Nightmare Card House

Chapter 463 Awakening

Only when the negative emotion of fear is generated towards oneself, the eyeballs in the sea of ​​consciousness will be triggered to react?

Fang Tian came to a further conclusion.

Don't be impatient, we need to confirm it again!

Fang Tian looked around, raised his hand, and made a fist gesture in the air.

Including Ruolin, the three dark elves who were constantly harvesting the lives of soldiers in secret stopped attacking and gathered around Fang Tian after receiving Fang Tian's order.

"You guys, block the entrances and exits of the hall and try not to let anyone run away."


Ruolin nodded quickly, and guarded the entrances and exits of the hall with the other three dark elves, trying to prevent the soldiers from escaping from the hall as much as possible.

It's terrible! This is simply a nightmare for the soldiers in the hall.

The number of black beetles in the room is increasing.

The soldiers watched the black beetles climb onto the bodies of their companions, and the black beetles bit their faces, and the black larvae drilled into the body through the wounds.

Then, the bodies of the companions around him exploded one by one, and countless black beetles emerged from the bodies.

As if they were in hell, many soldiers were mentally collapsed, shouting and waving their weapons.

Fang Tian stood in the center of the hall, trying to keep his breath.

Eight black-robed men surrounded him in the center, and any guard who tried to get close to Fang Tian would be locked and attacked by the black-robed men.

At this time, Fang Tian's mind had already dived into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Guessed it right!

At least 80% accurate!

Along with the killing of fear, the eyeball in the sea of ​​consciousness that seemed to have fallen asleep was slowly waking up, and the eyes kept opening.

At the same time, his own sea of ​​consciousness was also constantly expanding in small increments.

The pleasure of the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness made Fang Tian so comfortable that he was about to moan.

"Mr. Fang Tian! We can't stay here any longer. A large number of soldiers are coming in from the back garden. It will take us time to entangle with them."

Hearing this, Fang Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

He then realized that the soldiers in the room were almost dead, and the remaining soldiers gathered in a corner of the hall, still making a final resistance.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​those are the elite troops of Lord Versailles." Ruolin glanced at the entrance gate of the back garden, and her tone was a little anxious, "We have wasted too much time, we should not continue to entangle with them. According to the original plan, we have now destroyed the data room on the upper floor of the castle and set the castle on fire to send a destruction signal."

Fang Tian seemed not to hear Ruolin's words, he looked down at his hands.

"Mr. Fang Tian!"

Ruolin urged anxiously.

As a dark elf, Ruolin did not find that what Fang Tian was doing now was cruel. She just felt that Fang Tian was a little strange, standing there in a daze from time to time. She didn't know why Fang Tian was hesitant at this time.

Fang Tian slowly raised his head, looked at Ruolin, and said, "I'll leave it to you to destroy the upper data room and send out the signal. I'll go stop these soldiers."

Ruolin was confused. According to the original plan, they could quickly break into the secret research room of Lord Versailles on the upper floor of the castle, destroy all the data, and set a fire. There was no need to entangle with these guards.

Everything is subject to obeying orders. Although Ruolin was confused, she nodded immediately, "Yes! Mr. Fang Tian!"

After that, Ruolin led the dark elves behind her and quickly moved to the second floor.

Ruolin knew very well that some of the information in Lord Versailles' secret data room was related to the dark elves, including the investigation of the dark elves, the actions of the Silent Moon Plan, and even the various contact records in recent years.

Taking advantage of this action against Sinbad City, Ruolin must destroy these materials that are unfavorable to the dark elves!

Fang Tian didn't care about these things. Now Fang Tian only wanted to further explore the operation of the eyeball in the sea of ​​consciousness!

Seeing that the guards in the hall were almost dead, Fang Tian slowly stepped out of the hall and stepped out of the back exit.

Fang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

There are also a large number of elite sword guards mixed in this group of halberd soldiers!

These are not ordinary guards. The elite sword guards are wrapped in thick armor all over their bodies. The armor can help them resist great damage. Because of this, their ability to move will be partially affected. Only after professional training and reaching the strength of high-level bronze swordsmen can they be qualified to advance.

The deputy commander Bray led the soldiers in the camp.

When Lord Versailles left, he took away most of the troops in the castle, leaving only the last elite team in charge. The others were recruits who had just been recruited not long ago and had undergone a period of simple training.

Bray was a little nervous. Although he was brave, he did not have enough experience leading soldiers to fight alone.

"That's him!"

The soldier who had just escaped to report the news recognized Fang Tian standing at the door.

After seeing that Fang Tian was the only one there, Bray felt a little relieved, drew out his long sword and pointed it at Fang Tian, ​​and shouted, "Catch him!"

Is that the leader?

Fang Tian saw Bray giving orders in the crowd at a glance, and his eyes were fixed on him. He raised the sacrificial staff and pointed it at the point where Bray was.

"Swish! Swish!"

Two dark energy balls attacked Bray.

Bray frowned when he saw this, and held the hilt of the long sword with both hands. A faint red light burst out from the long sword, and it slashed down from top to bottom.


The dark energy bomb was blown up by a sword.

The second dark element ball followed closely and exploded on the hilt.

Bray's body shook a few times and stood firm.

Similar to the skills of fighting spirit, the warriors on the road practice fighting spirit in some way. This ability can greatly improve various physical abilities in a short period of time.

Generally speaking, fighting spirit will also add various attributes.

Fang Tian felt that Bray was not weak.

Using fighting spirit is the sign of a silver warrior.

The long-halberd guards behind have rushed up.

Looking at Bray, Fang Tian had a strange smile on his face.

Bray looked at Fang Tian's pentagram mask and suddenly felt a chill.

The eight black-robed men standing behind Fang Tian leaped forward, and almost at the same moment, dense black sun beetles emerged from the hall behind Fang Tian.

"What is that!?"

Seeing a layer of black beetles flowing like a river on the ground and a black-robed ghost that could not be broken by a blade, the recruits fell into panic.

Fang Tian trembled his fingers, and a fireball burst out from between his fingers.


The fireball exploded in the crowd, and several soldiers who rushed to the front were blown away by the scorching flames.

He raised the sacrificial staff again and waved it forward.

Seven or eight ancient empire skeleton warriors staggered up from the ground and raised their shields to protect Fang Tian.

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