Nightmare Card House

Chapter 523: Scorching Heat

"What is this?"

"Referring to our previous experience in the water assessment, coupled with the environment here, I think this is the crystal left behind after the death of some kind of elemental creature." Fang Tian said and stood up again, "It is a creature of the fire element. ”

The mouse swallowed. The famous mouse of the element of fire had heard of it.

Although the previous water element was very troublesome, in comparison, the fire element is a four-star level creature, one level stronger than the three-star level water element, except for the commonality of most elemental creatures - slow movement speed. Aside from one weakness, the Fire Elemental is an almost perfect ranged marksman creature.

Most of the flame series are violent output, and the same is true for the fire element. Violent long-range magic output, and additional burning damage after the attack.

The good news is that the element of fire has been eliminated along the way here.

Half an hour later.

As Fang Tian and his two men gradually deepened, the forked roads in front gradually converged into a wide passage. The number of creeping plants on the rock wall also decreased unconsciously, and the surrounding stones seemed to have been burned, emitting an odor. Hot red light.

The mouse was so hot that he was a little exhausted. He had thrown away his coat long ago, leaving only a short sleeve that was mostly soaked with sweat. The sweat dripped on the ground, and a cloud of mist rose up within a few seconds.

Seeing that Fang Tian had no intention of stopping and resting, Mouse didn't dare to talk nonsense and could only grit his teeth and keep moving forward. The only thing he was glad about now was that Fang Tian didn't go the wrong way.

Fang Tian glanced at him. Looking at the mouse's current state, he could probably tell what kind of difficulties Mu Yuxin's team had faced before. Fortunately, they were just on the road now, while Mu Yuxin's team was not only on the road. You also have to face the element of fire that may appear at any time, mental pressure, and physical consumption. The superposition of several negative factors almost doubles the physical consumption.

No wonder the team is experiencing attrition.

"Boss, boss...I..." The mouse reached his limit. He couldn't hold on any longer and gasped for air.

The mouse wanted to sit down and rest, but now even the soles of his feet were hot, and he knew that the ground was probably hot as well.

"Can't hold it anymore?"


Fang Tian shook his head and threw two crystals towards the mouse, "Go on."

Seeing something thrown towards him, the mouse subconsciously reached out to take the crystal and grasped it in the palm of his hand.

The next moment, a cold feeling spread from the palm of his hand, and the mouse almost groaned in comfort.

"Ah! It feels so good!"

At this time, the mouse discovered that what Fang Tian gave him was the water spirit crystal that he had obtained in the water trial.

In fact, the mouse also carried two pieces of water crystals on his body at that time, but those things were really cold for the mouse, and a cold air came from his body, making him shiver from the cold, so after exiting the water trial The mice found a safe place to hide them, and took them with them when they were ready to leave.

If he had known that he would encounter this kind of situation now, the mouse would definitely try his best to keep this treasure with him.

The mouse took one of the two water crystals that Fang Tian still came from in his hand and stuffed the other directly into his shoe. He immediately felt extremely comfortable. He glanced at Fang Tian and thought that he couldn't have taken out such a good thing earlier. , let me suffer such a big sin...

Fang Tian glanced at the mouse, then stepped forward and continued to walk forward, "Are you complaining in your heart that I gave you the water spirit crystal now?"

"How could it be?" The mouse jumped up and hurried forward two steps with a smile. He was one step behind Fang Tian and said with a smile, "Boss, it's too late for me to be grateful. How can I complain?"

"I just want to try and see what the limits of ordinary people are in this environment." Fang Tian walked forward and said, "You have reached the limit just now, and the time was about 35 minutes, and Mu Yuxin brought The remaining group of trialists followed the same route as us. They also had to face the element of fire that appeared all the time. It can be said that their pressure was much greater than ours. I judged that their limit was only about 20 minutes. "

"Wonderful!" Mouse thought to himself, why is the boss thinking about this when he has nothing to do? Then he clapped his hands and said: "The boss is the boss, awesome!"

Fang Tian shook his head, "The biggest problem these people face is the consumption of physical energy. They must not move fast. If we speed up, we predict that we will find them soon."

"But boss." With the water spirit crystal, the mouse immediately regained his vitality. He quickened his pace and caught up. "Boss, don't you think it's strange? Those people don't have water spirit crystals on them. How can they persist in such a place like this? "For a long time?"

From the mouse's point of view, this place is as hot as an oven. There is no place to sit. Ordinary people would have died from the heat.

"The hint is obvious, and the answer is simple, those vines." Fang Tian pointed to the vines attached to the red stones, "Didn't you notice that those vines have signs of being cut down, and the number of these vines is getting bigger and bigger. Come less and less.”

The mouse opened his mouth, wondering how obvious the hint was. Besides, the surrounding environment was so hot, how could he have the strength to think about these strange things.

Fang Tian continued: "It is very strange that there are still vines growing in such a hot environment. I think those trialists should also realize that the vines here can provide cooling, so they will carry some vines to use on the road. The problem is that as we walk along the way, there are fewer and fewer vines around, and there are a lot of trialists joining the test of the flame. If this situation does not change, they will soon fall into a state of resource depletion, and they may even fight for vines."

Fang Tian's ominous premonition is getting deeper and deeper. The good news is that the trialists in the card hall at the door told him that there have been no deaths for a long time, which means that Mu Yuxin and the people in the card hall are safe now.

Of course, this may just be the calm before the storm. I hope Mu Yuxin and the others can continue to hold on.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian quickened his pace.


The trial of flame.

Deep in the cave, dozens of teams of trialists gathered in an open area.

One by one, the small groups in the card hall separated alone, and they were full of fear of each other.

Ahead, a magma area blocked everyone's way.

Mu Yuxin has been trapped here for a long time.

Lin Xu suggested: "Manager Mu, there are not many water sources and vines left. We can't afford to delay like this. We can't even guarantee absolute safety if we retreat later. If it really doesn't work, why don't we go back now?"

"Wait a little longer, it's not the right time yet. We don't have enough vines left, and the same goes for others."

Mu Yuxin was very conflicted. She wanted to win the reward of this trial to prove herself, but the current situation was not optimistic.

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