Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 379 I would rather hear ghosts crying than ghosts laughing

"Tick tock."

"Tick tock."

Drops of warm viscous liquid fell on Wu Ma Haoming's head, but he didn't dare to raise his head at all, because he was sure that what was hanging above his head at this moment was a hand, and that hand was still holding a piece of Stone with sharp edges.

There is no doubt that it was this stone that smashed Hu Yanming's head.

"It's over..." Wu Mahao Ming was heartbroken.

Yang Xiao kept Mi Shu's reminder in mind and stepped back step by step, keeping his own pace, clearing his mind and restraining himself from random thoughts. Soon, the cries of the rash dissipated little by little, and finally could not be heard at all.

But even so, Yang Xiao still didn't open his eyes until he heard Mi Shu's relieved voice, "We're coming out!"

Sure enough, after opening his eyes, the scene in front of him changed, and the crooked-necked tree marked with a cloth strip disappeared. Everyone gathered around and saw Wu Ma Haoming sitting alone on the ground not far away, using his hands and feet to move little by little. Climb backward.

"What's wrong with him?" Yang Xiao asked Mi Shu in a low voice. At this moment, Wu Ma Haoming's posture was very strange, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

Mi Shu was also stunned. She did not remember encountering such a situation in previous missions. Those who were targeted by ghosts had their heads smashed. This was the first time she had seen people crawling backwards like this.

For a while, no one dared to disturb Wu Ma Haoming until Mi Shuqiang walked over to him. After observing for a moment, he kicked the opponent with his toes. Wu Ma Haoming was frightened and cried immediately. Although he closed his eyes tightly, he shed tears. The dripping water was flowing down, and she pursed her lips tightly, looking very pitiful.

"Wuma Haoming!"

Yang Xiao walked over and called him. After hearing the voices of different people, Wuma Haoming, who had been frightened for a long time, dared to open his eyes. Although he was almost frightened to death after touching the cold bare foot, he still didn't Dare to open your eyes,

He didn't dare to make any sound, he just changed his angle, avoided the female ghost, and then moved his body bit by bit,

Continue climbing backwards.

Sui Chengguo sighed and couldn't help but point out, "It's too dangerous for you to do this. You move differently from all of us. You should stand up as soon as possible and continue to retreat."

Hearing this, Wu Ma Haoming almost stopped and tears welled up in his eyes, "I wanted to too, but... But my legs were not up to par. My legs were weak at the time and my calves were cramped. Let alone stand up. , I almost couldn’t crawl.”

In any case, they were finally out of danger. After Yang Xiao and the others simply determined the direction, they continued walking out of the forest. On the way, Yang Xiao suddenly felt a little nervous in his chest. He took out the cloth bag with his hand.

But surprisingly, the stone in the bag changed. It grew up silently, from the size of a walnut to the size of a fist.

Yang Xiao opened his pocket and reached in to feel it. As before, he couldn't find anything. The bag was empty.

Although he didn't know what it was, this unknown feeling put great pressure on Yang Xiao, and he urged to speed up.

Soon, everyone walked out of the forest, but before they had time to rejoice, the scene in front of them made everyone stunned.

A moonlight shone down, and a mass grave appeared in front of them. Dozens and hundreds of graves were arranged in an orderly manner, which was especially terrifying in the night.

"Go back and avoid it." Yang Xiao made a decision. After all, there was something wrong with this cemetery, so it was better to avoid it.

But the moment he turned around, the woods behind him disappeared. As far as the eye could see, there was only a desolate and dilapidated mass grave.

A gust of night wind came, and a "humming" sound came from the mass grave, like someone sobbing softly.

Wu Ma Haoming had not completely recovered from the fear of the female ghost. After seeing these barren graves, he couldn't help but froze. He rubbed his eyes vigorously before he dared to believe that it was not an illusion, "I...I'll do it. Pass here."

Similar to Mi Shu's experience, the cemetery in front of him was also his experience in the only mission. With Mi Shu's example, everyone communicated much more smoothly. Wu Ma Haoming quickly talked about the way to survive in that mission.

There is a male ghost buried in this graveyard. It is said that this man died in a miserable way. He was originally a businessman in the town, running a tea business. Although he was not a wealthy man, he could be said to have had no food and clothing. He was worried, but his wife was having an affair with the housekeeper behind his back. In order to seize the businessman's wealth, the two of them did not stop fighting. The businessman's wife drugged him and poisoned the businessman to death.

But who knew that the businessman was actually not dead, but just passed out. He woke up in a daze while carrying the coffin for burial. At this moment, the businessman's wife, who was crying along with the funeral procession, heard the cry for help from inside the coffin. She was worried that the matter would be exposed, so she immediately urged Several of the henchmen present sped up, so the ceremony went on as usual, and the merchant was buried alive.

Worried that the businessman's resentment would linger after his death and turn into a ghost seeking life, the businessman's wife discussed with the housekeeper and paid a large sum of money to find a wandering Taoist priest to take the businessman's coffin out of its original graveyard at night and send it away. Mass graves and hasty burials, followed by Taoist practices and arrangements near the graveyard, not only can suppress the merchant's soul and never be reincarnated, but can also extract the merchant's luck and bless the business controlled by the merchant's wife and housekeeper. It is simply killing two birds with one stone. .

As soon as they finished speaking, Yang Xiao and the others heard a burst of sinister laughter. It was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. The sound was so depressing that those who heard it felt frightened.

It is better to hear ghosts cry than laugh. Yang Xiao and the others have all heard this saying. When linked to the story told by Wuma Haoming, the ghosts in this mass grave are full of resentment.

"Don't be stunned, how can we break the situation?" Yang Xiaomeng frowned and urged.

"Find the ghost's grave, dig out the coffin, and... then lay it flat." Wu Ma Haoming quickly explained: "This ghost's coffin is placed upside down, and the body in the coffin is face down."

"There are so many graves here, how do we know which one we are looking for?"

"There is a sign in front of the grave. There is a name written on it. The name is... Wait a minute. I'll think about it. It's been too long."

Wu Ma Haoming racked his brains and thought for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't figure it out. The anxious Lu Youcheng grabbed his fist and wanted to hit him. The next second, Wu Ma Haoming suddenly realized, "Don't, don't do it. Although I can't remember the name." , but I remember that the sign standing in front of the grave is very special. It is a wooden sign, but this wooden sign is much heavier than ordinary wood. It is very cold in the hand, the kind of cold that penetrates into the bone marrow. The texture... The texture is like stone."

"Is that brand pure black?" Yang Xiao asked.

Hearing this, Wu Ma Haoming nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, it's black. I don't know if it's pure or not."

Yang Xiao turned his head, looked at everyone, nodded slightly and said: "That's right, the wooden sign should be made of gloomy wood. Those people are really willing to spend money."

Now that it has been determined, everyone decided to look for it immediately, but there are so many tombs here that it would be too late to look for them one by one. Upon seeing this, Wu Ma Haoming offered advice: "Don't worry, everyone, we can search separately, but we must be careful not to stay in one location for a long time." , otherwise your name will appear bit by bit on the nearest tombstone. Once the name appears completely, the ghost will immediately appear and bury the person alive in the corresponding grave, just like how he died in the first place. "

At this moment, Yang Xiao understood that it was no wonder that Wu Ma Haoming led them in circles in the cemetery. It turned out that there was such a taboo.

After reconfirming the information, everyone searched separately and were divided into four groups. Yang Xiao was worried about the three people who had come back from the dead, Sui Chengguo, Lu Youcheng, and Liu Haiping, so he specially arranged for them to be separated. Everyone sent people to keep an eye on him. Tong Han and Cheng Cha are each responsible for one, so that if the other party behaves strangely, they will not be caught off guard.

The search soon yielded results. Tong Han's group waved from afar, and the other three groups immediately moved closer to them. In front of them was a very old tomb. It would be a compliment to say it was a tomb, but if it weren't for the pitch black in front The wooden sign looks like an inconspicuous little bumpkin.

"This should be it." Tong Han stared at the wooden sign in front of the grave.

Yang Xiao stretched out his hand to touch it. The moment his fingers touched the wooden sign, he felt a chill. He suddenly retracted his hand and looked at Wu Ma Haoming.

Wu Ma Haoming knelt down and seemed to recall something after seeing the words on the wooden sign clearly. He nodded repeatedly and confirmed that this was the place.

Broken wooden signs were scattered around. After picking up a few handy pieces, everyone started digging graves. Digging graves in mass graves late at night, there were still ghost graves. This experience was also very novel for Yang Xiao, he thought You can write it into the script when you go back.

A few people started digging the graves, and the remaining people were looking around. Tong Han clearly saw that several tombstones in front of the surrounding graves were loosening little by little. Then he turned toward the people digging the graves, and words were appearing little by little on the worn tombstones. ,

The word was crooked, as if someone had dug it out bit by bit with fingernails, which made people shudder.

"Okay, let's change!" Tong Han decisively stopped the three people digging the grave after seeing that the first character of "Ping" appeared in Liu Haiping's name.

Yang Xiao, Liu Haiping, and Sui Chengguo were replaced, and the digging of graves continued. Miraculously, after Liu Haiping was replaced, the names on the corresponding tombstones slowly disappeared, and new names soon appeared again. , the same goes for the other two.

Fortunately, the soil here is relatively soft, and the coffin was buried shallowly. After the fourth group of people arrived, the coffin was finally dug out. It was a large, dark coffin, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. It was buried upside down in the soil. Cover your feet.

Two people were left to look out for the wind, and the rest of the people jumped into the big pit. They worked together to lift the coffin, and then turned it over with force. But at this moment, an accident happened. Something suddenly moved inside the coffin. one time,

A force hit the coffin wall, the balance was broken, and the coffin tipped uncontrollably to the right, directly knocking down Wuma Haoming who could not avoid it, and also hit Lu Youcheng's left leg.

Lu Youcheng's legs were instantly twisted, and Wu Ma Haoming was even more miserable. He didn't even scream as he was pressed under the coffin.

"Don't worry about people yet, hold the coffin steady!" Yang Xiao yelled.

After stabilizing the coffin, turning it over completely, and lowering it to a stable position, everyone started to save the person.

Oddly enough, after the coffin was turned over, the faint ghostly laughter in the cemetery disappeared.

Half of the names that appeared on several nearby tombstones were also missing.

Lu Youcheng was fine, but Wu Ma Haoming was knocked unconscious. Everyone worked together to lift him out of the grave, and it took a lot of effort to wake him up.

Fortunately, they were just skin injuries, and no muscles or bones were injured. Wu Ma Haoming recovered quickly. After getting up, he immediately asked everyone to leave with him. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"But the hole hasn't been filled back yet?" Cheng Cha said.

"No need, go ahead and get out of here quickly." Wuma Haoming said firmly.

Yang Xiao couldn't help but frown. It was taboo to dig a grave without filling it. Besides, if the coffin was exposed, the ghost's true body would be inside. Isn't Wu Ma Haoming worried?

"Come on, didn't you hear what I said?" Wu Ma Haoming was anxious, his expression seemed to be too frightened and already a little distorted, "Staying here any longer will only lead to death!"

Now even Mi Shu and the others realized that something was wrong. Wu Ma Haoming was very timid before and didn't dare to talk to them like this. Now that he was hit by the coffin, why did he feel like a different person?

Yang Xiao did not continue to argue with Wu Ma Haoming, but instead tried to comfort him. Through observation, he noticed that Wu Ma Haoming always stood in front of the dark wood tombstone in front of the tomb, just blocking everyone's sight. Realizing that something was wrong, he winked at Tong Han, and everyone walked out of the cemetery together, while Wu Ma Haoming stubbornly walked at the end of the team. The feeling of being stared at from behind reminded Yang Xiao of the Dujia Village Taoist who escorted them.

As Yang Xiao walked, he suddenly fell to the ground, and shouted in a terrified tone: "Something grabbed my feet!

While the scene was in a panic, Tong Han quickly turned around, quietly left the team, ran back to the tombstone, and quickly wiped the dust off the tombstone with his hands. The next second, a familiar name pierced Tong Han's eyes.

"Wuma Haoming!"

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