the first to speak: "There is no doubt that what the Du clan leader said is false. His words are illogical. According to what he said, hundreds of villagers in Handan Village were killed by pursuers. The monk did not curse those pursuers, but cursed Du Village for not saving them. This is illogical."

"I agree. There is one more thing. Think about it. If it is true as the Du clan leader said, they buried those headless bodies with kindness, then there is absolutely no reason to bury them near their own ancestral temple. After all, these bodies died in wars and have great resentment. How could they be buried near their own ancestral temple to ruin their foundation and disturb their ancestors?" The ancients attached great importance to Feng Shui, especially for such a large village that has been passed down for many years. Yang Xiao is sure that they will never be so stupid.

"I think their words can only be interpreted in reverse. I suspect that the people who killed people are from Handan Village. They took advantage of the kindness of the people of Dujia Village to trick the city gate open, and then slaughtered the whole village. After killing all the villagers, they took over the magpie's nest and settled here, using the identity of the people of Dujia Village to continue living."

"What about the ghost monk?" Mi Shu asked, "How did the ghost monk die?"

After a moment of silence, Yang Xiao slowly said: "It is not easy to confirm at present, but he must have been killed by the people of Bujia Village, that is, the people of Dujia Village now." Yang Xiao always felt that the death of the ghost monk was not that simple. I am afraid that it was not just slaughtered. There must be other reasons.

"What Chief Du said must be a lie, but all lies cannot deceive people. Remember he said that the ghost monk cursed them in the pool of blood under the city wall?" Cheng Cha suddenly said: "He also said that the monk burned one of his fingers with a torch."

Thinking of himself and the incomplete handprints on the body of Sui Chengguo Wu Ma Haoming, Yang Xiao also believed that this sentence should be true.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be burning fingers to offer to Buddha." Cheng Cha said while thinking: "But this burning fingers to offer to Buddha should be a practice method of Buddhist monks and great virtues, used to express the sincerity of faith and the perseverance of giving alms.

The "Lingyan Sutra" records that burning a finger or a lamp can pay off the debts from the beginning of time. This practice method is not common in historical records. It is generally used to make a great wish that is beyond human power, or to eliminate natural disasters, or to save people from human disasters, to guide people to be good, and to save the people. It is definitely not a method of evil curse."

After a pause, Cheng Cha sneered, "This Du clan leader does not understand the Buddhist scriptures at all, and the villagers here are definitely not good people."

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