Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 403 Return

The moment his body passed through the door, Yang Xiao suddenly heard a Buddhist chant behind him. The sound was so close that it was almost touching his back. The next second, he stepped on empty air and fell down uncontrollably.

After an unknown amount of time, his body suddenly twitched and Yang Xiao woke up in a daze. His eyelids were heavy. He tried several times before he opened them a little.

There was light coming in, and as his vision became clearer, he found himself lying in a wide room, surrounded by various medical instruments, and various parameters reflecting his physical condition were floating on the electronic screen.

This was a ward, but Yang Xiao was unfamiliar with it. In his memory, the last moment before he entered the nightmare world was in Mo Daidai's territory.

The next second, he suddenly remembered something and tried to turn his head to look nearby, but he was the only patient in this wide ward.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and a doctor-like man walked in with a famous female nurse, "You're awake, how do you feel?"

Yang Xiao's head was so dizzy that he couldn't even see the doctor's face clearly, "Where...where is this, who are you?"

"Mr. Yang, my boss invited you here, don't you remember?" The doctor sat on a chair next to Yang Xiao's bed and looked at him with a smile.

"Where's Tong Han?"

"Miss Tong's condition is more complicated than yours. She is receiving treatment in another ward, but her life can be guaranteed, please rest assured."

"By the way, we didn't move any of the items you brought with us without permission. We have sorted them out for you, and they are right there." The doctor raised his hand and pointed to one side with a very respectful attitude.

Following the direction of the doctor's finger, Yang Xiao saw that his backpack was placed alone on a table, and at this moment his costume had long disappeared, and he was replaced with a loose and comfortable hospital gown. I think these people did it while he was unconscious.

"How long have I been back?" At this moment, Yang Xiao had lost the sense of time, and he subconsciously thought it had been a long, long time.

The doctor held his eyes and nodded, "It's been two days."

"Two days...


Yang Xiao struggled to get up, but unfortunately his whole body was tied up with a corset. Seeing this, the female nurse came forward and untied Yang Xiao, and at the same time took off the various instrument patches wrapped around Yang Xiao. While helping Yang Xiao up, she leaned close to his ear and whispered softly, "Sir, do you want to go to the bathroom? I'll help you."

"No." Yang Xiao refused decisively.

But although he was tough on the mouth, his body was very honest. He sat on the bed and was about to stand up, but his feet felt weak. If the female nurse hadn't been quick to help him, he would have fallen very badly. It was not the first time that Yang Xiao returned from the nightmare world, but this time his body was particularly weak.

"Xiaoya, you stay and take care of Mr. Yang." The male doctor stood up and nodded to Yang Xiao, "Mr. Yang, you can tell her if you have any needs."

After the doctor left, the nurse helped Yang Xiao get his backpack, and then Yang Xiao asked to go to the bathroom.

"You can go out, I need to go to the bathroom. "Yang Xiao stood in the bathroom holding the wall, and ordered the female nurse who was watching to leave.

"Mr. Yang, it's too dangerous for you to do this, how about I help you hold it."

Xiao Ya squatted down and naturally pulled Yang Xiao's pants, which frightened Yang Xiao so much that his face changed. He held the wall with one hand and tried to protect his innocence with the other hand, "Nurse, nurse, don't do this!"

Xiao Ya raised her head and looked at Yang Xiao with a little surprise, and then suddenly smiled, "Mr. Yang, don't worry, I am a professional nurse, that...: I changed all the clothes on you, including the underwear. "

Yang Xiao's eyebrows jumped when he saw Xiaoya's smile. He immediately realized one thing. The mobile phone he left behind was hacked. That damn Mo Daidai checked his browsing history and summarized the type of girls he liked from a large amount of data.

So he carefully selected and chose the girl who best met the criteria. This was a romantic trap and a hunting in the officialdom.

Yang Xiao strongly suspected that there were surveillance cameras hidden everywhere in this room, even the bathroom.

"Get out." Yang Xiao hardened his heart and put on a stern face, ordering the other party to leave, "I don't need help with such trivial matters. ”

After driving Xiaoya out, Yang Xiao walked to a corner, used his body to block the possible surveillance cameras, opened his backpack, and found the underworld robe and mobile phone inside. He took off his hospital gown and turned his back to the mirror. He was most worried that the piece of cloth on his back would be discovered, but to his surprise, the red cloth on his back disappeared.

Yang Xiao was shocked. He reached out to touch the place where the cloth had been, but found that the skin there felt different, smoother and more delicate, like...: fine cloth.

At the same time, Yang Xiao reached out to touch the robe, and sure enough, his piece of human skin on the robe was gone, and the feel of the corresponding position on the robe became strange, no longer cloth, but tougher, with a leathery feel.

Although it was unclear why all this happened, it at least relieved Yang Xiao's worries. Otherwise, there would always be a piece of red cloth on his back, which would be too conspicuous.

After sorting out his things, Yang Xiao pressed the button of the toilet, then pretended to turn on the faucet to wash his hands, opened the door, and walked out.

Xiaoya, who was waiting outside the door, took the backpack with great discernment and supported Yang Xiao with her other hand. Yang Xiao proposed to visit Tong Han. Xiaoya couldn't make a decision on this, so she called the male doctor from before. Accompanied by the doctor and Xiaoya, Yang Xiao and his group took the elevator to a ward downstairs. This ward is located at the end of the corridor. Compared with Yang Xiao's previous ward, the security factor here is much stricter.

There was a guard outside the ward door and no one was allowed in. Yang Xiao could only stand outside the door and looked in through a narrow observation window. He saw Tong Han lying on his back on a hospital bed, surrounded by various instruments, and Filled with colorful tubes.


Yang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He still remembered Tong Han's last moments. It was so terrifying. It was exactly the same as the photo Mo Dudai took out.

Although he knew that no matter how injured he was in the nightmare world, he could recover as long as he could breathe out, but Yang Xiao was always uneasy unless he saw it with his own eyes. Tong Han was indispensable for everyone's escape this time.

Looking away, Yang Xiao looked at the doctor beside him, "How is she doing?"

"It's more complicated. There are no injuries on the body, but the spirit has been greatly stimulated. The reaction to the stimulation given by the outside world is not optimistic. However, we have gathered the best medical team and everyone is discussing the plan together." The doctor explained.

"Can it be cured?"

"I don't know, but we'll do our best."

"Where's that thing she brought back?"

"I don't know, I'm just a doctor."

Although the other party had a good attitude, he didn't know what to ask, which made Yang Xiao a little irritated. "Go and find Mo Dadai. I have something to ask him."

"Hug, our boss is not here." The doctor still had the same polite tone, and even his eyes were filled with compliments.

Yang Xiao sneered, "I guess you don't know where he went, right?"

"I don't know, as you can see, I'm just a doctor."

"So I'm under house arrest. I can't leave here even half a step, is that right?" Yang Xiao suspected that Mo Daidai was going to cross the river and burn down the bridge. He and Tong Han were still useful before he started, and he needed to learn more about ghosts from them. related news.

Unexpectedly, the doctor shook his head this time, "Mr. Yang, don't get me wrong. We have no intention of detaining you. You can leave at any time if you want, but I suggest you stay and rest for a while. After all, your current condition is not suitable for going out." "

Of course, Yang Xiao was aware of his current situation. He didn't bother too much when he was under the roof. After simply eating something, he went back to the ward to rest.

He slept in darkness, and when he woke up it was already dark outside, and his physical condition had mostly recovered. According to the doctor's examination, his current body had no major problems except for being a little weak.

"Then how long will it take for me to recover from this weakness?" Yang Xiao asked. He had always taken great care of his body.

The doctor closed the medical record and raised his head seriously: "It's hard to say. Your physical weakness has nothing to do with this experience. It is entirely a matter of personal constitution. I suggest you stay up less late, drink wolfberry ginseng tea appropriately, and take some when the weather is hot. Of course, the most important thing about tea drinks like Black Plum Three Bean Drink is internal adjustment. Young people,

You must know how to control yourself. "

Yang Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Soon, they arranged a car to take him back to the apartment. It wasn't until he opened the door and returned to his own small room that his tense heartstrings slowly relaxed. After taking a shower , Yang Xiao ordered a midnight snack, he still had things to do tonight.

He was supposed to open the mirror world immediately and check the treasures he stored in it, but now that he is in poor condition, he is worried about encountering the ghost in the mirror. He has already experienced how powerful that guy is, and his strategies are not inferior to his own.

If this guy hadn't come out to disrupt the situation at the critical moment, he wouldn't have been caught by the ghost so easily and thrown into the nightmare world.

After thinking about it, he turned on his phone and Yang Xiao sent a message to Fu Qingzhu, wanting to invite him out to meet him, but he didn't receive a reply.

Sitting in front of the table, Yang Xiao first took out a piece of paper and recorded two numbers. One was Cheng Cha and the other was naturally Sui Chengguo. The three of them left each other's contact information before leaving, but now Yang Xiao did not disturb the two of them. plan.

Leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes, Yang Xiao recalled the experience of the mission bit by bit. His memory was very blurry.

And it seems that a part is missing. He only remembers dying once during the mission, and his head flew off, but how did he die?

He couldn't remember exactly what kind of thing he died at.

But the strange thing is that as soon as he closes his eyes, a picture will appear in his mind, which is a few figures standing on a high platform made of white jade, with a nine-story high-rise building shrouded in a blood moon in the background.

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