Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 65: Birth Date

Staring at the paper clothes on Su Tingting's body, Yang Xiao seemed to have thought of something and started to rummage around. Finally, in an inconspicuous place on the collar, he found a note with blood written on the back. This was a person's birthday. .

The note was hidden among the many blank notes affixed to the paper clothes. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to find it. Yang Xiao didn't even have to think that this birth date must belong to the second young mistress!

Tonight, the Feng family plans to use Su Tingting as the second young mistress’s substitute!

After discovering this, Yang Xiao and Kuang Hongyi quickly checked the paper clothes on their bodies. Sure enough, they found two more notes with birth dates written on them. One of them looked familiar and should belong to Mr. Feng, while the other... two... People have no impression.

"Damn it, this must be Shi Dali's birth date!"

Kuang Hongyi's words woke up the dreamer. Yang Xiao never expected that Shi Dali would use himself and Kuang Hongyi as his scapegoats.

It's really dangerous tonight.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Xiao finally made up his mind and grabbed Su Tingting. At this moment, the third drumbeat had ended.

"Do you believe me?"

Su Tingting was still in labor pains and had not yet fully woken up. Her pupils were a little dizzy at the moment. Yang Xiao made a cruel decision and slapped her in the face, "Su Tingting! Wake up!"

Now Su Tingting's eyes finally became clear, and Yang Xiao held her shoulders tightly, "Su Tingting, the situation is very bad now. We may all die here. Let me ask you, do you believe me?"

"Letter." Su Tingting nodded while crying.

"Okay, next I need you to do one thing. I want you to climb on the boat." Yang Xiao pointed at the Boxi boat, then tore off the note with Shi Dali's birth date and gave it to Su Tingting, speaking very fast. Quickly said: "There should be no one in the cabin, but there will definitely be three sticks of incense. All you have to do is stay in the cabin, press this note under the incense burner, and then gently blow on the two outermost sticks of the three sticks of incense." , to ensure that the two sticks burn faster, and finally burn into a situation where two are short and one is long.”

People are afraid of three long and two short, and people are afraid of two short and one long. This is using the evil spirit tonight to suppress Shi Dali's luck and prepare for the next counterattack.

Of course, there is no time to explain this to Su Tingting now.

"Okay." Su Tingting gritted her teeth and agreed. Although she was afraid, the matter had come to this point and she couldn't do anything without trying. The ghost in her stomach was about to burst out, and she would be the first to die.

Taking Su Tingting close to the small wooden boat behind the big ship, Yang Xiao squatted down and let Su Tingting step on his shoulders and climb onto the big ship.

"Remember, don't use too much force when blowing incense. Once the incense goes out, we will all be in big trouble. Also..." Yang Xiao paused and lowered his voice to remind, "Blowing incense may cause some Bad things happen to have to be mentally prepared. I wish you good luck."

After struggling to climb onto the ship, Su Tingting turned around and took the lantern handed over by Yang Xiao. A moment later, the face that was slightly distorted by pain suddenly burst out into a smile. Against the background of the fire, that face The face is young and bright.

"Mr. Chu, if it is irreversible in the end, I will set this ship on fire to attract the attention of those things outside. must survive!"

Su Tingting was lost for a moment, and turned around. Yang Xiao's eyes were only filled with the figure of his back staggering towards the cabin.

"Brother Chu, get off the boat! Get off the boat!"

Yang Xiao suddenly lowered his head and saw something floating in the dark water under the boat. He was now stepping on the small wooden boat behind the big boat. Kuang Hongyi also rowed close at this moment, jumped to Yang Xiao's side, and with a cruel move, pulled Another rope is tied to the bow of the small wooden boat, and the other end of the rope hangs underwater.

Kuang Hongyi gritted his teeth and exerted force. The next second, Yang Xiao felt a bloody smell entering his nostrils. Under the water... there was a corpse tied under the water!

Most of the body was exposed out of the water. He was wearing short clothes and had a strong build. He should be a martial artist in the mansion. There were exaggerated wounds on his limbs and neck.

Especially in the neck, all the bones inside were cut off, leaving only a thin layer of tendons connecting it. A huge head hung diagonally under the shoulders. The corpse's eyes were wide and protruding. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Kuang Hongyi looked ferocious at this moment, "It was done by the Feng family. It was the bloody smell of this corpse that attracted those things around!"

After experiencing the previous ghost show, Yang Xiao also understood that the paper figures around him were just containers. At this moment, there were resentful souls living in these paper figures. This was the most terrifying thing.

There is a ghost fetus inside the big ship that is about to break out of the body, and there is a circle of resentful spirits approaching step by step outside. If there is even the slightest mistake tonight, they will all die here.

"If it doesn't work, we'll fight!" Kuang Hongyi planned to pick up the body and tie it to the bow of the boat. "We will push the body out to attract the attention of those ghosts. As long as there is a loophole in the encirclement, we will find an opportunity to escape."

Staring at the approaching paper boats nearby, Kuang Hongyi tried his best to adjust his breathing, "Brother Chu, I'm sure that Shi Dali must be hiding among these paper figures. There will be no absolutely safe place during the mission, and neither will the Feng family." May completely trust Shi Dali.”

Yang Xiao pinched the piece of paper with the birth date of the second young mistress and nodded slowly, "We are thinking the same thing. We can't escape tonight, so we can only take a gamble. We will find a way to find Shi Dali, and then bring the second mistress The young lady’s birth date is affixed to him.”

"We have our advantages. We can at least move freely, but he can't. He hides among the paper figures and dares not move. As long as he moves, those paper figures will kill him!" After calming down, Yang Xiao's mind turned quickly.

"What do you have in mind?" Kuang Hongyi began to get used to accepting the thinking of Yang Xiao, a newcomer, little by little. He always played a role at the critical moment.

"Brother Kuang, I have a plan, but I need your help." Yang Xiao turned his head and looked at him with some difficulty.

"Stop talking nonsense, and speak quickly!"

"I need you to make some injuries, drip blood into the lake, attract the attention of these paper figures, and create an opportunity for me to break out." Yang Xiao quickly added, "Of course, I don't want to escape. I want to observe these paper figures from behind, find Shi Dali, and give him the birth date and horoscope of the second young lady, so that I can break today's deadlock."

Hearing this, Kuang Hongyi's face instantly darkened, and there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes when he looked at Yang Xiao. This was not the time when the brothers were in love in the past. If Yang Xiao ran away without morality, he would die without a burial place.

"Haha, brother Chu, how about we switch?" Kuang Hongyi asked tentatively.

What he didn't expect was that Yang Xiao directly refused, "No, I can only do this, I don't trust others."

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