Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 465 Car Accident

"What...what?" Wen Chongxian's face turned pale, and his voice almost sounded like crying.

The sound of the high heels above their heads only lasted for less than ten seconds and disappeared again. No one dared to breathe, but Yang Xiao was the first to get up and walk out the door.

Lian Jinshun followed closely behind, not forgetting to ask a few people to stay and keep an eye on the movement above their heads. They went up to take a look.

Yang Xiao, Lian Jinshun, Zhang Man, and Che Xuexiang took the stairs to the 9th floor. They walked through the corridor and saw 9018 from a distance.

The door of Room No. 1 was opened with a crack a few fingers wide, and when they left in the morning, they clearly locked the door.

Taking out his cell phone, Lian Jinshun called Aqiang, who was left behind. Aqiang told him that it was very quiet above his head during this period.

In other words, the thing is most likely still in the room and has not left.

The four of them approached bravely and stopped two meters away from the door. They listened carefully and heard a slight noise in the room.

Cutting through the mess with a quick knife, Lian Jinshun stepped forward and opened the ajar door. Before he could react, he heard a short scream coming from the room.

It was a woman. This voice scared the four people outside so much that Zhang Manche Xuexiang turned around and ran away. Through the opened door, Yang Xiao saw a young woman inside who was even more frightened than them. This person was wearing Wearing a light blue uniform.

Yang Xiao and Jin Shun were stunned. They didn't know the woman, but they had seen this uniform. It was the attire of a hotel employee.

"What...what are you going to do?" Looking at Yang Xiaolian Jinshun, the woman's eyes were full of fear and she couldn't help but retreat.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Xiao asked.

"The guest left a letter at the front desk and asked me to deliver suite 9018." The woman seemed to be worried that Yang Xiao and the others would misunderstand, so the woman explained in panic.

"Where's the letter?" Even Jin Shun reached out to ask for it, but he and Yang Xiao had a tacit agreement to just stand at the door and not enter the house.

At this moment, Zhang Man and two others also came back. After seeing the room key in Zhang Man's hand, the uniformed woman picked up the large envelope on the table and gave it to them. Then, under the gazes of Yang Xiao and the others, she quickly walked out of the room and hurriedly leave.

Several people noticed that the woman was wearing a pair of black work shoes with round toes and thick heels. They were matte and looked stable and low-key.

Until the woman's back disappeared around the corner, Yang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and then shook his head, "It's not her. The murderer's high heels are stiletto heels and pointed lips."

"It's safe to verify after all." Lian Jinshun entered the room carefully. Now all the beds had been tidied up, and Yu Dagui's body was gone.

After Lian Jinshun checked around, he found nothing unusual. Then he went to the red telephone beside the bed, called the front desk, and asked if the hotel had arranged for a female service staff to call 9018 not long ago. Things were sent to the room, and after getting a positive answer from the other party, Lian Jinshun felt relieved.

Perhaps there was a shadow in their hearts, so the four of them didn't stay long, locked the door, and left with the envelope in their hands.

After returning to room 8018 and explaining the situation, the envelope was opened. Inside were several pages of folded paper and several photos.

The corners of these photos have turned yellow, and they are obviously old. The scary thing is that the content in the photos is that of two dead people, a man and a woman. The death of the woman was exactly the same as that of Yu Dagui, both of them were scared to death.

As for the man, he was much more miserable. His whole body was covered in blood, there was no good spot, half of his face was smashed, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyeballs fell out.

Yang Xiao recognized that the background of the man's photo was a bedroom, which was very luxuriously decorated. The overall style matched the villa he stayed in last night. If he guessed correctly, the man died in the villa, and it was that one. Locked bedroom door.

Turning over the man's photo, a line of words was written with a pen on the back. The font was very beautiful, and the man's name was Fei Yong. He died in the master bedroom on the first floor of the three villas in Qichiyashe. He was also the deadliest of the three victims. The one who was killed first.

There are corresponding detailed information on several pieces of paper. According to the information, Fei Yong died in a miserable state and was tortured to death. The injuries on his body came from a variety of murder weapons. The torture tools included but were not limited to heavy blunt instruments, short and sharp. of knives, and the stampede of high heels.

There was another photo in the photo, which showed a wooden door. Yang Xiao recognized this door at a glance as the locked door on the first floor of the villa, but the angle was taken from the inside, and the back of the door was covered with dense scratches. .

The information said that these scratches were all left by Fei Yong himself. All ten of his fingernails were broken. The scene was shocking.

According to the autopsy, Fei Yong's death time should be between nine o'clock that night and early morning. His body fell on the bedroom floor, and the only clue was the blood-stained high-heeled shoe prints.

Yang Xiao picked up another photo in order. The photo was taken on the bedroom floor. A familiar high-heeled shoe print appeared there. The toe of the shoe was pointed straight at the body, and the body was next to the door.

There is also only one shoe print, also of the left foot. It gives the impression that the owner of this high-heeled shoe is chasing Fei Yong from behind, but at the moment of life and death, Fei Yong failed to open the bedroom door.

These are Fei Yong's information. Next is a woman named Hu Yuan. She was the second deceased in this case. She died in a rental house. Her body was lying on the bed, her eyes wide open, her expression distorted, and her hands like It was bent like a chicken's claw on his chest, and his death posture was exactly the same as that of Yu Dagui.

At the scene of Hu Yuan's death, there were also bloody high-heeled shoe prints, also only one left foot, and the shoe prints were close to the bed, as if someone was standing by the bed at night, staring at people, with the tip of the shoe pointed at Hu Yuan's body.

Hu Yuan's death time was also between 9 pm and early morning.

Next was the last victim, also a woman named Sha Meihui, who died in room 9018 of this hotel. But strangely, there were no photos of the scene of this person's death in the envelope, and there was very little relevant information, only emphasizing that this person's death was quite strange, with large areas of fractures all over the body and ruptured organs. It is suspected that she was hit by a car and her body was repeatedly crushed.

"Killed by...hit by a car?" A Qiang was dumbfounded. "Killed by a car in the hotel suite?"

Yang Xiao continued to look down. Although there were no photos, there was a simple sketch of the scene drawn with a pen.

You can see a human figure lying on the ground, with his feet about 4 or 5 meters away from the door. The body was facing up, and his limbs were severely twisted. It was completely imaginable how tragic the scene was.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines. They couldn't imagine what kind of car could drive into the hotel, especially the 9th floor, and hit a person in the room and then repeatedly run over him.

A left shoe print was also left at the scene, but this time the shoe print was between the body and the door,

like the boundary between life and death.

Three people, three ways of death, seemingly unrelated, but it pointed Yang Xiao and his team in the right direction, because among the three female victims they investigated before, only one died in a car accident, that is, the woman investigated by Lian Jinshun and his team, Fang Qingyun.

This person is a hostess in a karaoke bar with a complicated social background. Because of her job, she dresses coquettishly and wears high heels. According to the investigation, she was hit and killed by a speeding van while crossing the road while drunk.

"It's her, if nothing unexpected happens." Lian Jinshun said in a deep voice after putting down the information.

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