Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 457 High Heels

"Get up." Yang Xiao said: "You are the manager after all. Don't kneel down all the time in the future. Where are the Protector Cloud and the Snake Protector?"

Ling Yanyu got up from the ground, "The two of them are downstairs. Since they saw the leader resting, they didn't dare to disturb him."

Originally planning to leave today, Yang Xiao called the people together in advance to give them a few more instructions, but the arrival of the ghost script disrupted his plan. Yang Xiao decided not to leave yet, so he took the ghost script to the thieves' town. Let’s deal with it later.

But until the evening, there was still no news from Beibei. Yang Xiao couldn't sit still and called Beibei.

No one answered.

But then, he received a call from Ximen Xiu. After the call was answered, Ximen Xiu told him that Beibei had gone to the adjacent office to check information. Everyone in the office was now looking for information about the blue skirt. clue.

But with little success, after all, this clue is too vague. The blue skirt may be the resentful eye, or it may be the characteristics of a ghost, or it may even be just some kind of image. Without an accurate place name, it is difficult to locate.

However, based on the clues in the other three photos provided by Yang Xiao, they initially determined that the incident was related to workplace bullying or school violence. When Beibei went there, he also contacted other public offices and gathered everyone's strength to screen.

"Captain, based on my experience, it is difficult to find out the background of this script. You must be prepared to deal with it alone." Ximen Xiu said frankly.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiao took a deep breath. The blurry figure in the three photos kept flashing in his mind, and the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more intense.

According to his experience, tonight, he is likely to be found by the ghost and dragged into the nightmare world.

Closing his eyes and leaning back on the sofa, Yang Xiao closed his eyes to rest. Perhaps because he was too nervous recently, his head was twitching and hurting.

Unknowingly, Yang Xiao slowly tilted his head to one side and fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Xiao woke up from his sleep. The lights in the room went out without knowing when, and the surroundings were pitch black.

It only took a few seconds for Yang Xiao to wake up. He was keenly aware that something was wrong. This feeling was too familiar.

It couldn't be called quiet outside, because it was raining outside the window and the curtains were closed. This was Yang Xiao's habit. At this moment, there was only a little light coming through.

With the only light, the surroundings were not completely dark, but rather blurry, with blurry dark black outlines appearing around them. They should be various furniture and furnishings, but it could not be completely ruled out that something was mixed in.

Yang Xiao sat motionless in the darkness, his breathing almost inaudible.

The deadlock was broken by the sudden sound of pumping water. The sound came from downstairs, in the dark and cramped bathroom.

This time Yang Xiao didn't have the slightest doubt that this was the ghost coming, because he had already driven away the night watchman downstairs in advance.

In other words, he was the only one in the Nie family teahouse, including the courtyard outside.

"Creak". "



Someone pushed open the broken door of the bathroom and was walking towards the stairs. Soon, they stepped on the first step.

It's a woman.

Yang Xiao heard the sound of high heels.

Now the sound was getting closer and closer, like a life-threatening sickle, making his heart lift into his throat.

The door of the room he lives in faces the stairs. Fortunately, the door is closed at the moment. Although it may not be useful, it at least gives Yang Xiao some comfort.

Without any intention of ambush behind the door, Yang Xiao stepped back little by little, his footsteps very light, until the crisp sound of high heels disappeared outside the door.

Instead of disappearing, the other party stopped. One person and one ghost faced each other across the door. This scene seemed familiar.

As time passed by, Yang Xiao became more and more impatient. This fear of not knowing when it would come was the most tormenting thing.

He tried to summon a soul-telling mirror to avoid it, but now the connection between the opera robe and him disappeared, just like an ordinary piece of clothing.

Following a burst of lightning, there was a rumble of thunder, and at this moment, the hair on Yang Xiao's back stood up and his eyes widened.

He wasn't frightened by the sudden lightning and thunder, and he wasn't that unbearable. It was just that at the moment when lightning pierced the night sky, he saw a shadow reflected on the opposite wall.

The shape of the shadow was distorted, like a person whose bones had been crushed. What was even more terrifying was that judging from the light and shadow, the owner of the shadow was right behind him.

Yang Xiao turned around in an instant, and the scene in front of him made his breathing stop. He saw a ghost standing outside the tightly drawn curtains. The next second, the ghost fell straight towards him through the curtains.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Xiao was suddenly awakened by a harsh ringtone. As he slowly opened his eyes, the scene in front of him completely changed.

He was lying on a large white bed, with a large-head TV with a black casing placed not far away. What woke him up was an old-fashioned red telephone placed on the bedside table to his left.

This was a hotel with a rather chronological feel. He sat up and saw an elegant plush carpet spread on the floor.

He was alone in the room.

After calming down, Yang Xiao chose to answer the phone, but he didn't intend to speak, he just wanted to hear who was on the other side.

On the other side of the phone was a sweet female voice, very young and energetic. After listening for a while, Yang Xiao understood that the other party was the front desk of the hotel, responsible for waking him up at this time and reminding him to go to Suite 8018 on the 8th floor of the hotel, saying Someone was waiting for him there.

Lifting the quilt, Yang Xiao was only wearing a pair of underwear at the moment, which was red and very old-fashioned. In the closet, he found his own clothes, which were also at least 20 years old. Through these, as well as the layout of the hotel, Yang Xiao roughly determined the timeline of this mission, which was about 20 years ago.

After getting dressed, he walked out of the room cautiously. His room was on the 10th floor of the hotel, which meant that he needed to take the elevator and go down two floors. When he passed by the elevator, I don’t know if it was a coincidence or something, the elevator door that was originally closed suddenly opened, and there was no one inside.

Yang Xiao turned around and left. He had never thought of taking the elevator.

He found the safe passage and went downstairs, but what surprised Yang Xiao along the way was that it was very quiet here. It seemed that there were few guests living here, and there were slogans in foreign and Chinese in many places. It seemed that this was a hotel exclusively for foreign guests.

With doubts, Yang Xiao came to the room 8018 on the 8th floor, but before he could knock on the door, it opened with a "knock". The person who opened the door was a man in his 40s, with a gloomy face and vigilant eyes.

After a look, the man stepped aside and said in a very uncomfortable hoarse voice: "Come in, you are the only one missing."

As the man stepped aside, Yang Xiao noticed that the room was full of people.

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