Nightmare Card House

Chapter 14 Test

Near noon, Chen Yu and Jace were sitting at the game table on the second floor of the card museum.

On the table in front of them was something similar to a chessboard.

You can see some basic data related to this trial on the chessboard, such as the name and clearance process of this random trial, as well as the general personal status of the participants in the trial.

"They passed the first two rounds of trials so quickly. I didn't expect these newcomers to do quite well." Jess showed a meaningful smile, "What's even more unexpected is that they encountered this special trial in the desert. , in this case..."

Chen Yu didn't speak, his expression was as cold as ever.

"Why don't we raise the stakes for our gamble, Mr. Chen Yu, do you think they can pass the level perfectly?"

Chen Yu glanced at him and replied coldly: "No."

"Oh, what a coincidence, I think so too."

On trial.

Xue Yang was very nervous and his heart was beating fast.

He had personally experienced the difficulty of the final trial. He instinctively felt afraid. The strength of the final guard was not something they could face.

He began to think wildly, what would happen if he failed?

If he fails, Fang Tian's soul card will be mortgaged, and he failed the trial level for the third time this month, and there is still one last chance for the trial. Although his soul will not be mortgaged on the spot, but...

"Look, what is that?"

He looked up and saw the shadow of a giant building in front of him.

"The Broken Temple, I remember the giant baby monster said that if you finally reach the Broken Temple, you have passed the test." Ling Luoluo said.

"Be careful. It's the last level. Come on, we can pass it smoothly." Xue Gang encouraged everyone.

This broken temple built in the desert, just like its name, has been abandoned.

Arriving at the outskirts of the temple, Fang Tian stopped and looked up at the temple.

"Are you going in?" Xue Gang looked around, but didn't seem to find anything.

Just as he was talking, the ground suddenly shook slightly.


Not far ahead, a depression appeared in the sand in front of the temple. The sand sank toward the center, gradually forming a vortex.

"Quickly retreat!"

The vortex continued to grow and spread to the outside world. Seeing it spreading towards the feet of several people, Ling Luoluo and the others hurriedly retreated.

A giant stone statue rises from the covered sand.

For a moment, the earth stopped shaking, and a giant stone statue five or six meters high stood in front of everyone.

The ancient stone statue is carved with mysterious runes and looks like some kind of guard.

What was extremely surprising was that a dull voice came from inside the stone statue.

"Welcome to the Broken Temple, Trialist."

Several people were startled, and then became vigilant.

Is this the final boss monster? It looks very difficult to deal with.

"You have experienced various hardships along the way. Relying on wisdom and strength, you have reached here. However, the ancient wise men believe that the power of teamwork is also essential. Now, it is time to test your team's cohesion."

Team cohesion? What is he talking about?

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes and focused all his attention on the stone statue. Suddenly he heard a shout from beside him, "Watch your step!"

With a sudden jolt, Fang Tian lowered his head and looked at his feet.

Looking down, he found that his feet had begun to be tightly entangled with sand at some point.

Like Fang Tian, ​​Xue Yang and Ling Luoluo didn't even react before their feet were entangled in sand and they couldn't move.

Xue Gang, who shouted a warning, reacted quickly enough and dodged the first attack from the entangled sand. Unfortunately, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, several strands of sand came around him again.

Several waves of sand attacked at the same time. Xue Gang could not avoid it, and his feet were tightly entangled by the sand.

After being entangled, Xue Gang's instinctive reaction was to slash with his weapon.

"Xue Gang, stop, don't try." Fang Tian had already tried it just now, and neither slashing with a spear nor pouring water on it had any effect. He said, "This is part of the trial, don't waste your energy."

Xue Gang still felt unhappy and took back his sword angrily.

Fang Tian looked at the stone statue, preparing to see what action he would make next.


Fang Tian felt something. He lowered his head and saw that the piece of sand under his feet gradually loosened, and then it was suspended. Fang Tian and his whole body were suspended in the air more than one meter high, and then slowly moved in a certain direction. Float past.

Finally, the four people in mid-air stopped around the four corners of the giant stone statue at the same time.

At the same time, two cards appeared in front of Fang Tian.

The dull sound continued to come from the stone statue.

"Now, the test begins. There are two cards appearing in front of you. One card is called the Fool's Card, and the other is called the Betrayer's Card."

Fang Tian saw the original names of the two cards in front of him emerge.

Card: Card of the Fool.

Equal order sequence: gray.

Star rating: 0

Explanation: Stupid people actually believe in trusting the so-called team. You need to pay the price for your stupidity. For every traitor card in the team, 1500 points will be deducted from your points.

What's the meaning? Does this card only have negative effects? Fang Tian felt confused and glanced at another card.

Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

Card: Betrayer's Card.

Level: White.

Star Rating: 0

Description: I didn't choose to betray because the price offered was not enough. If there is a Fool's Card in the team, the player will immediately enter the trial settlement phase and be deemed to have successfully passed the trial. For each Fool's Card in the team, the player can get 2,000 points. For each Betrayer's Card in the team, the strength of the final boss increases by 100%. If there are four Betrayer's Cards at the same time, each trialist will lose 50,000 points.

Fang Tian's pupils shrank.

He immediately began to calculate the gains and losses in his mind.

Ideally, if all four people choose the Fool's Card, it is equivalent to not having undergone any test, and they will continue to face the final boss.

There is no benefit.

However, if any of them betrayed, the person who chose to become a betrayer could leave the trial with 6,000 points, and the remaining three would not only have to face the strengthened final boss, but each of them would also be burdened with a debt of 1,500 points.

Betrayal! This temptation is too great!

The only thing to consider is that if all four members of the team choose to become betrayers at the same time...

That would be a disaster for the entire team, equivalent to the final boss of 400% difficulty, and everyone would have to deduct 50,000 points.

For them at this stage, a debt of 50,000 points could almost sentence them to death.

Be safe and choose to become fools.

But these teammates, can they really be trusted?

Fang Tian's eyelids jumped.

Wait a minute! He suddenly found something wrong.

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