Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 432: Harvesting and Dissecting

After they walked out of the unit door again, they found that it was raining outside, and the rain became more and more intense. Yang Xiao looked at the endless rain and decisively ordered to retreat first.

However, it was not all without gain. Big Bear further narrowed the activity range of that thing based on the strength of the signal.

After coming out, Wu Zhe hurried over and brought the latest investigation report from the Technology Department. They found the unified characteristics of these victims before their death. They all had eaten dog meat or wore accessories related to dog teeth and bones. .

Wu Zhe showed the investigation report in his hand and said excitedly: "Look, the first father and daughter who were killed were wearing dog tooth pendants before they died. This is because the girl was weak and often sick since she was a child. Her father followed the customs of his hometown. He bought a dog tooth each for her and himself to ward off evil spirits. According to the memories of school classmates, the girl's pendant never left her body. "There are also Wei Jin and Kuang Yuanchao. One of them dropped out of school and is unemployed, and the other is a security guard in the community. According to residents of the community, It was reported that the two of them often rode motorcycles to hunt and kill stray dogs nearby. After killing them, they would set up a stall at the security booth to eat dog meat hot pot. They had just eaten dog meat last night. "

"We have also verified that the specialist from the technical department has no habit of eating dog meat, but he wears an animal bone bracelet that is said to be a wolf bone all year round. Now we suspect that he has been deceived. It is not a wolf bone. ,

It's a dog bone. "

"Also, these dog teeth and bones were not found at the crime scene. Even the stomachs of Wei Jin and Kuang Yuanchao were dug out, and their stomachs and hearts were missing."

The intelligence brought by Wu Zhe was very important. Now he finally found the problem. Anyone who has anything to do with dogs will become the target of that thing.

The rain became more and more violent, accompanied by lightning and thunder. Ximen Xiu looked at the sky outside in a panic.

The dark clouds were extremely low, accompanied by strong winds. It was a pre-apocalyptic scene, which was not a good sign.

"Beibei, please take some people and cooperate with Captain Wu to stay outside. I'll go in and try again." Yang Xiao decided to take some risks, and he wanted a quick victory.

Beibei and others were shocked and objected strongly. Daxiong bluntly said that the signal generated by the thing inside was more than twice as strong as before, and that entering alone would be tantamount to death.

"I'm not that stupid. I can more confidently deal with it when I go in alone. If you stay with me, it will only distract my energy." In front of a powerful enemy, Yang Xiao didn't bother to be polite to his own people. He turned around and asked Wu Zhe to find it for him. A piece of dog-skin clothing, or dog-tooth and dog-bone or something, he had to wear to lure the damn thing out.

Wu Zhe was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, Brother Yang, I believe in your strength."

Yang Xiao never fights an unprepared battle. If it were the past, he would not have dared to do so, but it is different now.

Not only does he have a theatrical robe to protect himself, but he also has an escape weapon like a soul-capturing mirror. Even if he can't defeat him, even if he hides in the mirror, the opponent can't do anything to him.

In addition, there is a miniature ghost camera in his backpack. It is the size of a digital card camera and is much lighter than an ordinary ghost camera. It was given to him by Lu Youdao. It is said to be one of the prototypes of the year. It happened to be used now. use.

Soon, two dog teeth and a dog bone necklace were delivered. Yang Xiao put them all around his neck. Worried that they were not enough, he took another pair of dog leather gloves and stuffed them into his backpack. This time, he felt hatred It should be full.

"I will go in for an hour. Within an hour, no matter what happens, you don't go in, just guard each entrance." Yang Xiao looked serious, "This matter is related to Yuyuan Sect, you should also be more careful. I'm worried they'll cause trouble."

In response to this, Wu Zhe assured himself that their people were guarding the area, and dozens of brothers were watching here.

Let him go in peace.

In fact, it was okay that Wu Zhe didn't say this, but Yang Xiao hesitated when he mentioned it. After all, except for Wu Zhe and Beibei, among the dozens of people who could fight, the rest of them were really going to encounter a venerable-level evil cultivator, and it would be difficult to even escape.

After saying "be careful", Yang Xiao put on his backpack, held up a black umbrella, and left without looking back. The most important thing at the moment was to make a quick decision. He marked the key points on the map he redrawn according to Da Xiong. Patrol within the range.

This feeling came very quickly. Within 10 minutes of walking, Yang Xiao felt something more around him.

It was as if there were a pair of eyes watching him secretly.

He pretended not to notice and continued walking. Now the feeling was getting closer. At the same time, Yang Xiao vaguely heard a dog barking.

The barking of dogs came from far and near, but the strange thing was that the barking did not come from the surrounding rain curtain, but came from a place that Yang Xiao couldn't describe, like... from another world.

As the barking sound got closer and closer, it became clearer and clearer. At this moment, Yang Xiao also heard the difference in the barking sound. It didn't sound like a dog barking, but someone was imitating a dog barking. Don't tell me, he was really learning it. Something like that.

Suddenly, Yang Xiao stopped. Just a second ago, the sound of rain on his umbrella disappeared, and the world around him became blurry, seeming to leave him at an exaggerated speed. This world abandoned him. He did.

" it comes."

The next second, the space to the left of Yang Xiao became distorted, and a black shadow suddenly shot out of it, heading straight for the door in front of Yang Xiao. Fortunately, Yang Xiao was prepared, and while dodging sideways, he threw away his umbrella and took out the human bone stick to protect himself. forward.

The black shadow missed the attack and quickly pounced back after landing. It was so fast that Yang Xiao couldn't even see what it looked like. He instinctively hit it with the stick. At the moment when the two figures crossed, Yang Xiao clearly felt that the human bone stick hit something, and he himself was grabbed by a sharp claw, and his chest was burning with pain.

This was also thanks to the protection of the costume, otherwise it would have been a piece of meat.

However, after being hit by the human bone stick, the thing didn't feel good. Yang Xiao only saw a vague black shadow lying not far away, confronting him.

What he thought in his mind, the next second, the ghost lantern appeared in his left hand, and with the green light extending out, dispelling the black fog, Yang Xiao finally saw the true appearance of this thing. It was a big black dog, no, to be precise, it was a person in dog skin.

But because the dog skin has been closely attached to the human skin, this guy looks like a big black dog, and most of his face is a dog face. The next second, this thing grinned at Yang Xiao, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth.

On the exposed face near the dog skin of this guy, you can vaguely see the blue-green tattoo. The next second,

Yang Xiao's heart trembled. He knew the identity of this guy. In ancient times, there was a kind of human trafficker who would abduct some young children, deliberately disfigure them, or even cover them with dog skin or monkey skin, and artificially create some "monsters".

This is used as a guise to gain the sympathy of passers-by and make money. It is also called "Cai Sheng Zhe Ge".

This kind of evil is contrary to human ethics in any dynasty, and it is intolerable in human relations and laws. Once such human traffickers are discovered in all dynasties, they will be punished with the most cruel punishment, one of which is to treat them in their own way.

First, tattoo the trafficker's face to make the crime public. Then, skin the trafficker and wrap him in a whole piece of black dog skin while it's still hot. Several people will surround him and whip him with whips. In this way, the criminal will not be able to be reborn as a human in the next life, and can only fall into the animal realm to atone for his sins.

The stick just now also left a wound on the dog-man ghost. The wound was on the curled right leg. The color there was much lighter, as if a piece of flesh and blood was missing, which looked extremely terrifying.

Just as Yang Xiao secretly took out the camera and planned to take a picture of the dog-man ghost, the next second, the dog-man ghost pounced again.

Fortunately, Yang Xiao was prepared and barely avoided it, but his back was stepped on again, causing Yang Xiao to sway several times and almost fell.

Just as he stood firm, a gust of wind came from behind him. Yang Xiao didn't have time to turn around to look, and quickly rolled on the ground. He only felt a gust of cold wind passing behind his head, and narrowly avoided the blow.

The speed of the man-dog ghost was too fast. Yang Xiao dodged continuously, and his rhythm was disrupted. He could not find a chance to fight back. At the critical moment, he quickly switched to the soul-capturing mirror. The next second, his figure disappeared, and he hid in the mirror world using the accumulated water on the ground.

Here Yang Xiao sat on the ground with his buttocks, panting heavily. The attack power of the guy outside was not very strong, and his attack method was just ordinary biting and scratching, but the speed was too fast. His eyes could keep up, but his body could not keep up. Once he fell into the opponent's rhythm, it was only a matter of time before he was killed.

At this moment, Yang Xiao also noticed the difference between the man-dog ghost. Looking out through the accumulated water, it was an inexplicable darkness. This was no longer the world he was familiar with. He was trapped in the realm of the man-dog ghost.

If under normal conditions, even if it continued to consume, Yang Xiao would not be afraid. With his current ability, he could support the mirror world for ten hours. But no, he agreed with the people outside that he only had one hour. When the time was up, Beibei and the others would definitely come in to find him. At that time, with their strength, if they encountered such a guy, they would probably be in danger.

Yang Xiao calmed down and quickly came up with a countermeasure. The top priority now was to slow down this guy and then find an opportunity to take a photo and seal him.

This guy's right leg was injured, proving that the human bone stick could cause damage to him. After being attacked, the speed of the human-dog ghost would also slow down. What he had to do now was to attack it suddenly, hit it, and then withdraw, unexpectedly go out and hit it with a stick, and then withdraw, and kill it while ensuring his own safety.

Of course, this plan also has loopholes, such as what to do if the human-dog ghost ran away directly after being hit, but Yang Xiao had no time to take care of it.

Compared with these, the biggest risk of this plan lies in the uncertainty of the situation outside. He doesn't know the current location of the human-dog ghost. In extreme cases, he just went out and suddenly found himself teleported to the face of the human-dog ghost. It's exciting to think about it.

"Impossible, I, Yang, have accumulated virtues and good deeds all my life, and I have a good reputation. How can I be so unlucky." Yang Xiao quickly gave up this idea and wished that he could teleport to the back of the human-dog ghost to attack it. Then, with a thought, his figure disappeared instantly.

The next second, the scene in front of him changed. Yang Xiao was not so unlucky as to be teleported to the face of the human-dog ghost. He just rode on the back of the human-dog ghost.

At this moment, he dared not move. There was hair under him. He lowered his head and just looked at the human-dog ghost lying on the ground with his neck rotated 180 degrees. One person and one ghost, looking at each other in this situation, the scene was awkward for a while.

The human-dog ghost's red eyes bulged out, and his mouth slowly opened. His cheeks were torn. This huge mouth was like a crocodile, enough to swallow Yang Xiao's whole head, but the next second, a lantern was stuffed into the dog's mouth. Yang Xiao held the dog's neck with his left hand and grabbed the human bone stick with his right hand to hit the dog's head.


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