Nightmare Card House

Chapter 184 Ambush

"Yes, this is disgust." Fang Tian squinted his eyes and said: "You are right, Amanda and I are cooperating. For some reasons, I want Heather to die. To be honest, do you think I What’s the success rate?”

Fang Tian said it very casually, with a chatty tone that was as simple as getting rid of a mouse that haunted the kitchen.

"Sorry, due to the rules, I can't give you an answer."

When it came to issues related to the trial, Jace was as vigilant as ever.

Fang Tian didn't expect to get anything from Jace, so he just said casually: "That's a shame."

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​you should know very well that Heather is very strong and no one can easily get the position of the gym leader, even a reserve gym leader, so be careful."

"Yeah." Fang Tian hummed, thinking that this might be the biggest reminder Jace could give.

Within half a minute, Jace suddenly raised his head, looked into the air, and said, "It's about to begin, Fang Tian."

Fang Tian frowned, and he could clearly see something dark and dark in the sky.

This is...

A familiar scent.

Is it the breath of the undead?

Or a special environment card!

Seeing the space cracks connecting the city in the sky, Fang Tian's pupils zoomed several times.

Black clouds gathered over the entire camp.

The fog of undead began to spread on the battlefield.

Vision begins to be obstructed.

Raising his head, Fang Tian looked into the sky. In the darkness, Fang Tian seemed to feel something black standing there.

Squinting his eyes, Fang Tian seemed to be able to see a shadow emerging from the black fog, looming.

Majestic and inviolable.

Fang Tian couldn't see any part of the shadow, but he could clearly feel the existence of the thing. Feeling the awe from his heart, Fang Tian said in a deep voice: "Jace, is that the God of Death?"

"Yes, Mr. Fang Tian, ​​to be precise, that is the incarnation of the God of Death."

"Is this a special type of card?"

Fang Tian murmured to himself, not hoping that Jace could give him an answer.

However, what surprised Fang Tian was that a voice came from behind.

"You're right, the environmental card - Death's Arbitration."

Fang Tian turned around and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the black man next to Amanda walking quickly from behind.

"This card requires the sacrifice of the trialist's life before it can be summoned into the battlefield. Within the duration of Death's Arbitration Field Card, all dead lives will wither and cannot be resurrected. Their souls will fall into eternal silence. Most resurrection items will When it expires, the effect of this card can even break through the protection of this trial. "The black man continued, "For every person who dies within the range of the environmental card, the duration of the environmental card will be increased by 20 seconds."

Fang Tian glanced at the black man.

Compared with Liu Wenjun, Amanda is much more ruthless. Sacrifice of the tester's life will directly kill others, and ordinary testers within the range of the environment card will also be affected by the environment card. If they are smart enough, they will notice it. If something goes wrong, they may be able to save a small life if they immediately leave the range of the field card. Otherwise, if they die, their fate will be very miserable.

But then again, this kind of card is indeed very suitable for use in battlefield-like environments, and can greatly increase the usage time of environment cards.

"Fang Tian, ​​follow me. We will handle the rest. You don't need to take action. Just follow us. If we fail, we must try our best to keep Heather."

The black man said and nodded to Fang Tian, ​​hurriedly left the bushes and stepped forward to join the battlefield with the brutal orcs.

The arbitration effect of the God of Death was so powerful that almost instantly, a black mist of the undead enveloped the battlefield.

The owner of the hall, who was restraining the leader of the barbarian orcs, immediately noticed the changes in his surroundings. He felt something strange in his heart.

It's the breath of the undead!

He didn't know what exactly happened, but this situation was obviously not good news. Could it be that the news was leaked and was ambushed by trialists from other card halls?

For a moment, Heather's face turned extremely ugly.

The surrounding trialists also noticed this undead aura and felt that the situation seemed not good. Some smart trialists had already begun to retreat.

After the death of a lovelorn man, his body exploded with blood and flesh splattering everywhere.

What's going on? Why doesn't it turn into white light and disappear after death?

This situation frightened the newcomers.

The senior trialists frowned even more.

This situation was beyond their expectations and obviously did not bode well.

Seeing this, the senior trialists also began to retreat and began to evacuate to the rear.

Creatures like barbarian orcs don't seem to have a very sharp mind. After being killed, they will not consider retreating at all, but will chase the trialists.

Noticing this situation, Heather felt secretly resentful.

However, he was also entangled by the brutal orc leader and was temporarily unable to escape.

Under this situation, he could not defeat the orc leader one-on-one, but Heather was still confident in escaping.

While she was thinking, Heather noticed Amanda approaching from the side.

"Let's go!"

With that said, Amanda waved her hand and threw a frozen spear towards the barbarian leader.

The ice spear hit the chest of the barbarian orc. With its strong defensive ability, the spear was unable to penetrate the chest of the barbarian orc leader. Instead, the spear exploded with a bang.

Dense ice crystals attached to the orc leader, slowing his movement.

Taking advantage of this gap, the owner immediately stepped back, distanced himself from the orc leader, and followed Amanda to evacuate towards the camp exit.

"What's going on?"

Heather asked in a deep voice.

"Owner, this is a trap. The hostile card hall trialists used the orcs to lure us here to set up an ambush. They want to kill us all here. Leave here first!"

The owner heard what Amanda said, and didn't have time to think too much for a while. He heard the orc leader roaring and chasing from behind, and followed Amanda to retreat to the back.

However, what the owner didn't expect was that the further he went forward, the thicker the black fog in front of him became, until he entered a canyon under the leadership of Amanda, and the number of trialists around him became fewer and fewer.

It seemed that the front had reached the end.

This canyon was a dead end.

Heather seemed to find something wrong. He suddenly realized something and stopped suddenly. Turning back, staring at Amanda.

Amanda also stopped.

The two were less than a few meters apart, looking at each other.

"Did you do all this?"

Heather said in a deep voice.

"Master, the outside world says that you are just a reckless man who relied on luck to get to where you are today and become the trainee master, but Amanda doesn't think so. It is impossible to be a master without any ability." Amanda stared at Heather, "However, Amanda also has her own reasons for having to do it, so please forgive me, Master."

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