Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 358: Scam

It can be imagined that not long ago, many refugees who were dressed in tattered clothes and even without shoes walked into the courtyard in groups. These people were undoubtedly the missing ghost villagers, the innocent villagers of Bujia Village who were killed.

There was silence all around, and Quan Doufeng walked towards the gate of the courtyard. It had just rained, and the stone road under his feet was extremely slippery. He walked very carefully.

After hesitating for a moment in front of the gate, Quan Doufeng was still ruthless. He stepped over the threshold and entered the courtyard. The red moonlight in the night sky splashed down, reflecting the whole courtyard into a strange scarlet color. The scene was like a slaughterhouse.

I don’t know if it was an illusion. In a trance, Quan Doufeng seemed to smell a bloody smell. The smell was vague and collapsed at the touch, as if luring him deeper.

Not far away was the ancestral hall that looked like a temple building. The appearance of the ancestral hall was not much different from what I had seen before. At this moment, the door of the ancestral hall was closed and it was pitch black inside.

Swallowing hard, Quan Doufeng slowly lowered his head and saw the messy mud footprints on the ground, some deep and some shallow, all extending to the ancestral hall.

Now Quan Doufeng is most worried about the whereabouts of the ghost villagers. Judging from the footprints, these ghost things have all gone to the ancestral hall, but... why is there no movement in the ancestral hall?

Recalling the attitude of Lu Youcheng and others before leaving, Quan Doufeng knew that if he went back without finding any clues, his end would be very ugly. They would not kill him, but they would definitely use him to step on the mine next time.

In desperation, he walked towards the ancestral hall step by step, while constantly checking the surrounding movements, fearing that the disappeared ghost villagers would rush out from somewhere.

Getting closer and closer, he finally approached the gate of the ancestral hall, but before he could see clearly, the next second there was a light in the ancestral hall, which seemed to be a signal. A moment later, more than a dozen large white lanterns around the eaves of the ancestral hall also lit up one by one, and each lantern had a "Qiu" written on it, the handwriting was as red as blood, and the blood had not even dried up.

Before Quan Doufeng recovered from the shock, the big wooden door of the ancestral hall slowly opened. After seeing the scene in the ancestral hall, Quan Doufeng was completely dumbfounded. His heart stopped beating in an instant. The huge ancestral hall was full of people.

These people knelt on the ground, wearing tattered clothes like monks' robes, and wrapped their heads inside. They faced the tablets in the ancestral hall one by one, with their backs to him. The silent scene was full of a strange Buddhist nature, which made people shudder.

Quan Doufeng even stopped breathing, and his sight extended to the depths of the ancestral hall. He saw two tables in front of the stone platform where the tablets were placed, and one of them was already sitting in front of someone.

The other empty table was obviously reserved for himself, but Quan Doufeng didn't dare. The impact of the scene in front of him was unprecedented. Not to mention the task of copying the scriptures, even if he was asked to walk to the empty table now, he didn't dare,

because he had to go through the dense crowd.

No, these are not people, they are ghosts, ghosts! !

He was afraid that he would be caught and killed by these ghosts on the way over. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead and his calves trembled uncontrollably. He still remembered what Yang Xiao had described to him. Du San died miserably because of the ghost villagers. His whole body was torn to pieces, without a single intact limb left, and even his head was smashed.

"No, I can't go. I will definitely die if I go. I will definitely die!" Quan Doufeng slowly retreated, not daring to walk into the gate of the ancestral hall. At this moment, his heart was filled with fear. He was just an ordinary person. Even if he went, it would be useless. He would just die.

Step by step, he retreated more than ten meters. Quan Doufeng stared at the strange figures in the ancestral hall. Fortunately... Fortunately, those things did not notice him. After confirming that there was no danger, Quan Doufeng turned around and ran. He ran out of the courtyard gate and ran towards the ancestral home of the Du family without looking back.

As Quan Doufeng left, the surrounding fog surrounded him again. The brightly lit ancestral hall dissipated in the fog, and the blood moon above his head was finally covered by the fog.

"Hu Yi, Hu Quan Doufeng held up the soul-guiding incense and ran out of breath. He estimated that he had run at least a few hundred meters.

He dared to look back secretly. There was no shadow of the ancestral hall behind him, only endless white mist.

It was not until this moment that he gradually calmed down and slowed down his pace. It was impossible to go back after escaping with great difficulty. But the problem now was that he didn't get any clues. If he went back like this, how would he report to his superiors?

To be honest, that was a dead end. These teammates were not kind people. They were cruel. It was outrageous, and certainly not a good thing in reality, but now he still had to rely on them, so he had to make up a reason that would convince them and not blame himself.

As he walked and thought, the soul-guiding incense in his hand still had a long time, and he had plenty of time. Quan Doufeng racked his brains. This reason must be able to deceive cunning guys like Yang Xiao and Sui Chengguo, so it couldn't be all fake, he needed to add some real things he saw.

Not long after, he returned to the gate of the ancestral house. At this moment, the gate was quiet, and Quan Doufeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat on the steps in front of the gate, constantly thinking about perfect excuses. Time passed by, and when one-third of the soul-inducing incense was left, he stood up, walked around in a circle and began to move his body. He started jogging until he was panting. , with sweat on his forehead, he leaned down and picked up an angular stone from the ground. He learned how to memorize the way Cha Tonghan left clues in the middle school, and wrote the word "monk" on the steps. Through the analysis of his teammates, he It is clear that the ghost monk is the key to this mission, so no one will doubt that the blame will be placed on the ghost monk. After all, they cannot confront the ghost monk face to face.

After going through the whole excuse in his mind, Quan Doufeng thought there was no problem, so he walked to the courtyard gate, stepped up the steps, pulled out the round-headed wooden stick from the bamboo tube, and the next second, he knocked hard on the door hanging The wooden throw on the side.

After doing all this, he pretended to be exhausted and leaned against the wall of the courtyard, his eyes unfocused and he was breathing heavily.

In the room, everyone who heard the sound of the throwing was a little surprised. Quan Doufeng came back much faster than they expected. In the past, every time the incense was about to burn out, everyone reluctantly ran back, but Quan Doufeng came back. This time at least a third of the time.

It seems this time it went very well.

Lu Youcheng immediately prepared his things and set off. Holding the soul-inducing incense in his hand, he opened the door and walked quickly towards the door of his ancestral home. The door was open at the moment. When he saw Quan Doufeng, he was heartbroken. Quan Doufeng seemed to be skinned by cramps. His whole body was limp and his legs were weak. It seemed that he could only stand upright by leaning on the wall.

Lu Youcheng had no idea what happened, but he was sure that Quan Doufeng must have encountered something extremely terrible, and he barely escaped after using all his strength.

At this time, he noticed the crooked handwriting on the ground. The handwriting was carved with stone. The angular stone was still thrown aside. The handwriting also looked weak. It was the word "monk".

"Did Quan Doufeng encounter a ghost monk?"

Lu Youcheng suddenly felt panicked. The ghost monk had no record of directly killing people before. He also saved several people from Sui Chengguo Wu Ma Haoming during a fishing mission. How could he attack Quan Doufeng for no reason?

Is it because he violated some taboo, or for some other reason?

His thoughts drifted far away for a while. Lu Youcheng thought that tonight's task was to copy Buddhist scriptures upside down in the ancestral hall. Could it be that this angered the ghost monk?

But Quan Doufeng didn't care what Lu Youcheng thought. He knew from Lu Youcheng's momentary hesitation that his plan was successful. Who could guess the ghost's thoughts? He was sure that he could deceive him enough if he went back. People like Yang Xiao and Sui Chengguo.

As long as you act resemblingly and don't let flaws be found in your expressions and tone, if you're not smart, then let these self-righteous smart people fight the devil.

After confirming that Lu Youcheng had not seen through him, Quan Doufeng stopped staying. As long as he did not return to the room, it was not absolutely safe. The reason why Quan Doufeng still kept a small piece of soul-inducing incense in his hand was to ensure that he returned to the room. There were no accidents on that stretch of the road.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Youcheng couldn't help but frown. He vaguely felt that he might be in big trouble this time. He didn't know what the ghost monk did to Quan Doufeng, and he couldn't guess it, but he must have It's very dangerous, otherwise Quan Doufeng would have no reason to write down only this name.

Time was running out, and there was no time to hesitate. Lu Youcheng stepped out of the hospital and walked into the fog, with the soul-inducing incense in his hand being his only support.

Approaching the small courtyard, Quan Doufeng immediately got into trouble, deliberately walking harder and breathing heavily, as if he was extremely tired and had just escaped from death.

Yang Xiao and others heard his footsteps from far away. At this moment, they all gathered behind the door. It was impossible to open the door. This was the rule.

"Brothers, please... help open the door." Quan Doufeng said out of breath, his body still shaking, "I'm scared to death."

"What's going on?" Sui Chengguo also had to perform a mission tonight, so he was naturally anxious to find clues.

Unexpectedly, Quan Doufeng's next words sent chills down everyone's spine, "You must be careful, I was...:

I was attacked by that ghost and almost died! "Quan Doufeng said this with a tearful tone, and almost shed tears.

He looked very pitiful.

"What kind of sneak attack?" Tong Han asked, "Please tell me clearly!"

"What else can there be? It's that thing, the ghost...the ghost monk." Quan Doufeng said with a sad face, "I just walked outside the ancestral hall, good guy, there are all people inside, no, it's ghosts, those ghost villagers, I I walked all the way without seeing anyone in the mist. It turned out that they were all hiding in the ancestral hall. The inside of the ancestral hall was different from when I saw it during the day. I was about to walk in to see what was inside, but I just stepped on the steps. , the next second...: I won't be able to move the next second." Quan Doufeng suddenly paused here, but he was actually testing the reaction of his teammates. He didn't think he could completely deceive someone like Yang Xiaochengcha. One hundred percent confidence.

"Did the shadow get stepped on?" Cheng Cha shouted excitedly the next second.

"Yes, I started to get scared. I had no idea what was going on. When I looked back, there was nothing behind me." Quan Doufeng knew that Cheng Cha had been fooled and continued to talk without changing his expression and followed the reasons he had made up before. The clues that Yang Xiao and the others brought back last time have been verified. He just repeated them again in a different scene and method.

"What happened after that? What did you do?" Yang Xiao asked. The matter was more complicated than he imagined. He didn't expect that the people would be attacked by ghosts before entering the ancestral hall. It was the ghost monk who was the source of this mission. Before I knew it, they always bumped into each other at the end of a mission.

Quan Doufeng swallowed hard and said cautiously: "I... I feel very strange. It's not that I can't move my whole body, but my feet... I can't move my left foot. I immediately thought it was my own shadow. I was stepped on, and it happened to step on my left foot. I tried to turn around and use the soul-inducing incense to move towards my foot. Sure enough,

The aroma was sucked away and disappeared into the air. "

"Then what?" Sui Chengguo asked.

Quan Doufeng almost cried at this time, his voice twitching, "Then I felt dizzy.

Then I didn’t know anything. When I woke up, the person was already lying on the ground. It was completely dark inside the ancestral hall. The door was closed at some point. There was no one around. It was so quiet and scary. The incense in my hand... The incense was almost burned out. I didn't dare to delay and ran back immediately. If I hadn't run fast, I might... I might not have been able to come back! "

"By the way, not long after I ran out, when I looked back, the courtyard and the ancestral hall inside were all gone!"

It's easy to deceive people when there's truth and lies, and Quan Dou Feng knows his way.

At this time, Yang Xiao, Tong Han, and others all looked ugly, especially Sui Chengguo, who was about to be dispatched. The atmosphere of fear spread silently in the room. He could become invisible, step on shadows, and absorb scented mist. He was definitely a ghost monk. Now they were in big trouble.

They couldn't figure out what stimulated the ghost monk, so they stopped the mission before it even started.

If they all fainted outside the ancestral hall like Quan Doufeng, how could they survive this mission?

The most important thing is that Quan Doufeng is just the beginning. The beginning is so dangerous, and there is no telling what kind of moth will be caused later. If one person fails, it is possible that one or two lives may be involved.

Yang Xiao thought for a moment and immediately turned around and looked at Sui Chengguo. At this moment, Sui Chengguo's brows were furrowed and his face was visibly nervous. "Brother Sui, something seems to be wrong with this mission. Try not to take risks. It's important to save your life. It's really not possible... We have one last chance."

Tonight is a lie-telling precept, and tomorrow night is a drinking precept. In any case, they are not desperate now. There is no need to draw lots for who to send tomorrow night. They will directly go to the strongest lineup. If you die, you will die. After all, if you still can't break the five precepts in the end. , then all of them will die.

For Yang Xiao, he would rather die in the hands of ghosts than in the hands of these beasts in Dujia Village. His body will be ruined by them after death.

"Huh?" Cheng Cha, who remained silent, seemed to have discovered something. He put his head to the crack of the door and looked out carefully.

The next second, his body trembled involuntarily, his steps stepped back "glaringly", his face turned pale, and he looked like he was in shock.

Tong Han was the first to notice something unusual, and quickly stretched out his hand to help him, while lowering his voice: "What's going on?


"There's something wrong with Quan Doufeng outside, he... he's too clean." Cheng Cha was shocked, "But he said he fell down before and slept on the ground for a long time. It had just rained outside, and the ground was covered with dirt. It’s wet, but there’s no water stains or mud on him.”

The words woke up the dreamer, and the faces of Yang Xiao and others suddenly turned gloomy. No one thought that "Quan Doufeng" outside was a ghost.

It seems that the real Quan Doufeng has died a long time ago. No wonder his words are messy and his return time is too early. Now everything is correct.

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