Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 382 Scarecrow

There is no doubt that she is the most dazzling light in the boat tonight. Whether it is dancing or piano skills, she is the well-deserved number one. As the jade pendants were delivered to her, they lined up neatly and gratifyingly. One line up, tonight's outcome is no longer in suspense.

She won again, five times in a row, and finally got the chance to redeem herself. She wanted to leave here, and this was the motivation that supported her survival!

But what puzzled her was that Lao Tungsten, who had always regarded her as a cash cow, actually smiled happier than she did. You know,

Lao Tungsten had chatted with her countless times in private, half pleading and half threatening in the hope that she would stay, but she forcefully refused.

But no matter what, she won, and in front of so many patrons, even if Lao Tungsten was reluctant,

I don't dare to break the rules of this industry.

Sure enough, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. She won the title of oiran 5 times in a row. According to the rules, she could redeem herself in front of everyone. And she had accumulated a lot of money over the years, just to prepare for tonight. of.

But the accident came without warning. When she opened the heavy treasure box with the key happily, the next second, her face turned pale, and the silver notes and valuable jewelry she stored in the box were missing. More than half of it, there was actually some extra bits of silver that were very heavy but not very valuable.

This little money was not enough to redeem her life. She loudly questioned Lao Tungsten and the sisters who had entrusted the jewelry box to her before she came on stage. However, these people not only did not speak for her, but also ridiculed her together with Lao Tungsten. She We can see deep jealousy in the eyes of these "sisters". It is a complex emotion that you and I are in hell together, and I will never allow you to escape alone.

When the woman was breaking down, a rich man stood up in the audience, waving a folding fan, and boldly offered to pay for the girl's ransom, but only if he took her as his concubine. Lao Goose agreed without any hesitation. When the girl came down, before the girl could speak, Lao Tungsten reached an agreement with the young master and offered an extremely high price.

The girl was not stupid, so why didn't she understand now that this was clearly a game set up by Lao Tung and the rich man? As the top card, the boat business would be damaged after she left. Lao Tung was reluctant, so he wanted to take advantage of her to leave. She wanted to make a lot of money in front of her, so she teamed up with the young master who wanted her to be a concubine. The two hit it off and set up a plan to force her to submit.

Of course, it doesn't matter if she doesn't agree, then she will continue to stay in Huafang and earn a lot of money for Lao Tungsten and the boss behind him.

Anyway, she is the one who is apparently unruly. She has won the Oiran title five times and has also won the opportunity to redeem herself. However, if she does not have enough money to accumulate praise, it has nothing to do with Lao Goose and Huafang. It is her own. question.

Looking at the playful faces of the young men in the audience and the cynicism of many sisters, the girl finally understood that everything today was a set up for her alone, not to mention those rich young men, even those who got along well with her on weekdays. All her sisters were insiders, but no one secretly reminded her.

The ups and downs of the rivers and lakes, short kindness and righteousness, and focusing on interests are nothing more than that.

I originally thought that the girl would make a big fuss for everyone to watch, but to everyone's surprise, the usually staunch girl unexpectedly bowed her head. She said that she was willing to marry the young master as a concubine, but only if the other party sent her Come to the house in a sedan chair, beat gongs and drums, come to marry yourself, and come to this painted boat.

This question really stumped the young master. Even if the other party was really stunning, her identity was that of a low-class dancer, while he himself was a distinguished nobleman. If he wanted to send a sedan chair to marry someone with great fanfare, then The father in the court didn't break his dog's legs.

But as soon as he saw the girl's appearance and figure, a warm current rushed into the man's lower body. He immediately gritted his teeth and made up his mind to agree. He would agree first. Anyway, he had the power, so he would take the person out of the boat first. As long as the person was there, It was not all her decision to leave Huafang. How could she, a weak woman, rebel?

So the young master and Lao Goose hit it off immediately, and agreed to send out sedan bearers, carriages and horses tomorrow at the same time and at night, and he would personally bring people to get married.

It was a rule in the boat-drawing industry to get married at night. Seeing that the girl had no objection, the young master happily went back to prepare.

The next night, the young master arrived as promised. The boat was newly decorated, and the carriages and horses for welcoming the bride also entered the boat. When the boat left the dock and carried everyone and planned to celebrate again at night, an accident happened. The bottom layer stored kerosene. A fire broke out in the cabin where candles and other dangerous goods were stored, and the fire got out of control. Someone ran up in a panic and brought shocking news, saying that someone saw a girl in costume walking alone under the cabin.

Before the fire could reach it, an explosion occurred. Soon, this famous painting boat sank due to serious flooding. Because it was far away from the shore, the water was cold and the waves were high. There were hundreds of people on the boat, and there were almost no people. survivor.

After the ship sank, the rich young master's family naturally became the target of ridicule. After all, forcibly marrying a lowly girl from a boating family would have reduced one's worth. They also chose to burn the boat and commit suicide because they looked down on your young master. The impact can be imagined.

The other big families who were not on good terms with the rich young master's family were unwilling to let go of such an excellent opportunity. They immediately added insult to injury and gave their family the title of "The Lord of Painted Boats and Fires". This was widely spread among the people, and they were very angry. The old man fell into disgrace within a few years, and the originally good family fell apart and became homeless.

"Miss Tong..." Cheng Cha called Tong Han several times, but got no response, so he had to reach out and touch her.

Her thoughts were interrupted, and Tong Han looked back. She had fallen into memories before, and that mission had a great impact on her.

"Miss Tong, are we still... still chasing?" Liu Haiping grabbed the oar with one hand and looked at her nervously. They had chased the body several times according to Tong Han's request, but every time they were chased by the body. The body "escaped".

"Chase." Tong Han made up his mind, but the problem now is that as long as they touch the body of the woman wearing the golden hairpin, the body will mysteriously sink into the water, and then appear strangely in other places.

The key to breaking the situation tonight is to "catch" the body. It is best to drag the woman's body onto the boat.

Tong Han took off her coat and directed the others to row the boat to search for the body. She planned to wait for the boat to get close and then jump into the water and swim to the woman's body alone.

Only women can do this, and men will die as many as possible.

"No, you can't go." Cheng Cha analyzed seriously, "Last time we were almost wiped out in the mass grave.

It's because Wu Ma Haoming, the only one who knew the inside story, is dead. This time the situation is more complicated than last time. We can't take risks with you. "

Chengcha Luyoudao's eyes were all focused on Liu Haiping. Although it was unjust to force a woman to take risks, this was the best choice now.

"Sorry, we can't go for you." Lu Youcheng looked at her sincerely.

Knowing that the situation was urgent, Liu Haiping gritted her teeth and agreed. According to Tong Han's introduction, she needed to jump into the water.

Use the fastest speed to drag the body onto the boat. At the same time, be careful not to turn the body over, let alone touch the woman's hair, just pull her feet, and do not let the woman's body touch the rest of the body. body.

Soon, Cheng Chalu Youdao rowed the boat near the woman, but at this moment, in addition to the woman's body, there were many floating corpses around.

Quickly taking off her clothes, Liu Haiping took a deep breath, her eyes became firm, and then she grabbed the side of the boat with both hands and descended little by little into the cold lake water.

But the next second, she seemed to have discovered something. She almost jumped out of the water. Lu Youcheng, who was nearest, grabbed her and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Liu Haiping's lips were trembling, and she kept gesturing underwater with her hands. Seeing this, Tong Han sighed and comforted her, saying that she knew there were corpses under the lake, and there were more bodies than on the lake. Those were all drowned boats. The guests and the team that came to welcome the bride were not mentioned earlier because they were worried that Liu Haiping would mess up due to fear.

But Tong Han assured that those things were sleeping, and as long as there was no big noise, there would be no problem. She advised Liu Haiping to just pretend that the corpses suspended under the lake did not exist.

Seeing Tong Han's promise, Liu Haiping no longer hesitated and slowly swam towards the woman's body, trying to avoid other corpses on the way.

Everything went smoothly. Liu Haiping grabbed the feet of the woman's body and dragged the body back. But just when it was about to be done, an accident happened. A floating corpse happened to block the way. Liu Haiping was able to avoid it with quick eyesight and quick hands. It opened, but the woman's body dragged behind him was not so lucky. It happened to hit him. The next second, the woman's body, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly twitched, and the tangled hair spread out instantly, stretching longer and longer. ,

It was twisting like a sea snake in the black lake water, and the scene was extremely shocking.

"Quick, turn the body over!" Tong Han shouted when he saw this: "Kiss her, go quickly, your heart must be sincere!"

Liu Haiping in the water did not dare to neglect. She could already feel that the nearby corpses were moving towards her, and the long hair was also curling towards her.

She turned the corpse over with force, and leaned over to kiss him as Tong Han asked. But when she saw the corpse's face clearly, she hesitated. The corpse had completely changed its appearance, and its slender limbs had become bloated and ulcerated.

The once delicately made-up face was completely changed beyond recognition. The face was twice the size of an ordinary person. The eyes were squeezed into the rotten flesh and almost disappeared, but she could feel a cold and resentful gaze from the cracks in the rotten flesh. .

"Kiss her quickly, don't hesitate!" Tong Han shouted.

But it was too late. Numerous long hairs had already entangled Liu Haiping's limbs and waist, holding her firmly in place. As the long hair tightened and twisted with force, Liu Haiping's limbs and waist were twisted at the same time. The look in her eyes The vitality slowly dissipated.

Lu Youcheng, who was watching all this on the boat, was stunned. It was not entirely because Liu Haiping was dead, but because he saw only Liu Haiping's head sinking into the water, while her severed limbs floated strangely. ,

The fracture was not flesh and blood, but clusters of straw!

How is that possible?

How did Liu Haiping become a scarecrow!

Suddenly his thoughts came back, and Lu Youdao suddenly recalled something. He was hit by a coffin at the mass grave before, and it hit his leg. He remembered that the hit was very heavy at the time. He originally thought that his leg could not be saved. But who would have thought that later on, even running and jumping, nothing happened. At that time, I wanted to escape the pursuit of ghosts, so I ignored this point. Now think about it, how is this possible?

He rolled up his trouser legs. His legs were so smooth and the skin seemed fake. Not to mention the legs were broken.

There wasn't even a bruise on it.

This leg was like opening a new door for him. He began to recall uncontrollably. The more he recalled, the more loopholes he found, and the more he recalled, the stronger the fear in his heart became. He grabbed his head and gulped. He was breathing, his eyes were bloodshot, and he felt like he was about to explode.

At this moment, Tong Han and Cheng Cha, who were also on the boat, were also in fear. In their eyes, Lu Youcheng had completely changed. Straws kept coming out of his neck, hands, feet, and any exposed parts. His paper-like skin was punctured, and there were more and more straws. His body was clearly made of straws. Now, his true form was finally revealed!

"No, I'm dead. When did I die?" Lu Youcheng's whole body was itchy. He kept scratching. More and more of his paper skin was scratched. His eyes were bloodshot and his head was shaking. It was better to say that he was a ghost than a human.

Cheng Cha, who was standing behind him, rushed over and hit Lu Youcheng with his body, but he didn't have enough strength. He only knocked him off his feet and didn't fall into the lake.

Cheng Cha panicked immediately. When he raised his head, Lu Youcheng's eyes had completely changed. He stretched out his straw-covered palm to grab him. At the critical moment, a swift kick came from behind, hitting Lu Youcheng in the waist, kicking him off the boat without a stable footing.

"Steady the boat!" Tong Han shouted to Cheng Cha.

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