Nightmare Card House

Chapter 455: Attacked

At this time, Fang Tian, ​​who had followed Maia and others into the depths of the ancient forest, did not know that Sir Versailles had dug another big hole for him.

"Fang Tian, ​​are you really going to enter the dungeon with us like this?"

In front of a certain cave entrance, Tarik confirmed with Fang Tian again.

"Why do you ask? We're already here, should we go back now?"

"Ahem." Maia coughed lightly and said, "Fang Tian, ​​we are not doubting your ability, but the aura of the undead on your body is very strong. The purpose of our trip is to sneak into the underground city. If you enter the underground world like this, you will be Our actions bring trouble."

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations for this." Fang Tian said, with a flick of his wrist, a card appeared in the palm of his hand.

Card - natural rhythm.

Equal order sequence: blue.

Star rating: 2

Effect: Keep most of your breath integrated with the surrounding environment for a certain period of time.

After returning from his last trip to Beijing, Fang Tian found this card in the card gallery in order to solve the problem of the aura of death on his body.

Fang Tian has already tested the card's ability. It can cover one's own death aura to a great extent, but if it is too close, some of the aura will still be leaked. In addition, the card needs to be maintained by consuming mental power. According to one's current mental power, The intensity can last for less than two hours.

One card is enough to solve the problem of the aura of death on your body, provided that you need to spend a large amount of points each time.

Feeling that the aura of death on Fang Tian's body quickly disappeared, several people's expressions were a little strange.

"Okay, cheer up." Maia clapped his hands and focused everyone's attention on him, "There is a cave in front of you. The entrance to the underground world is in the cave. Our mission goal this time is to sneak into the underground. World, find a way to sneak into the Dark Elf Altar and obtain more relevant information, are you clear?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Let's go."

Wells, who is part orc ancestry, quickened his pace to open the way ahead. He has beast-like intuition. He led them along the way, and everyone was able to easily avoid most dangers.

At first glance, there was nothing special about the cave. After Maia gave instructions and jumped down a deep pit into the bottom of the cave, Fang Tian discovered that there were several bottomless passages in front of him.

Avisha raised her hand, and a light ball emitting faint light appeared in front of everyone's eyes, illuminating the surroundings.

"We are now in the outer passage of the underground world. You can think of it as the middle passage connecting the above world and the underground world." Maia lowered his voice and explained to Fang Tian, ​​"There are cavemen lurking nearby, and that kind of biological smell They are keen and have a strong sense of energy, but they have no vision. We must be careful about their attacks. After entering the underground world, we can really sneak into the underground world and avoid fighting with them. We try not to make any noise. "

Before coming here, Fang Tian had heard Pate talk about some basic knowledge about the underground world, and he made a clear gesture to Maia.

The passages leading to the underground world are extremely complicated and changeable. It is obviously not the first time for Maia to come here. He has left many marks on the passages in advance. You don't have to worry about getting lost if you follow the marks.

But due to the darkness, everyone slowed down.

In the darkness where no one could see, a dark elf stretched out his hand and placed it on the bow and arrow. The black aura lingered on the arrow. The crosshair was pointed at Maia and the bowstring was fully drawn.

"Rodney, stop."

A hand was placed on the dark elf's shoulder.

"Why are you stopping me? You let them go last time, but you dare to come this time." Rodney's arrow was still aimed at Maia at the front of the team. He said, "These humans have invaded our territory. , they all deserve to die."

"Don't conflict with them for the time being. This is the will of the clan mother. These people are the imperial king's investigation team. Conflict with them will only intensify the threat to the tribe. Stop, grandma will find a way to deal with them."

"Find a way? You mean relying on that unreliable human?" Rodney said with a mocking look on his lips, "Protecting the safety of the dark elf camp is also the will of the clan mother."

"Rodney, follow my grandmother's wishes and I won't say it again."

"Bang!" Rodney hesitated for a moment, then put down the bow and arrow in his hand, "Then what do you think we should do? Are you going to let them sneak into the altar again now?"

"No, the mistress said she would give them a taste of pain this time."

The people groping in the passage did not know what was happening in the dark. After groping in the darkness for more than ten minutes, Wells stopped.

Maia and his team cooperated tacitly. When they saw Wells's action, they knew they were in trouble. They all stopped and raised their weapons to guard the surroundings.


There was the sound of some small creature moving quickly from ahead.

The sound got closer and closer, and within a few seconds, a group of short creatures poured out from the other side of the passage.

Densely packed.

The expressions of Maia and others changed slightly.

They are cave dwellers.

The previous few times they explored the underground world, they had encountered many caveman attacks, but never in such large numbers as this time.

"There's no way to avoid it, fight!"

Maia responded calmly and drew her sword.

The caveman is a short humanoid creature that Fang Tian has seen on the card.

One-star level, the bottom of the food chain, known as cannon fodder, its strength is probably a little stronger than the skeleton, it is not an undead creature, it cannot cooperate with undead cards, and it is a card of very little value in the card hall.

But at this time, the vast number of cavemen gathered together is still very deterrent.

Ai Weisha raised her staff and pointed at the densely populated cavemen.

The firelight burst at the tip of the staff.

Exploding fireball!


The fireball exploded in the cave crowd, and at least more than a dozen cavemen were blown to pieces under this attack.

Unlike Ai Weisha's expectation, a small number of cavemen would be scared away when encountering this situation, but now, the fireball seems to have angered these cavemen, they let out a strange howl and continued to rush towards the crowd.

Maya and others formed a simple formation, ready to deal with the incoming cavemen.


Wells, who was at the front, slashed forward with a sword, and the tearing sword energy even knocked away all the nearby generals who were rushing to the front.

Maia and his men were equally strong. They stood guard on both sides of the team and killed the attacking cavemen.

"Don't waste time with them. Let's keep moving forward. We're about to enter the underground world. They won't catch up with us."

Wells, who was at the front, was under pressure. Occasionally, a caveman would swing his weapon and hit his huge armor, but would be repelled.

The three of them placed Fang Tian and Ai Weisha in the center of the team and kept moving forward.

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