Nightmare Card House

Chapter 119 Venue Card Environment

"I have been in the trial for so long, and I can't count the number of people who want to kill me with both hands. How can you do that?" Seeing Fang Tian didn't answer, and even revealed a familiar murderous intent in his eyes, Cui Minghui's eyes immediately turned red, and he said hatefully: "Then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Swish, swish, swish...

Feeling the anger of its master, the giant centipede that was originally entrenched on Cui Minghui's body was ready to move.

Unfortunately, the centipede giant worm could not really leave Cui Minghui's side, and was controlled by the skeleton creatures beside him. Once the centipede left, Cui Minghui would be chopped into meat paste by these skeleton creatures.

Cui Minghui had never felt so aggrieved. If it weren't for the curse on his body, these skeleton creatures would have nothing to do with him!

"Ruthless? How ruthless do you want to be?"

In this place, Fang Tian felt a peace he had never had before, as if he was born to be here, everything here was under his control, and he could even feel Cui Minghui's current state.

Because of the curse, he was not far from death.

Don't do it yourself, one day, or two days? Anyway, he will die under this curse soon.

"Fang Tian! It's all my fault! I beg you, come out! I'll give you all the cards on me!" Cui Minghui felt scared, his voice began to tremble, he shouted hysterically, "Fang Tian! I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Let me go! All the cards on me are for you! All, and the points card! I still have 500,000 points! I will never talk nonsense after I get out!"

Fang Tian has been standing in the distance, watching coldly.

He no longer paid attention to Cui Minghui who was shouting, but began to pay attention to the situation inside the venue card.

If the wasteland card really has the ability to "seal" the enemy into the card, then the overall strength of the card will undoubtedly be improved by one level.

There are too many secrets hidden in this card.

Fang Tian checked the emblem on his palm, and it was exactly as he thought before, all the spirit marks of the undead summoned creature cards on his body consumed -2.

However, the undead giant snake summoned before has disappeared, which means that when using the summon card in the field card, the summoned creature will also disappear as the mental connection is cut off.

Well, the question now is, how can I get out of here?

As soon as this thought came up, Fang Tian suddenly felt a sour and numb feeling in the palm of his hand.

Looking down at the mark on his hand, Fang Tian found something.

Huh? How could this happen?

The symbol similar to the '卍' on his hand has changed. It has become the multiple pentagram symbol on the dark card before...

Staring at the mark on the palm of his hand, Fang Tian tried to touch the symbol on the palm of his hand with the tip of his thumb.

The next moment, Fang Tian disappeared from the space.

Cui Minghui watched Fang Tian disappear in front of him, his eyes full of anger, unwillingness, and despair.

What made Cui Minghui even more frightened was that a trace of light silver light was leaking from his body and was absorbed by the wasteland under his feet.

If this goes on, he will really die...

Since Cui Minghui was wrapped by the giant red centipede, Fang Tian did not notice anything strange about Cui Minghui. When he appeared in the basement again, Fang Tian looked around.

Everything was still the same as before.


Is it his own entity or his own consciousness that entered the soul card?

Next, Fang Tian wanted to figure this out.

If it is a physical entity, does it mean that he can take shelter in the venue card when he encounters danger in the future?

It is very simple to prove this point. Fang Tian took out his mobile phone from his pocket, prepared to adjust the phone to the video mode, and then enter the venue card again.

As soon as he touched the phone in his pocket, Fang Tian felt something was wrong, and took the phone in his hand to take a look.

The phone was completely scrapped, and wisps of white smoke came out of the shell.


"What did you do to the phone?"

The lady boss of the mobile phone repair shop took the phone case apart and looked at it, then pushed it back directly, shaking her head and saying, "It's hopeless, all the parts inside are burnt out, it can't be repaired, get a new one."

Fang Tian stopped talking and pointed at the counter casually, "Hey, get me a new one."

Leaving the mobile phone store, fiddling with the phone, Fang Tian returned to the card hall the same way.

After experimenting for a night yesterday, he can now be sure that he has completely entered the wasteland card field, and if he guessed correctly, his phone was also broken when he entered the field card.

So can he use the same method to enter the wasteland card environment in the trial?

If so, this undoubtedly gives him a perfect life-saving prop. In extremely dangerous situations, he can just hide in the wasteland card.

But it is not completely safe. Some superficial tests were conducted yesterday. The time to enter the field card is about 1 hour. After an hour, he will be forcibly stripped from the field card range.

Fang Tian continued to think.

The corpse abandoned card can be further combined and advanced.

Last time Fang Tian didn't look carefully. Just the first row of soul cards required 100, not to mention the dense requirements.

After all, Fang Tian was in a hurry to prepare for the advanced trial of the card hall, so he didn't have extra energy and points to upgrade the card. After a rough glance, Fang Tian threw it aside.

Now that the trial has been passed, the matter of upgrading the field card must be put on the agenda again.

Scan the cards again.

Leaving aside the cheap grey cards, there are 200 soul cards in total, and the demand for various skeleton cards and organ cards is as high as tens of thousands.

The good news is that, apart from soul cards, Fang Tian doesn't seem to find any other particularly difficult cards.

After an estimate, about 1 million can completely upgrade the cards.

Where do so many points come from?

For ordinary trialists, 1 million is an astronomical figure, and even Fang Tian needs a while to raise it.

Fang Tian glanced at his points card again.

Before, he got 50,000 points through the golden key in the trial, and got 50,000 points as a reward from the owner of the hall. Later, he took out 5,000 points to share with Lao Shu and his subordinates. Now there are less than 100,000 points left.

There are four times a month to enter the trial. Ordinary people get hundreds of points at a time, and Fang Tian can only get 5,000 or 6,000 points at most. It is difficult to get points quickly through this method, not to mention that he needs to constantly devour soul cards to practice, which is a huge expense every day.

I need to find a way to raise points.

While thinking, Fang Tian walked into the card hall.

Since the advanced trial was completed yesterday, the atmosphere on the second floor of the entire card hall was relatively relaxed.

The owner's ban is still there. After the end of this week, the cards in the card hall will be replenished and the ban will be lifted.

Fang Tian walked around the first floor as usual and found nothing unusual, so he went to the second floor.

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