Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 76: New Play

On the way back, Su Tingting was still thinking about the word Yang while the carriage was bumpy. Her godfather said that the person who would hurt her was named Yang, which excluded Master Feng and Butler Liu. After thinking for a moment, Su Tingting suddenly asked: "Mr. Chu, What’s the name of the leader in the carriage behind?”

"The surname is Zhao. I heard those people call him Mr. Zhao, but I don't know the specific name." Yang Xiao replied succinctly, looking at Su Tingting with a more careful look.

Ever since she left the coffin shop, Su Tingting looked worried, which could not be hidden from Kuang Hongyi's eyes. She asked with a smile: "Miss Su, why are you asking this suddenly? Could it be that shopkeeper Liu told you something?"

"Haha, to put it bluntly, we are just passing by in this world for a short time. We can't do anything serious. You, me, Brother Chu, the three of us are wearing the same pair of pants."

Faced with Kuang Hongyi's doubts, Su Tingting had already thought of a countermeasure, so she said, "'s not a big deal. My godfather told me to work together with Brother Kuang and Mr. Chu. The lives of the three of us are bound together. If we are together, we will live, if we are separated, we will die. We must not doubt each other or plot against each other. "

After dealing with Kuang Hongyi, Su Tingting was still troubled by the word Yang. Among the important people she was in contact with now, she had never heard of anyone named Yang.

Suddenly Su Tingting frowned, and a guess came to mind. Shi Dali had a history of attacking his companions. Could it be that the person who was about to hurt her was not Mr. Feng's group, but his companions?

Of course Mr. Chu wouldn't, but it's hard to say for Kuang Hongyi. Although Su Tingting is not very smart, he has been able to understand over this period of time. If Mr. Chu didn't know better and Kuang Hongyi could use it, he wouldn't be right. The two newcomers are so enthusiastic.

Thinking of this, Su Tingting became a little wary of Kuang Hongyi. This person was unreliable and his words were not completely trustworthy. He claimed that his surname was Kuang, but who could prove whether it was true or not? His real name was probably not Yang!

It's easy to dodge open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows. After coming to this world, she finally understood that people's hearts are sinister. Shi Dali is a bloody example.

Finding Yang Xiao who was still deep in thought, Su Tingting couldn't help but feel anxious. She urgently needed to find a chance to remind him to be careful about Kuang Hongyi.

Yang Xiao didn't pay attention to this at the moment. He was recalling what the boy at the coffin shop said to him not long ago. He originally planned to return the axe, but the boy shook his head and refused directly. The reason was that the master had calculated that the axe I was destined to give it to three people, so I gave it to them. Besides, the coffin shop had rules and the things in the shop were never loaned out. Since I didn't borrow it, how could I return it?

Shopkeeper Liu was definitely a senior in the underworld. Yang Xiao wondered if there was a mystery behind his words. Could it be that this ax could be of great help to them?

But why shopkeeper Liu didn't say it? He didn't know exactly, or it was the so-called secret that couldn't be leaked. Yang Xiao didn't know.

But one thing is that Yang Xiao is the most obedient. He will always carry this ax with him.

The first daughter should not marry outside, the second son should stay at the knee, the fortune will be shallow, and the gate of a deep house should not be crossed. Now that I think about it, these three ancient sayings that have been circulated in Fengmen Town for a long time have all come true.

But Yang Xiao didn't expect that this first sentence was not only referring to the girls from poor families who were bought by the Feng family, but most importantly, it was referring to Sister Chun.

Sister Chun first "married" to Mr. Feng, and her daughter married the second young master of the Feng family. As expected, she was the first daughter to marry, and she ended up in the same family.

After struggling all day, when the carriage returned to Feng Mansion, the sky outside was already dark, but the three people who had just got off the car couldn't help but were stunned. Tonight, Feng Mansion looked very festive, with two white lights hanging outside the gate. The lanterns were removed at some point and replaced with two red lanterns.

Turn a corner and walk into the alley leading to the side door. The originally bare sides of the alley have been decorated. A row of red lanterns hangs under the high wall, some are large, some are small, some are round, and some are cylindrical. Yes, it can be seen that Feng Mansion also spent a lot of effort to get these lanterns together.

The four martial arts masters were following the three of them step by step, seemingly protecting them, but in fact they were blocking their only escape route.

"Three lucky masters, what a joy to congratulate you. Look at this scene, my master will definitely thank you three!" The martial artist surnamed Zhao became more and more respectful.

But Kuang Hongyi poured cold water on him and said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, it's not my intention to spoil Master Feng's interest, but the matter has not been completely resolved yet. Isn't it too early to celebrate grandly now? "

"Hahaha, it's not early, it's not early. I just received the news. Someone has calculated it. As long as I get through this evening, my serious problem will be solved. It all depends on the hard work of all the blessings, sir." I originally planned to celebrate the three Fu Lords at the restaurant, but I was worried that there would be too many people talking, so after much deliberation, I decided it would be more appropriate to place it in the house. Butler Liu specially invited the chef from the restaurant to ensure that the three Fu Lords would eat well. Drink up and appreciate the help! ”

The martial artist surnamed Zhao's words were polite, but they directly made Yang Xiao and the others feel their hearts drop. The banquet was held in the house, which made it clear that he wanted to kill people and silence them.

Looking up at the dim sky, Yang Xiao judged that it was a little after 6 o'clock now, and Xu Shi was from 7 to 9 pm, which meant that they were still safe before 9 pm, but after 9 o'clock, Master Feng will kill them hard.

These more than two hours were their last chance. They had to try their best to get close to the Second Young Mistress and stain Sister Chun's clothes with her blood.

Entering the mansion from a side door, the mansion was decorated with lights and colorful lights everywhere, making it very lively. But this bustle was just for decoration. Yang Xiao was keenly aware that the number of maids and servants in the mansion suddenly decreased a lot. On the contrary, at the courtyard gates and corridors, Martial arts guards were arranged to guard the entrance and other key points, and the killing sticks tightly held in their hands were full of intimidation.

The few people walked more and more remote, and were led to a side courtyard. The location was quite remote, and the black paint on the courtyard door was already mottled. It was obvious that almost no one lived there before, and it was built in a hurry. Of course, it was just for the purpose. The three of them prepared a burial place.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Mr. Feng and Butler Liu had been waiting for a long time. There were two sumptuous banquets in the hall. Mr. Feng now changed his sick look before, dressed up and attending the ceremony, radiant, as if suddenly Ten years younger.

"Three lucky guests, please take your seats." Butler Liu smiled and cupped his hands, then looked at Martial Master Zhao and the other four people, and said in a calm tone: "And you, you have worked hard, the master said, so I’ll reward you with a few drinks with the three guests.”

As everyone sat down, before Yang Xiao could speak, Mr. Feng waved his hand, and two people dressed as guards moved together to move the large landscape screen standing on the other side of the banquet. The next second, The scene behind the screen suddenly came into view for the three of them.

It was a white cloth hung on one side, with two lanterns, one red and one white, hanging on both sides. There was a faint figure of a person moving behind the white cloth, which looked quite similar to the ghost show of the previous nights.

"Haha, you three lucky guests, I want to treat you to a new play tonight."

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