Nightmare Card House

Chapter 157 Team Changes

Jace continued: "Another point, starting from 0 o'clock tomorrow night, special tasks will be released. Every hour, if the trialist's card hall does not occupy any town, then every trialist will Some of the trial points will be deducted, and a small part of the points will be rewarded for occupying the town. "Jes explained in a serious manner: "The number of points deducted will become larger and larger as time goes by, and once the trial is over, the trial will be completed. If the tester's points are less than -100, the tester will be forcibly expelled from this test."

Fang Tian probably understood that there are only five small towns in total. As time goes by, the orcs will gradually invade, and the number of small towns in the safe area will become less and less. In the end, the competition will become more intense.

"In addition, several teams from the Card Hall discovered several points while exploring the surrounding area. These areas may bring us some improvement in strength, such as this area." Jace pointed out a certain point on the map. A location, "This is an abandoned mine we discovered. We received a task prompt from the card at the entrance, which clearly stated that after completing the exploration of the mine, we will receive some points as rewards."

"In addition, there is this place." Jace pointed to the valley on the map and continued, "The cards also reflect this place. You can also get card rewards and point rewards by entering to explore the traces of the barbarian orcs. The rest are also There are some special mission trigger locations that have not yet been discovered. At the current meeting, we decided to set out to clean up the abandoned mines early tomorrow morning.”

Fang Tian turned his attention to the museum owner. The museum owner had previously asked him to guard the town, which meant that the museum owner would personally lead the players out of the town and to the mine.

This seems like a good opportunity. Will Amanda take action at that time?

Fang Tian's heart moved.

Sure enough, the museum owner Heather said in a deep voice: "Fang Tian, ​​you should understand everything. I will personally take people to clean up the mine tomorrow, so I need you to help me keep an eye on this town during this period. Be careful, if there is an attack from other card halls during my absence, I need you to take command and help me defend this town. This is our foundation, and I don’t want any problems here."

"Master, please rest assured, I will definitely defend this town."

Fang Tian gave up his plan to go with him and prepared to continue to see the situation. On the one hand, the owner of the museum, Heather, had made up his mind to let him stay. During this time, he had some understanding of Heather's temper. What he decided was difficult. There has been a change. It would be difficult to persuade Heather without a good reason. On the other hand, Fang Tian also wanted to see Heather's strength.

"Very good. During the previous meeting, Liu Wenjun's team took the initiative to stay and protect the town. It's also good. You are also a member of Liu Wenjun's team. You are most familiar with this team. When I am away, you will be in charge of the town." Heather After making the decision, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go down first."

"Yes, Master."

Fang Tian stood up and left.

The abandoned town was temporarily divided into five or six areas, and the trialists of each team were consciously separated.

After leaving the conference hall, Fang Tian returned to the west area of ​​the town where Liu Wenjun's team was temporarily resting, and found a nearby room for temporary repairs.

It seems that in order to avoid trouble, both parties have deliberately kept a distance since the last contact with Amanda.

Fang Tian only made eye contact with Amanda a few times at most. He was not sure whether Amanda would test it tomorrow.

No matter what, you still need to maintain your best fighting ability.

A lot of things happened today, and Fang Tian didn't even have time to practice. The dual mental and physical exhaustion made him fall into a deep sleep very quickly.


Fang Tian's spirit suddenly shook while he was sleeping. He suddenly woke up and opened his eyes.

Someone is coming!

Before going to bed, Fang Tian controlled several sun beetle larvae to lurk in the walkway outside the bedroom and in the gaps outside the window.

Now, through spiritual contact, Fang Tian can be sure that someone is coming sneakily.

Although this spiritual connection cannot prevent Fang Tian from knowing who the visitor is.

Fang Tian raised his head and glanced out the window. It was still midnight.

Who could it be? Could it be Amanda? Are they really ready to take action?

Thinking about it, Fang Tian got out of bed and walked quietly to the door. He didn't open the door immediately, but stood beside it.


The knock on the door was very soft, and the other party seemed to have deliberately lowered the knock on the door.

Fang Tian asked softly: "Who is it?"

Hearing the voice in the room reply so quickly, the mouse outside the door was also startled, stunned, and quickly replied: "Boss, it's me, the mouse."

It turned out to be a mouse.

Fang Tian didn't know why the mouse came to him so sneakily at night. He was confused and opened the door to a crack, and saw the mouse looking into the crack of the door with a sly look.

Noticing Fang Tian's questioning gaze, Mouse whispered: "Boss, if you have something important to report, can you let me come in to talk?"

Fang Tian opened the door and let the mouse in, wanting to hear the so-called report from the mouse.

After the mouse entered the room, he didn't forget to look back outside to make sure no one was following him before he felt relieved.

"Boss, why are you still up so late?"

"Can't sleep, what's the matter?"

The mouse swallowed and whispered, "Boss, something is not normal in the group."

"Not normal? What's not normal?"

Fang Tian frowned. He knew that Liu Wenjun's team was going to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big move, but Fang Tian didn't know what it was. Liu Wenjun seemed to keep it secret, and Fang Tian hadn't paid attention to the team during this period.

"Well, it's like this. One of our brothers was patrolling outside before. He saw a few people from Liu Wenjun's direct team sneaking around in the town. I didn't know what they were doing. I wanted to talk to them, but I was kicked out. I felt something was wrong, so I went to take a look myself."

Fang Tian also became curious. In addition to the various groups and team leaders, Liu Wenjun's direct team members were not many, about ten or so, and they were usually managed by Deng Wenli.

This is indeed a strange place. Fang Tian couldn't help asking, "Then what?"

"Then I saw them enter a cellar. Zhang Fang's men were guarding the entrance to the cellar. I was afraid of being discovered, so I didn't follow them in." The mouse kept blinking. He continued, "I was puzzled. It's a cellar, not a cellar for storing food. Logically, there shouldn't be anything in it. Why are they so careful? Isn't this a disease?"

Fang Tian hummed lightly, his eyes focused on the mouse's face, "Then what? Nothing?"

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