Nightmare Card House

Chapter 236 Establishment

The two cards fell into Fang Tian's hands again.

Fang Tian glanced at these two cards and put them into the palm of his hand.

Chike's expression didn't change much. He seemed to have thought that Fang Tian would make this decision.

What he chose was the realm where Heather was.

Fang Tian felt as if he had done something trivial, so he turned around and asked, "Okay, what next?"

"The application has been approved. The next step is to select a location and choose an initial location for your card gallery." Chike tapped his fingers, and in the darkness, a light curtain appeared in front of Fang Tian.

The light curtain displays a reduced version of the map of the country.

"Oh? You can build a card gallery anywhere?"

"Yes, except for the special geographical location that cannot be formed, in theory, there is no problem in setting up the card hall in any location." Chike explained: "But if the location is too strange, it will recruit people into the card hall. Newcomers bring a lot of trouble, and generally speaking, if two card halls are located too close to each other, it will be considered a sign of hostility by the other party. "

Fang Tian looked at the map, groped his chin and thought for a moment, then reached out and clicked on a certain location on the map.

"What you said is good, why not choose here."

Chike raised his eyebrows. The card club Fang Tian chose was located in a neighboring province. It only takes two hours' drive from here.

"As you wish." Chike marked the location pointed by Fang Tian and continued: "The Card Hall will be officially opened in three days. At that time, the first and second floors of the Card Hall will be officially open to the public."

After doing all this, a strong feeling of exhaustion hit him again. Fang Tian stretched out his hand to rub his sore neck, "Does this mean that I am in danger in these three days?"

"Well, I will stay in the card hall for these three days. Although the card hall has not been fully opened, you can still stay in the card hall safely. I can't do anything to you after leaving the card hall. Protect"

"It's really frustrating to be like a street rat, hiding in a card hall." Fang Tian took a breath, "Chike, come with me to go out before this, I have to meet someone. "

Three days later.

An inconspicuous card shop opened on a street corner in the downtown area of ​​a neighboring province.

There was no ceremony, just a placard, officially opened to the public.

The bar girl at the cashier on the first floor was also recruited two days ago.

In fact, it is not as simple as just three million points to open the card hall. Maintenance of the first and second floors, and even the expansion of the second floor require points to be spent gradually.

Of course, for Fang Tian, ​​there is no rush to expand the second floor.

Fang Tian does not want to adopt the same development model as Heather Card Hall.

Like most card halls, Heather Card Hall follows a laissez-faire model. They usually recruit card hall trialists to a large extent, and then ignore the life and death of the card hall newcomers. They will survive and eliminate them. They are completely used as a tool to earn points. The gym owner will not spend time on these people until their strength reaches a certain level.

To the gym owner, most trialists are just tools for him to earn points.

"Fang Tian, ​​do you only want to recruit potential trialists?"

"Yes." Fang Tian shrugged, "At least at this stage, I think only players who have cleared the first-level virtual game with full evaluation are eligible to enter the second level for trials."

Chike was noncommittal. Fang Tian's idea seemed a bit strange to him. Generally, card halls would choose to recruit a large number of trialists. With the power of trialists, the owner can earn some points and profits from them. These profits are in addition to the card games. In addition to the daily maintenance and upgrades of the card hall, the rest can be pocketed by the hall owner.

It seems that Fang Tian did not intend this. The personnel structure of Heather Card Hall is too complicated and involves various forces. Although this can greatly improve the strength of the Card Hall in a short period of time, it can also easily cause hidden dangers. .

In the last trial, it was clearly seen that Amanda and Liu Wenjun all sneaked into the card hall with a special purpose.

Therefore, Fang Tian plans to take the elite route and will not recruit senior trialists for the time being. He does not have much energy to manage the card hall, and there are bigger crises in front of him to deal with.

Fang Tian flipped through two card books in his hands. Since the card library is only the first level at this stage, the types of cards provided in the two card books are also extremely rare.

"But Fang Tian, ​​have you ever thought that if the entry threshold is raised, newbies will be snatched away by the card club in Heise, a neighboring province? Those who have real potential are worth cultivating, and they still have the patience to pass the level. There are actually very few trialists in the first-level game. In this case, wouldn’t we lose on the starting line?”

Mu Yuxin held her face in her hands and looked at Fang Tian seriously, making random ideas from the side.

Fang Tian glanced at her, "Are you very free? Why are you here? Does the research on secret arts not need your help?"

"It's a holiday. There's nothing to do. I can't get involved in what happened during the meeting. My sister ignored me. I didn't expect you, brother Fang Tian, ​​to be so cold." Mu Yuxin was so angry that she then seemed to be angry again. Thinking of something, he said with a smile: "Besides, I also want to see how the dog owner became unlucky. Wouldn't it be better to come over and help you?"

Hearing the words "dog owner", Fang Tian raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

"Fang Tian, ​​you haven't answered my question yet." Mu Yuxin refused.

Fang Tian looked at Mu Yuxin and said, "We have enough things to worry about. Don't worry about this. The development of the card hall is not urgent. In the last trial, Heather's card hall ranked last. The second round of eliminations will be enough for him. In addition, Chike, if you meet members from other card halls, these people will not be considered for the time being."

"There is no problem with this. Senior trialists need to be reviewed by the owner to join the card hall. We can easily do it by closing the entrance. Also, Fang Tian, ​​I just got the news." Chike raised a finger, "The trial results came out in the early morning yesterday. Heather's card hall ranked last. In two days, the elimination round will start, which means..."

"This also means that Heather will definitely join the trial and will not be able to get out for the time being. Our chance has come."

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes.

This time, the attempt to kill Heather failed. He would not pin his hopes on luck, such as Heather's death in the elimination match, so he had to make some corresponding plans. It was for this reason that he chose to enter the same gym owner assessment trial with Heather.

The gym owner's advanced trial must enter the shadow world in person. In the shadow world, this is the best opportunity to kill the gym owner.

The backlash in the sea of ​​consciousness is getting more and more serious. Before this problem is truly solved, Fang Tian can no longer further improve the spiritual imprint.

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