Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 423 Office

Yang Xiao suddenly jumped up from the bed, grabbed the human bone stick and hit it, but the expected scene did not happen.

It was still quiet up there.

At this moment, Yang Xiao also recovered from the shock and realized something was wrong. After all, the wardrobe was large and high, and the top was only less than 20 centimeters from the ceiling. How could a person be hidden in such a small space, unless he was pressed? Flat.

He retreated a little further away, stepped on the sofa and looked towards the wardrobe. This sight made Yang Xiao very angry. The wardrobe was empty, except for one leather shoe placed at an angle to the side, and the position was calculated. Normally you can't see it when walking near the closet. Only when you lie on the bed can you see a little bit of the toe of the shoe.

This leather shoe looked familiar to Yang Xiao, because it belonged to him and he bought it for his graduation photos when he graduated from college.

He didn't waste any more time looking for the ghost in the mirror. This was the opponent's territory. Yang Xiao also understood that as long as the opponent deliberately avoided him, it would be difficult for him to catch it.

After returning to the real world, Yang Xiao did not dare to take it lightly. He still carried the ghost lantern and checked the entire room, especially the top of the closet. After confirming that there was no ambush, he put away the lantern and took off his opera robe. However, what happened today was also revealed. Yang Xiao sounded the alarm.

This matter cannot be resolved unless the ghost in the mirror moves more and more excessively and its activities become more frequent. The ghost in the mirror poses a threat to me even more than Ming Yi Xipao.

Yang Xiao would rather risk 10 years of his life to kill it. As long as the ghost in the mirror lives for one day, he is afraid that he will never have peace, and he will not be able to sleep well in the future.

If he wants to kill the ghost in the mirror, it seems that he can't rely on himself. He once asked Ming Yixipao for help, but the other party ignored him. Now thinking about it, there are only two ways to go. First, go to the hotel to trade. , find out the details of the ghost in the mirror, see if you can find its weakness, and then kill it.

However, this is difficult to operate. After all, the level of the soul-capturing mirror is not low. If he wants to get such level of information, he will probably pay a very high price, such as helping people kill people in the hotel.

Second, it is the competition that Yang Cha once mentioned. As long as you get the ranking, you will get the opportunity to go to Xiaozangjing Pavilion, where you may find clues about the soul-telling mirror, and maybe even the identity of the original owner of the opera robe. can be found out together.

Yang Xiao was not afraid of a fight. He was worried that his identity would be exposed. But then he thought about it. Maybe the Confucian Academy was prepared for this. After all, the ability of the Resentful Eye is the biggest trump card of every apostle. Even if they had to fight, they would not be able to fight. It is very possible to do it in public and let others watch.

In short, Peace Hotel is still the first choice. He is going to try his luck first. If he can accept the cost, then it is best. If not, he can go to Yang Cha. Maybe with the relationship with the other party, he can open a back door for himself in the competition. of.

Just when Yang Xiao was worrying about these things, the screen of his mobile phone suddenly lit up, and a text message was sent. After seeing the content of the text message, Yang Xiao couldn't help but frown.

It was Fu Qingzhu. He asked me to call him back. He seemed to be in a hurry, and what he wanted to say was relatively secretive.

It is inconvenient to send text messages.

Yang Xiao immediately dialed Fu Qingzhu's phone, and it only rang once before the call was answered. Fu Qingzhu spoke urgently, but in a low voice: "Brother Yang, something happened. The person I sent to follow Yu Xixin couldn't be reached. ”

"When did it happen?" Yang Xiao asked.

"Half an hour ago, he should have reported information to me at this time, but I didn't receive it, so I sent him a message.

No reply either. Fu Qingzhu whispered.

"Have you called?"

"I called and was able to get through, but no one answered." Fu Qingzhu, who has been engaged in intelligence work for many years, fully understood what this meant and couldn't help but be cautious in his voice. "Before he disappeared, he once sent me a message saying that Yu Xixin drove away. He kept following her home, and finally followed her to Zhanlan Street in the north of the city. After Yu Xinxin stopped the car, she got out of the car and walked into Shuangfeng Alley alone. This was our last contact, and there was no news after that. "

"Your people also followed?" Yang Xiao asked.

"It should be." There was a splashing sound from Fu Qingzhu's side, as if he was turning over paper, "Wait a minute,

I found an old map of Shuangfeng Hutong. That part belongs to the old city and is very messy. Although it is called a hutong, in addition to some old houses, there are dozens of companies and jobs that are not big in scale and not very good in business. There is a firm here that you may be interested in. Its full name is Thunder Shield Investigation Firm. Its main business includes but is not limited to finding missing persons, background investigations, marriage investigations, etc. It covers many aspects, but it is not well-known in the industry. . "

"What exactly do you want to say?" Yang Xiao keenly noticed that there was something wrong in Fu Qingzhu's words.

After hesitating for a moment, Fu Qingzhu reminded: "Brother, have you forgotten? Last time I gave you some dirty information about some people in the Patrol Department. Among them, Ximen Xiu's share was related to a woman. This woman was from the Leidun Investigation Agency. person in charge.”

Hearing this, Yang Xiao suddenly became energetic. At the same time, he thought of something. It was recorded in the original information that this woman was one of the founders of the Hehuan Sect.

All right.

Yang Xiao no longer hesitated and planned to rush over immediately. In any case, Fu Qingzhu's men disappeared while helping him. Whether dead or alive, Yang Xiao had to give him an explanation.

Fu Qingzhu on the other side of the phone was also anxious, "Wait for me, we'll go there together, I'll bring a few people with me."

"No, if it's really what I think, there shouldn't be a big problem." Yang Xiao didn't say anything.

If not, then the trouble will be big. Bringing Fu Qingzhu and the others will be useless, and will only implicate irrelevant people.

As for Yang Xiao, he still has a clear understanding of himself. There must be people in Rongcheng that he cannot beat, but if he is determined to run, there are not many people who can stop him. At least Yang Xiao has not found anyone who has this ability yet.

He took a Didi, and the location was Shuangfeng Hutong. Yang Xiao had only heard of this place, but had never been here. But when he got off the car, Yang Xiao found that this place was much more lively than he imagined. The entrance of the alley was crowded with vendors pushing carts on both sides, two folding tables, plus a few plastic benches, and three or five friends sat around a table. The aroma of barbecue mixed with people's shouting, full of the breath of life.

No one would have thought that a living person disappeared here not long ago.

Yang Xiao put on a baseball cap, lowered the brim of the hat with his hand, and mixed into the flow of people. He located the location of the office on the mobile phone map. It was in the depths of the alley, an independent three-story building.

The further you go, the fewer people there are, and the noise gradually disappears. It's dark around, and many street lights on one side have gone out. The few remaining ones are all dim yellow light, like an old man who is dying and about to take his last breath.

Following the instructions on the map1, Yang Xiao finally found the office called Lei Dun. Not far away stood a three-story building, which seemed to be renovated from an old house. It was old, and one side of the wall was covered with green vines.

Yang Xiao hid in the dark and didn't dare to get too close. After careful searching, he finally found a metal sign in an inconspicuous corner. The seven words "Leighton Investigation Office" on it had faded and were very inconspicuous.

It was time. Yang Xiao took out the soul-capturing mirror and decided to go in and take a look. He had made sufficient preparations before coming here.

The costume was worn inside, but suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated and a message came.

After seeing the message, Yang Xiao was stunned for a few seconds, and then his frown slowly relaxed. He put the soul-catching mirror into his pocket, put his left hand in his pocket, holding the soul-catching mirror, and inserted the human bone stick at his waist, where he could pull it out at any time with his right hand. Then he took a step, walked out of the shadows, and walked straight into the door of Layton Investigation Office.

This is a translucent glass door. As Yang Xiao approached, it made a "click" sound. Yang Xiao pushed it gently and the door opened.

Instead of choosing the small and old elevator, Yang Xiao walked up the stairs and came to the 3rd floor, which is also the top floor of the building. During this period, he did not see anyone. It seemed that he was the only living thing in the building.

The lights on the corridor on the third floor were dimly lit, and the room at the end was lit. The light shone through the crack of the door, leaving a narrow and sharp light on the ground.

On the wall outside the room door hung a metal plate made of the same material as the one downstairs, with three words engraved on it:

Manager's Office.

Yang Xiao stood outside the door, took a deep breath, grabbed the handle, and gently opened the door. Inside was a small office. A well-dressed man was sitting on a chair, looking at him with calm eyes, his expression was without any emotion.

"It's really you." Yang Xiao looked at the man, "Director Nalan."

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