Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 385 Ginseng Doll

Soon, the group stopped in front of a wooden house facing the street. There was a wooden plaque hanging in front of the house.

There are four golden characters written horizontally on the plaque: Xinlong Gambling House.

"We're here." Cheng Cha raised his head, glanced at the plaque, and lowered his voice to remind: "Don't talk nonsense when you go in later.

Don't pay attention to those who come to Shantou. Nine times out of ten you will lose. In this gambling house, we have no chance of winning. The best situation is a draw. "

Yang Xiao probably understood that he had to come here even though he knew he would not win, just to exchange the toys in his hands for bills from the gambling house. Only the bills could be exchanged for money at the bank. This was an unavoidable link in the task requirements.

As they stepped into the gate of the gambling house, there was smoke inside. Some people were smoking dry cigarettes, and some people lying on the ground were smoking opium paste. There was only one gambling table in the gambling house. At this moment, the table was crowded with people. Staring at the sieve cup with red eyes.

Seeing a stranger come in, some gamblers who had lost all their money immediately came up to them and asked them for toys, saying that they could borrow them for a while and then pay them back twice as much after they used them to make a comeback. However, Yang Xiao and the others ignored them completely, and the gamblers had no idea. Integrity at all.

Squeezing to the gambling table, Yang Xiao found that these people were playing the simplest way of rolling dice. Both parties placed bets according to the size. There was a big word written in the red area on the left side of the gambling table, but the difference was that the red area was subdivided into 3 small words. piece,

The three numbers 4, 5, and 6 are marked respectively, and a small word is written in the corresponding green area on the right, which is subdivided into 1, 2, and 3.

There are three blocks, and the bettor places the toy on a certain number on one of them.

This was the first time Yang Xiao had seen such a bet. Cheng Cha skillfully took out the cloth tiger from his arms and bet on the number 6 in the red area.

The person who presided over the gambling game was an elderly man with a mustache. When he saw them placing bets, he immediately beamed with joy. He raised the sieve cup and shook it vigorously. He kept shouting: "Buy the money and leave, no regrets, let's go!"

With a sound, the sieve cup fell heavily on the gaming table. In an instant, everyone's eyes were fixed on the gaming table. When the sieve cup was opened, there was only one dice in it, "1 o'clock, small!"

The next second, the cloth tiger was taken away, but Cheng Chali ignored him and turned around to leave. Yang Xiao and the others also left. After leaving the gambling house, Cheng Cha slowly opened his mouth to explain, saying This is all expected. According to the rules they summarized last time, you will lose the first time you enter the casino. After that, you will draw three games in a row, and then lose again. In short, you will not win.

"Is there some kind of pattern here?" Sui Chengguo asked: "In fact, there may be ways to win, but there are certain requirements for gambling skills."

Hearing this, Cheng Cha shook his head, "Maybe, but we can't find it. Last time there was a master in our team who was deeply involved in this skill. He watched three games and couldn't figure out the trick."

After walking not far, everyone stopped again. This time they arrived at the bank. Unfortunately, the door of the bank was closed, and a sign saying "out of business" was hung in front of the door.

"It's not open?" Mi Shu was a little surprised.

"Well, this place is prepared for us. Since we lost the only exchangeable chip, there is no need for this bank to open." Cheng Cha looked at another sign in front of the door, which said today's exchange price. : One rattle is exchanged for 10 ingots of gold, one ingot of gold is exchanged for 10 ingots of silver, and one ingot of silver is exchanged for 100 copper plates.

"The exchange price here is not static. You will know next time." Cheng Cha raised his feet and continued walking forward.

This time, when everyone stood still, a cloth shop appeared on the street. The cloth shop was also closed and had a sign indicating that it was out of business. There was also a wooden sign that read: Integrity management, no deception, small business, one piece of clothing. silver.

It seems that Cheng Cha is right. These places are closely connected. The gambling house only accepts toys from jugglers, the bank only accepts bills issued by the gambling house, and the cloth shop only accepts cash from the bank. The three stores are linked together. One link is indispensable.

After confirming that nothing was missing, the three of them broke through the lively crowd and came to the end of the street. Along the way, they saw too many incredible scenes. Several people gathered around to pee and mud, and crawled naked on the street. These were all strange. No wonder, the whole town went completely crazy.

There is a big house at the end of the street. The house looks very luxurious, but the strange thing is that the ones placed on both sides of the door are not stone lions, but two fat and white stone dolls standing and squatting. The standing doll has a tie around its waist. There is a red ribbon, and a small flower protrudes from the top of the squatting one's head. The flower is also dyed red. The two dolls look very smart, but after staring at them for a long time, they feel vaguely evil.

"Are these two dolls ginseng dolls?" Yang Xiao asked in a low voice.

Cheng Cha nodded and walked to the front door of the house without knocking. He stretched out his hand to push it open. The door was not locked and was just ajar. It opened as soon as he pushed it. There was a harsh friction sound at the door axis. He had thought about this door for a long time. No one opened it.

"Where is this place?" Tong Han asked cautiously. There was an incense burner in the middle of the yard. There was a thick incense stick inserted in the burner. The incense head was lit, emitting bursts of fragrant mist.

"This is the residence of the town's patrol ginseng boss. This town is made of ginseng. The boss talks about everything in the town.

The status is extremely respected. "Cheng Cha took everyone around the house and reminded: "Everyone, please remember the layout of this place carefully. After a stick of incense, we will start the task in this house. The goal is to find the tree. The spermatozoon ginseng doll may transform into anything, but one thing will not change. It will be a little red. This is because the spermatozoa ginseng ate too many people and bloomed. A blood-red poisonous flower, this flower is made of evil spirits. Even the ginseng essence itself cannot completely hide it. "

"It can transform into anything, so how can we find it?" Mi Shu frowned. Although this house is not as big as the Du family's ancestral house, it is also quite large. If it turns into a stone, a blade of grass or other inconspicuous things, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"No, the things it transforms into are quite large, at least the size of a 7 or 8-year-old child. Once we found it, it turned into a large millstone, and the red flower was disguised as a basket of red beans on the millstone." Cheng Cha recalled.

Everyone quickly walked around the house and returned to the original place. In front of them was the incense burner, and the incense in the incense burner was about to burn out.

"I'll say it again. Once you find a ginseng spirit, don't rush forward to put on the red rope. First, shout "bangchui" in that direction. After hearing these two words, the ginseng spirit will be fixed immediately and its form will change. Then go forward and tie it with a red rope, and it won't be able to escape."

"But be careful, the shouting position should be kept within 5 meters. It's useless outside 5 meters, and it will alarm it. It's better to get within 3 meters, which is safer." Cheng Cha emphasized, "Also, the ginseng spirit will stop all movements immediately after being fixed. It's no threat to us, so you can go forward and tie the rope."

"How many times can we shout "bangchui?" Yang Xiao asked the key question. He thought there would be a certain limit. Otherwise, if they dispersed and shouted all the way, they would sooner or later shout out the ginseng spirit, and the mission would not leave them such a big loophole.

Hearing this, Cheng Cha's face became weird, and he turned his head to look at Yang Xiao, "There is no limit to the number of shouting, but if you shout the wrong way, it will summon other things, which is the most fatal."

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