Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 397 Blood Coffin

"Then what did you see?" After taking a breath, Yang Xiao urgently needed to figure out what happened.

"You stood there and did nothing." Tong Han explained.

"What about her? Can't you see her?" Yang Xiao pointed at the little girl kneeling on the ground, becoming more and more excited.

"I can see it's a child." Cheng Cha considered it for a moment before continuing: "It should be a ghost."

"How do you feel?" Tong Han was more concerned about whether Yang Xiao was hurt.

"No." Yang Xiao briefly felt it and reassured everyone.

While Yang Xiao was explaining to them, the red moon that had collapsed above their heads actually recovered. As the red light fell, everything around them became strange again. It was this ominous premonition that drove Yang Xiao and the others to move forward.

Soon, they climbed up the third level of stairs, and this time it was Mi Shu who was hit. As she walked, a dim halo suddenly enveloped her, and the red moon collapsed again. Everything repeated itself in the familiar, only But this time Yang Xiao changed from a witness to an audience.

No matter how much Mi Shu struggled in the cage, she could not leave the small area shrouded in light. A moment later, she seemed to see an extremely terrifying scene. She screamed loudly, fell to the ground, and kept crawling backwards. At the end of time, the disintegrated red moon recovered again, leaving behind a female ghost.

The back of the female ghost's head was smashed, and there were two lines of blood and tears on her rotten face. Her body was in pieces, and she looked extremely terrifying. But Yang Xiao knew that the female ghost was not a threat to them at this moment, because she couldn't protect herself.

Just like the little girl ghost in the ghost lantern, this crying female ghost is also restricted and can only stay in place.

Looking back, I saw that my ghost with braids was still kneeling on the second step, kowtowing motionlessly.

It took Mi Shu a long time to come back to his senses, and he touched various parts of his body with his hands, his eyes full of fear, as if he was feeling whether his body was complete.

"How are you?" Tong Han asked loudly, "What did you see?"

"A soul-calling flag, a ghost came out of the flag. Before I could see it clearly, the ghost rushed over and smashed me into pieces." Mi Shu's voice was trembling at the moment. He was very frightened when he came out. Yang Xiao understood her very well, because the spiritual tablet also made him smash his head and even knock out his brains. The scene and feeling were very real. At that moment, he felt like he was dead.

Cheng Cha seemed to have thought of something, and immediately pointed to the crying female ghost beside Mi Shu, "Look carefully, has this guy been like this before?"

"No, she only had the back of her head smashed before, and her body... didn't have so many injuries." Mi Shu also came back to her senses at this moment.

The female ghost was in tatters and even broken in some places. Yang Xiao immediately understood what Cheng Cha was thinking.

It seems that it was this ghost that took the damage for Mishu.

It was the same for me before. It was the girl with braids who helped me bear the curse of the spiritual tablet, otherwise I would be the one who died.

Before everyone could react, Mi Shu seemed to have seen something in the next second. He suddenly burst out with a scream, the sound of breaking wind sounded in his ears, countless white paper money fell from the sky, and a big red coffin suddenly exploded surrounded by many ghosts. Rushing over, the head of the coffin hit Mi Shu directly, knocking her away. Her fragile body was torn apart in an instant, and her internal organs were mixed with blood, splattering everywhere.

This scene was too sudden and shocking. Until the funeral procession disappeared, Yang Xiao and the other two people had not yet reacted.

Until he lowered his head and saw the blood splashed on his body. The blood was hot. There was also a severed hand at his feet, and the fingers on it were still trembling slightly.


A man who had been with them for so long and survived being besieged by villagers all night at the Du family's ancestral home died like this.

It was the way she had just described her death, her body was shattered into pieces.

The scene in front of them was too bloody. The three of them turned their heads and stopped looking. After stabilizing their emotions, Yang Xiao gradually began to guess that Mi Shu's death should be related to the deprivation of the ghosts in her resentful eyes. In this bet, the number of ghosts on her body It's just chips. Once the chips are cleared, people will be out.

Mi Shu only had one resentful eye and one ghost, so after the ghost was taken away, she died. She was torn apart by the big red ghost coffin, the same way she saw not long ago.

And he is the same. If he only has one resentment eye, then his fate will be to kowtow to death, or he may have his head smashed by the big red ghost coffin, knocking out all the brain matter. If he is lucky, maybe some On Tong Han and the others.

"Every time you go up a step, someone will be cursed, either leaving a ghost or leaving a life." Tong Han also understood the rules of this mission.

Cheng Cha stared at the people on the platform, his eyes gradually becoming weird, "Their positions are unique. The triggering rules are in counterclockwise order. The next one to take action should be the person wearing the black gauze hat. Give me some time."

It should be able to calculate the way of birth. "

The three of them continued on the road and climbed the fourth step this time. Yang Xiao felt that his physical strength was very exhausted. He looked up and saw that there were still five steps. He had a very strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that even if he was given enough Given time and opportunity, he could not climb all the steps. This was not a matter of ability, but of physical strength.

The energy consumed along the way should not be much, but now he even feels a little tired. At the same time, Cheng Cha is worse than him. He is already breathing heavily and has cold sweat on his forehead. Tong Han's situation is even more difficult. Yang Xiao He noticed that she was holding on to her legs and seemed to be almost unsteady. She might not be able to hold on for long due to her leg injury.

"There is something strange about this place. It is consuming our strength and aggravating our injuries." Tong Han started to cough violently after she finished speaking.

Tong Han was already injured, so her perception was the clearest.

In order to avoid triggering the punishment, the three of them changed their route and walked towards the fifth step, even taking two steps forward and one step back, but it was still useless. This time, it was Cheng Cha who was hit. The black gauze hat on the guy whose face could not be seen was shaking left and right.

Cheng Cha was much more restrained than Mi Shu. As the ban was lifted, Cheng Cha seemed to have been drained of all his strength.

He fell to the ground with his knees, retching continuously, and where he originally stood, a skinny ghost stood there.

The ghost's dry head swayed left and right, and each time the amplitude exceeded 90 degrees. The scene was indescribably weird.

And Yang Xiao noticed that the frequency of the ghost's head shaking was exactly the same as the frequency of the wings shaking on the black gauze hat on the stone platform. It felt like the black gauze hat was worn on the ghost's head in the air.

After a while of dry heaving, Cheng Cha finally struggled to stand up, his head also shaking slightly, as if he was dizzy.

But at this moment, Yang Xiao was also re-examining this teammate. The ghost that was imprisoned by him was not a ginseng spirit. In other words, this kid had at least two resentful eyes and two ghosts.

Cheng Cha pointed at his head and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he almost vomited them. Yang Xiao knew that

he must have suffered a lot in the imprisonment just now.

Cheng Cha stood up staggeringly and looked at Yang Xiao with a painful expression, "Do you really not remember how you got through here last time?"

"I don't remember, I stole this thing." Yang Xiao said bluntly.

After swallowing hard, Cheng Cha nodded, "I...I seem to have found a pattern, but it's not enough. I need to...verify it again."

"I can help you try and make mistakes, if necessary." Yang Xiao has no other skills, but he has a lot of treasures on him. Director Nalan knows this and specifically told him to keep a low profile, saying that he has too many things of unknown origin.

Without hesitation, the three continued to move forward and climbed up the 5th step this time. Tong Han's leg injury became more serious, and it took a lot of effort to climb up.

As a dim halo enveloped Tong Han, it was her turn to be trapped, but Tong Han was surprisingly calm.

She sat on the ground and gently rubbed her injured leg, "You go, I only have one complaint, and my leg injury doesn't allow me to walk anymore."

"Please help me take out the money I deposited with the boss after you get out, and donate it to a reliable charity. I have killed people and set fires in my life, and I haven't done anything good. I will do some good deeds in the last stage, and hope to be reborn in a good way." Tong Han instructed Yang Xiao.

"I have a way, maybe you can try it." Cheng Cha interrupted her, turned his head to look at Yang Xiao, and tried: "Brother Chu, you may be able to help her avoid a disaster, but you have to take certain risks, are you willing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, she still owes me a favor, who can I ask for it if she dies?" Yang Xiao motioned him to speak quickly.

Looking up at the red moon that was about to collapse, Cheng Cha said hurriedly: "It's too late to explain so much. You two listen to me. When I say start, you two turn around at the same time, turn your backs to the platform, close your eyes, and don't think about anything."


As Cheng Cha shouted, Yang Xiao and Tong Han turned around at the same time. The next second, Yang Xiao suddenly felt a cold breath behind him. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw that he and Tong Han had swapped positions, and at this moment he was imprisoned in a cage.

There were bursts of creaking sounds behind him. It felt like an old wooden door was opened. A cold hand was placed on his shoulder and pulled him back suddenly.

His body kept falling, as if falling into an endless abyss, despair, coldness, helplessness after being abandoned, countless negative auras wrapped around him, as if pulling, hoping to draw out the evil in the deepest part of his heart.

Finally, Yang Xiao opened his eyes suddenly, and at this moment he was back to where he was before, Tong Han also went back, everything just now seemed like a dream.

But this was definitely not a dream, because there was a ghost shadow floating behind Tong Han, and the ghost shadow was in a translucent state, which was very strange. Tong Han felt that the ghost shadow looked like Yang Xiao at first glance, but after looking at it for a long time, he found that the facial features of the figure were melting and becoming more and more like himself.

"Don't look, it's the guy in the mirror!" Yang Xiao resisted the despair in his heart and stopped him.

Turning his head, Yang Xiao looked at Cheng Cha, exhaled a long breath and gave him an encouraging look.

"Well done, brother."

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