Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 363 Lifesaver

This sudden discovery made Quan Doufeng's legs weak, while Lu Youcheng, who was walking in front, seemed to have not realized that he was exposed. He quickly turned back and stretched out his left hand to Quan Doufeng, urging him: "Hurry up, we are almost there!"

Now Quan Doufeng had no choice at all. At the critical moment of life and death, he actually suppressed his fear and tried to make his expression look more natural. He also stretched out his hand to hold Lu Youcheng's left hand, pretending to use the force to get up, "Hold, it's dark, and my feet...slipped."

But just when the two hands were holding each other, a chill made Quan Doufeng alert. It was too cold. Lu Youcheng's hand was icy cold, as if it had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

As the distance got closer, Quan Doufeng finally saw clearly under the inexplicable moonlight. The half of Lu Youcheng's arm exposed outside the sleeve was covered with wounds of various sizes. The wounds were very neat, and it was obviously cut with a sharp weapon. The scary thing was that there was no blood flowing out of these wounds, especially the cut on the wrist, which was deep enough to see the bone, and the flesh inside was white. This was a body that had been drained of blood. The real Lu Youcheng had died long ago!

A gust of cold wind swept by, and Quan Doufeng shuddered violently. The hand that was holding Lu Youcheng's left hand kept shaking.

His body was weak, but he didn't dare to get up, for fear of running into the ghost's arms.

At this moment, Lu Youcheng seemed to realize something. In the night, a vague figure gradually appeared behind him. Lu Youcheng's toes rose unnaturally a little bit, and a pair of feet wearing old-fashioned black cloth shoes appeared under his heels, padding up half of his foot.

To be precise, it was Lu Youcheng's body that stepped on the ghost's instep, like controlling a puppet, with the body in front and the ghost close behind.

After the ghost appeared, Lu Youcheng's body gradually lost control, his expression became stiff, his eyes were empty, his mouth slightly opened, as if he had something to say before dying. The next second, a dark blue ghost face tilted out from behind Lu Youcheng's head, and the dead eyes full of resentment rolled down little by little, staring at Quan Doufeng.

Unable to pretend anymore, Quan Doufeng's eyelids twitched, and he threw away Lu Youcheng's dead hand, crawled up and ran away on his knees. The remaining reason drove him not to run back, because running back was useless, Yang Xiao and his people would never open the door for him anyway, so he had to run to the closer Miss Du's boudoir. As long as he could get into the boudoir,

he could survive, this was his only chance!

Following the direction in his memory, Quan Doufeng's footsteps were flying. A strange sound of footsteps followed him closely behind him. Quan Doufeng had a feeling that once he was caught up, the ghost village chief would abandon Lu Youcheng's body and live in himself.

Of course, the premise must be to kill himself first.

People will burst out amazing potential in despair. Quan Doufeng never thought that he would be able to run so fast one day. He rarely exercises on a daily basis. Most of the time he sits in front of the computer, moves his little hands to make money, and slaps the offending authors hard.

It's almost there, it's almost there! Quan Doufeng ran out of breath, but he finally saw hope. The ghost village chief behind him was always one step slower than him. Quan Doufeng prayed to all the gods and Buddhas in his heart, and finally got a chance to survive.

The courtyard door was not locked, leaving a shallow gap in the middle. Quan Doufeng rushed up the steps and slammed the door open, "Mi Shu, Sister Tong Han asked me to save you!"

Quan Doufeng shouted as he entered the door, but the next second, he was stunned on the spot. The scene in front of him made him feel cold. He saw dozens of figures densely surrounding the boudoir, blocking the doors and windows, and each holding a human head in his hand.



The footsteps of the ghost village chief also caught up and stopped behind him. He could clearly feel the chill, almost sticking to his back.

With the Du family in front and the ghost village chief behind, the string in Quan Doufeng's heart was finally broken. He could no longer bear it. His eyes went black and he fainted on the ground.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up with a cold and wet feeling. He opened his eyes and slowly came back to his senses after a long time. The scene in the yard scared him to death. There were many corpses lying in the small yard. A rough count showed that there were at least a dozen of them. The bodies died in a very miserable way. Some had their necks torn off and their heads thrown on the ground. Some had no limbs at all. Their bodies were torn into pieces by huge forces, and their rotten internal organs were scattered everywhere. It was like a scene of purgatory on earth.

Looking around, there was no complete corpse, let alone a complete head. This must have been done by the ghost village chief, because as long as the heads of these half-human and half-ghost guys in Dujia Village were still there, they could find a new body to be reborn, but if the heads were crushed, there would be almost nothing left.

Panting heavily, Quan Doufeng looked at a half-dead body under a tree. After a moment, he finally recognized that the half-face with a crushed skull was actually a familiar face. It was Du Huai from Dujia Village, the guy who presided over the sacrifice. He was also the second most important person in Dujia Village, which made Yang Xiao and his friends very nervous.

Du Huai was killed by the ghost village chief, which was definitely a great thing. Quan Doufeng hardly moved his body, just twisting his neck a little bit. He lay on the ground pretending to be dead and took the opportunity to check around. Fortunately, there was no standing figure. Even the ghost village chief and Lu Youcheng disappeared. At this moment, the boudoir was dark, and there was only the stench of rotting corpses in the yard. It was surprisingly quiet.

Quan Doufeng did not act rashly. He thought about the situation in front of him quickly in his mind. He couldn't help but feel that he must be a good person. God bless him, so he can save his life. From the tragic scene around him, it must be that the ghost village chief ran into the people of Dujia Village. When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous and started killing. The number of corpses around was obviously less than what he had seen before, so Quan Doufeng judged that some of the Du family members took advantage of the chaos to escape, and the ghost village chief followed and killed them.

This is a good opportunity for him. Who would have thought that he could survive such a scene? There must be good fortune after surviving a disaster. Quan Doufeng was so excited that he almost cried.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. At present, Mi Shu in the boudoir must be dead, otherwise there is no reason to extinguish the candle.

Quan Doufeng slowly climbed up. At this moment, his body was splashed with dirty blood and rotten meat, but he didn't care.

Immediately walked out of the yard.

He had already thought of a rhetoric to use against Yang Xiao and the others after he returned. He said that he had seen through Lu Youcheng's disguise in advance. In order to protect Yang Xiao and the others, he risked his life and led the ghost village chief away alone. In the end, he used a trick to cause the ghost village chief and the people of Dujia Village to kill each other, and got rid of the most difficult Du Huai with the help of the ghost village chief.

These are all real achievements. Even if Yang Xiao and the others don't believe it, they will be confirmed after dawn. Hehe, Quan Doufeng is not a useless person, but their savior!

If you want to be respected in the nightmare world and not be thrown out as cannon fodder, you must show your own value. After this incident, his value is beyond doubt.

Quan Doufeng walked out of the courtyard with brisk steps, constantly thinking in his mind. He needs to perfect his rhetoric as much as possible. Yang Xiao and the others are very cunning, and they must not be allowed to find loopholes, otherwise they will not be able to get credit, and they will be targeted.

"Quan Doufeng!"

Just as he walked out of the courtyard gate, he heard someone calling him from behind. The voice was very familiar. Quan Doufeng, who was unprepared, froze suddenly.

After a moment, he suddenly reacted and began to turn around, but it was too late. A figure had already rushed behind him, and his peripheral vision just happened to catch sight of the person hiding outside the courtyard gate.

There were quite a few people, more than a dozen. The person behind him was holding a head, which was Lu Youcheng's head.

The shout just now was also made by the head.

It was the patriarch of Dujia Village. The next second, a cold light flashed in the night, and a bloody big knife chopped down at the back of Quan Doufeng's head. The world in front of him began to rotate irregularly. In the last moment before his consciousness dissipated, he saw a headless body standing not far away, and blood spurted out of the headless cavity several meters high.

That was his body, he recognized it.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a slight movement in the boudoir. Mi Shu slowly opened her eyes. She was lying face up on the cold ground, and her body had become stiff because she had been in the same posture for a long time.

At this moment, her mind was in a mess. It took a long time for her to gradually remember what happened before. She only remembered that she was surrounded by people from Dujia Village. In order to die meaningfully, she chose to crash into the screen at the last moment.

But now she was still a few steps away from the screen. Little by little, she vaguely remembered that she seemed to have fallen down at the end.

But the Du family would not let her go if she fell down. Something else must have happened. It was dark around her.

Mi Shu did not dare to move. After recalling what happened before, she seemed to have found the problem. She was now facing up with her back against the ground, and those inhuman guys from the Du family had to turn their backs to shout their names when killing people.

The yard was quiet, and the figures of the Du family outside the window and door disappeared, but Mi Shu still did not dare to be careless. She suspected that the Du family had not left yet, because she smelled a strong stench of corpses, which was like a dozen rotten corpses chopped up and fermented.

No matter what, being alive was a blessing. Mi Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and her body relaxed. She began to think about her teammates, especially the three people who were going to perform the mission tonight. She wondered if they were as lucky as she was.

In the nightmare world, strength and luck are both indispensable to survive. She had seen and heard of many brilliant people who died tragically in the mission because of bad luck. In the nightmare world, death is normal.

After resting for a while, Mi Shu slowly moved her body and planned to turn around and sit up from the ground. But as soon as she exerted force on her waist, she saw a terrifying scene in her peripheral vision. In the gap at the bottom of the wooden frame of the screen, a pair of dark blue bare feet were facing her, and they were still squirming.

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