Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 394 I am a ghost

Knowing that he had been cheated, Cheng Cha's expression turned even uglier than that of the store owner. This was his previous mission, yet he was treated like a monkey. "Is this what you call honest management? You are not deceived by others? Aren't you afraid that we will screw you up?" The sign in front of the store?”

The fat steward immediately panicked, "No, no, I didn't do this. It must be... some damn guy must have done it secretly behind my back. Damn it! Once I find out, I'll skin him !”

This was obviously sophistry, but Yang Xiao was too lazy to bother with him, threw away the silver ingot in his hand, and got straight to the point, "Shopkeeper, you don't have enough gold ingots here. Go and move the remaining gold ingots out of the warehouse. Please hurry up." "

Hearing this, the fat steward stepped forward with a smile and explained: "Guys, I think all the gold ingots in the warehouse have been stolen by the damn guys. The stock is estimated to be insufficient, but don't worry, I still have a lot of gold ingots. Elsewhere, please wait a moment, I’ll have it delivered right away.”

The fat steward pulled a young boy aside and whispered a few instructions in his ear. The young boy walked to the back hall alone. After a while, he came back again with a rusty gong in his hand and walked out the door. outside,

Holding the gong in one hand, he grabbed the drum hammer with the other hand, and struck it hard, and the harsh sound of the gong suddenly spread throughout the town.

"Collect the bill~~" the waiter shouted after holding back all his strength.

The next second, Yang Xiao and the others standing at the door saw a shocking scene. The originally lively street suddenly became quiet. No, it can no longer be described as quiet, it should be...silent! Deathly silence!

Whether they were pedestrians on the street, vendors hawking along the street, customers haggling, or even beggars begging at the entrance of the alley, they all stopped at the same time, turned their heads, and looked at the bank door with a stiff expression:

Dozens or hundreds of eyes were all looking in the same direction, and the scene was weird and weird.

After a while, as if a switch was turned on, strange smiling faces appeared on their faces. The crowd finally started to move. Some walked towards the bank with stiff steps, while more people turned around and left. Scattered away, footsteps hurried.

"Sister Tong Han, let's go in quickly!" Mi Shu, who was standing on the street, was already frightened by the scene in front of her. She grabbed Tong Han's arm hard and couldn't speak a complete sentence. It was true that this scene was too much. Suddenly and shocking.

Just now, Mi Shu saw with her own eyes that the mother and daughter, who were talking to her normally just a second ago, turned their heads 180 degrees.

His spine was twisted, and he looked straight behind him, in the direction of the bank gate.

"Don't be messy, they are not coming for us." After appeasing Mi Shu, Tong Han decided to stay put and wait and see what the situation was. They had two teams, one inside and one outside, so that they could coordinate with each other if something happened.

Seeing these "townies" walking like zombies, Mi Shu's heart was in her throat, but these "people" just passed by them without even looking at them. At the same time, these people's hands There has also been action.

Mi Shu couldn't help but open her eyes wide, and saw the townspeople raising their hands one after another, and some took off the gold hairpins on their heads.

Gold earrings, some took off the gold bracelets and rings on their hands, and some even reached out and broke the gold teeth in their mouths.

At this moment, there was movement at the bank's door. The guys brought an empty box and placed it outside the door. The townspeople who gathered around threw all kinds of gold jewelry in, and then dispersed and left without stopping.

This was just the beginning. Soon, the townspeople who had left earlier came back one after another. These people held various gold items in their hands, mostly small pieces of gold jewelry. They probably brought them home, but there were also large items. , such as gold plates and gold bars. Soon, Yang Xiao saw three people walking out from the end of the street and working together to carry something that looked like a small golden Buddha, covered with a piece of red cloth.

As this thing was carried, people on both sides of the street knelt down and worshiped. When the red cloth was lifted, Yang Xiao and the others discovered that there was a pure gold statue of ginseng inside.

It seems that the other party is trying to collect all the gold in the town to compete with him. These golds come from different sources, some look relatively new, and some are still covered with mud and emit a foul smell, as if they were dug out of a coffin temporarily. of.

In order to collect the gold, these ghosts really did everything possible. They probably dug all the graves near the town.

But even so, 50,000 ingots and 150,000 taels of gold were not enough. Before the incense was completely burned out, the fat steward tried to persuade Yang Xiao to make up the remaining amount with copper coins, but he was ruthlessly rejected. In order to anger him, Yang Xiao also sent him He was humiliated, and at the same time, he pointed the finger of the problem at the gambling shop's boss Sun at the right time.

The fat steward, who was so angry with embarrassment, immediately summoned Master Sun. Soon, Master Sun hurried over with a group of people. Under Yang Xiao's instigation, the two groups started to quarrel when they disagreed, and the quarrel became more and more fierce.

First they smashed things and yelled at each other, then they spit on each other, then they took off their pants and peed on each other, and then defecated on the spot and threw them at each other with their hands.

The situation quickly escalated again and turned into throwing things and hitting each other. The scene was chaotic for a while. What shocked Yang Xiao was that they were also affected by the attack. His own arm was scratched, and Sui Chengguo was hit by Jin Yuanbao. Cheng Cha was hit in the knee and suffered the worst. A flying wooden box hit him in the back, causing blood to flow from his mouth and nose.

The three of them quickly figured out the problem. If the fight continued like this, let alone whether the two groups could win or lose.

They, the bystanders, will be beaten to death first.

At this moment, the scene outside the door has also changed. The originally bustling street has become dilapidated. The doors and windows of the shops on both sides of the street have rotted and fallen. The figures of the townspeople are gradually becoming rickety, with large areas of skin falling off, and they have begun to change into the appearance of resentful babies.

Anyone can see that the world is no longer stable and is on the verge of collapse. At the same time, Tong Han's shouts are heard, informing them that the exit has appeared. It is at the end of the street, the house where Lao Shen left his head. forward!

The three of them retreated toward the door with a tacit understanding, intending to leave first, leaving the people in the bank and the gambling house to fight to the death. But the next second, just as they were about to retreat in front of the door, the scene suddenly changed, and they saw the original The two groups of people who were fighting fiercely suddenly stopped what they were doing, turned their heads, and stared at Yang Xiao and the others.

At this time, we were only a few steps away from the door. All we had to do was turn around and rush out in a few steps. But none of the three people dared to move. They saw that half of the face of the fat steward of the bank was rotten, and half of his face was pulled down. He was unspeakably ferocious, his eyes filled with hatred for the three of them.

"Go back." Cheng Cha reminded in a low voice, and as the three of them walked back into the hall, the two groups of people quickly fought each other again.

This time someone actually showed a knife.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he retreated again, and the familiar scene played out again. This time, before the two groups stopped, someone threw a dagger at Yang Xiao. Fortunately, Yang Xiao reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been stabbed to the core.

After two incidents, everyone was in a dilemma. If they left, they would be targeted, but if they waited, they would be left behind forever, and the town would be wiped out together.

The physical fight between the two groups had become intense, and they had no time to deal with Yang Xiao and the others, allowing them to take a moment to breathe.

"Did you do this last time?" Yang Xiao looked at Cheng Cha.

After hesitating for a moment, Cheng Cha finally nodded, "Absolutely, listen to me, we need to take some risks.

Brother Sui, you have the best physical strength. Go and steal the folding fan from the banker's waist. Chu Xi, you cooperate with me. As soon as Brother Sui succeeds, we will go and steal the hat of the gambling shop owner Sun. Then enshrine these two things in front of the golden ginseng statue, pray sincerely, and then leave. "

"Let's act quickly." Cheng Cha looked serious and leaned forward, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

But Sui Chengguo, who was supposed to be the first to rush to the door as planned, remained motionless, turned his head, and looked at Cheng Cha with an unexplainable look.

"Brother Sui?" Cheng Cha looked confused.

After a moment, Sui Chengguo sighed, "You made up this plan because you wanted me to help you attract the attention of these guys and give you a chance to escape."

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Cha's expression suddenly changed. Although the plan was a bit hasty, it was beyond his expectation that it was discovered so quickly. However, Sui Chengguo just waved his hand and told Cheng Cha not to worry, "I don't blame you. You mean, let me guess, one person must be left behind before the rest have a chance to leave, right?”

Cheng Cha was silent, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"I was wondering before why the cloth shop proprietress died in this world even though she had figured out a way to leave. It seems that she was the one who stayed last time." Sui Chengguo slowly raised his head, his eyes calm, " This also explains why many of you died last time, but this time we only saw the proprietress. She may not have died in the true sense, but was left behind and assimilated into this world. "

Turning his head, Sui Chengguo looked at Yang Xiao, "Brother Chu, with your ability, you must have noticed that Cheng Cha is hiding something from us. I think this is the matter, but he is not targeting you, he is just guarding against me."

Yang Xiao naturally understood this. Not long ago, Cheng Cha persuaded himself and Tong Han Mi Shu to go out and wait, probably just to prepare for the current situation. He had already anticipated what would happen next, and planned to sacrifice Sui Chengguo to preserve the remaining people.

"Brother Sui, I can't help you, but I have my own reasons. Don't blame me." Now, Cheng Cha was open-minded, but unfortunately he didn't dare to tell Sui Chengguo the truth.

Sui Chengguo nodded, stretched out his hand, looked down, and suddenly showed a miserable smile, "I know, I am dead, and now I... am just a ghost."

"Liu Haiping, Hu Yanming, and Lu Youcheng are the same as me. We are all dead. We died before we went to the abandoned temple in the forest to find you people."

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