Nightmare Card House

Chapter 114 The Fourth Stone Coffin

After entering the underground passage, the rear coffin entrance automatically closes.

It seems that we can only continue downward.

Fang Tian didn't have much choice, he kept moving forward along the passage.

Does this passage really lead to the altar?

Fang Tian was very doubtful about the authenticity of Cui Minghui's previous statement about the underground altar.

Going down the stairs, the terrain in front gradually becomes gentler, followed by another long and narrow corridor.

There was no fork in the road, so Fang Tian kept walking forward for about five minutes, and finally an open stone door appeared in front of him.

Behind the stone gate is a small hall. This small hall is not large and has three entrances and exits.

There was no light inside the room and it seemed a bit dark. With the light from outside the passage, Fang Tian could see a sarcophagus placed in the center of the small hall.

Is it a sarcophagus again?

This is already the fourth sarcophagus that Fang Tian has encountered.

With the help of the candlelight in the rear passage, Fang Tian walked to the sarcophagus, squatted down, and tried to push the sarcophagus open.

However, the lid of this sarcophagus seems to be inlaid on the sarcophagus and cannot be pushed at all.

Why can't the coffin be opened?

Fang Tian was confused.

By the way, murals!

The previous three rooms all had murals, so this room should also have them.

Fang Tian thought and immediately looked around.

It was pitch black, and you could vaguely see something painted on the mural, but you couldn't clearly see what it was.

Fang Tian took out the torch card and lit up the surroundings.

Sure enough, there were several murals painted on the walls.

With the help of firelight, a secondary mural is revealed in front of you.

"This is..."

The empty hall, the same sarcophagus, Fang Tian felt that the place on the painting seemed to be where he was standing.

Next, several priests stood in front of the sarcophagus.

Are they praying?

Fang Tian frowned even more tightly.

In the third painting, the guards come forward and rotate the sarcophagus together.

So, if you want to open the sarcophagus, you have to use rotation?

Fang Tian thought about it and moved his gaze to the last sarcophagus.

What's this?

After opening the sarcophagus, a terrifying black beetle-like creature crawled out from the sarcophagus. They poured out of the sarcophagus and climbed onto the bodies of the priests and guards. The surroundings fell into chaos.

The mural ends here.

Fang Tian shifted his gaze to the sarcophagus again.

What do the murals here mean?

Do the sarcophagi also contain these beetle-like creatures?

"Huh? Is there writing on it?"

The room was very dark, and Fang Tian didn't pay attention before lighting the torch. At this time, Fang Tian moved the torch closer and saw the pattern symbols on it.

Some weird lines, but the main lines transformed in Fang Tian's eyes, and lines of text emerged.

Sun beetles are buried here.

Open the sarcophagus and activate the ruins.

Escape from the pursuit of the sun beetle and find the corresponding way out, and you can get the final inheritance.

After reading the above text carefully, Fang Tian's frown deepened.

The sun beetle should be the beetle-like creature described in the mural.

Then it is understandable to open the sarcophagus and activate the ruins later, but what about after that?

The above content is too straightforward. It almost means that after opening the sarcophagus, sun beetles will appear.

But how to escape the pursuit of sun beetles?

There is no hint of this just from the records on the sarcophagus.

Fang Tian frowned.

The idea of ​​front-facing hard beetles was first ruled out by Fang Tian. Judging from the murals, the densely packed sun beetles were so numerous that it made one's scalp numb. Maybe he would not be able to try it until the cooldown time of the abandoned corpse site expired.

However, the prompt states that it is to escape pursuit, so it seems that fleeing is the prompt given.

Fang Tian set his sights on the remaining two exits. Which one is the final exit mentioned in the prompt?

Huh? Are there words on it?

Under the light of the fire, Fang Tian discovered a line of small characters carved above the stone door exit.

"The hall that leads to the rest of the wise."

Fang Tian read it out gently, and then moved his eyes to the other exit, "leading to the hall where the king sleeps."

Fang Tian had already guessed it. He turned around and pointed the torch at the entrance where he came from.

"Leading to the hall where brave men are buried."

Fang Tian read it out gently. There were three exits to the passage, corresponding to the sarcophagus halls of the three ruins of the king, the wise man and the brave man that he had visited before.

One-third chance of escaping from being chased by beetles and finding the right exit?

Is this the puzzle?

So which one is the correct answer?

Are you sure this isn't just a matter of luck?

Fang Tian clenched his fist.

What he seeks is the power of the priests of the ancient kingdom.

Say so.

Think about it this way.

priest? The resting place of wise men?

However, in fact, only the king has the power to control the entire ancient country.

Fang Tian's eyes moved to another exit.

The place where the king is buried is the exit?

Damn it!

I don't know why, but the scene of the murals in all the rooms always lingers in Fang Tian's mind and cannot be shaken off.

The murals in those rooms gave Fang Tian an indescribable sense of weirdness.

In the Hall of Wise Men, the wise man was buried alive.

Also, the king who was killed by the wise man...

A brave man who was killed for not knowing what mistake he made.

Damn it! Which one is it? !

Fang Tian clenched his fists. He felt like he was doing a multiple-choice question, with a one-third chance.

Why not give it a try? Choose the Hall of the Wise?

Suddenly, Fang Tian's heart jumped. He seemed to realize something. He raised his head and looked at the passage leading to the Wise.

The Wise was buried alive.

What if the Wise was not buried alive?

In the two death scenes, the Wise appeared in the murals of the Brave and the King.

The Wise killed the Brave and the King.

In the end, the Wise was not buried alive, but...

According to what Cui Minghui said, if the Wise was performing some special ceremony, he automatically entered the sarcophagus in order to gain some kind of power?

Fang Tian took a deep breath.

He had an answer in his heart, but he was not sure if this answer was correct.

His eyes stayed in the room leading to the Wise.

Take a gamble?

Maybe if you lose the gamble, you will die?

Fang Tian's eyes gradually became deep.


With a probability of more than 70%, Fang Tian was willing to take this chance.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian walked to the sarcophagus and tried to twist it.


Here, the sarcophagus that had not been moved for tens of thousands of years made a dull sound, along with the sound of the mechanism outline.

Something on the sarcophagus gradually sank down.

Until it turned 180 degrees, the entire sarcophagus made a click and stopped.

The sarcophagus received a resistance and could no longer be pushed.


Lift the stone slab?

Fang Tian lit up the torch.

After the sarcophagus had rotated 180 degrees, a groove appeared on the lid of the sarcophagus.

The shape of this groove was very much like a key.

Fang Tian flipped his hand.

Card - the golden key of the ancient tomb.

The card condensed into the shape of a key in Fang Tian's hand.

After comparing, Fang Tian embedded the key into the groove.

The whole fit.

Fang Tian frowned and took two steps back involuntarily.

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