Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 131 Beautiful Skin... (Ahem, please give me a recommendation vote or something)

Chapter 131 Beautiful skin. (Ahem, please ask for a recommendation vote or something)

"Already arrived, my great master!"

Adolf bent down extremely diligently, letting his shiny leather shoes step into the water, and helped Lu En open the car door with a humble smile on his face. The driver in front of him was almost dumbfounded, but he had good professional ethics. Still, he glanced at it, then looked away, and decided to forget about it.

Who would have thought that Elder Adolf, the most senior member of the sect, who is the helmsman behind several large companies and consortiums outside, would be so groveling to others, and not forcefully, but from the bottom of his heart. Even the president of the Federation is not qualified for this. !

Of course, everyone knows that the president is the spokesperson of a large financial group, so we will not mention it. More than a century ago, even a wealthy businessman would have to lick his shoes to show respect when he met the king. .

"This is one of my properties, so I feel sorry for the owner to live here temporarily."

Adolf looked at Lu En who was sitting inside with a somewhat uneasy expression. After being transformed into a blood servant, he regained the lifespan and even youth he had dreamed of, so he had nothing but admiration for the Lord of Blood who gave him all this.

He could feel that the great Lord of Blood was in front of him, spreading endless light and heat like the sun, while he could only be regarded as a small light bulb at best. This huge gap prevented him from giving birth to anything. Other than that, he could only do more to please Lu En.

Even this task was snatched by him because of his seniority and the advantage of being the first to be converted, just to leave a good impression on Lu En.

"It doesn't matter."

Lu En got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him. It was a series of Gothic-style buildings with spiers. The surrounding walls had mottled traces of time. There was a private domain sign clearly hanging on the door, and Security guards patrol with police dogs.

But at this time, the door was open, and the servants and housekeepers were already waiting at the door. Adolf also straightened his back. According to Lu En's intention, he was not too high-profile. He just said that he was his most distinguished guest, the young and beautiful housekeeper. He respectfully welcomed Lu En in, and then Lu En saw the servants shuttled back and forth inside, all of whom were young and beautiful girls.

Yes, it's like a big harem and Luan is the only male in it!

Along the way, Adolf also hinted that Luen could do anything to them or make any request, and he promised that there would not be any resistance. If there were any special requests, you could ask him, and he would do his best to fulfill them. Lu En is guaranteed to be treated like a king.

However, Lu En had no interest in being a king, but he didn't say much. After all, although he didn't have this intention, it was still good for eye candy.

Interesting souls are rare, but beautiful skins are really good-looking.

Lu En looked at these fat and thin beauties with admiration. Each one of them was definitely a goddess-level figure in their previous life, but now they looked at him with sweet smiles and affectionate expressions.

But at this time, what suddenly flashed through Lu En's mind was his girlfriend from Blue Star who was not pretty and even had a bad temper. They had talked about work since college, and had even started talking about marriage, but he never thought about it. An ordinary overtime job, from now on, we are on opposite sides of the world, in two worlds.

I don’t know how long she will be sad after I die, maybe a few months, and my parents.

Lu En withdrew his gaze, and his admiring mood was ruined by this sudden emotion. Especially thinking that he was still the only child in the family, he felt even more uncomfortable.

However, this emotion went away as quickly as it came, and Lu En immediately restrained it. Unless he could find a way to return to Blue Star now, thinking about this would have no other meaning than to add to his heart.

After being sent all the way in, Adolf confessed to Lu En and left a moment later. This was not because he was negligent, but because there were many things waiting for him to deal with and finish.

Apart from anything else, Red Glove cannot hide what happened in the institute. After all, so many people died, the institute was almost completely destroyed, and the manor was invaded. Fortunately, he is not alone now. Xinsheng The vampire forces behind him are working together to ensure that Lu En's traces can be completely covered up.

Externally, they would claim that this was a serious incident of out-of-control evil spirits in the institute, which had also spread to the manor. Lu En then played the role of a hero, saving everyone from fire and water, and successfully cleared his name!

The plan is simple, but it is not easy to successfully hide it from the Spiritual Religion Group and the Federation. However, Lu En only needs to wait quietly, even for themselves, the former elders of the Spiritual Religion Group, and now The vampires and reserve vampires will definitely do their best to complete this matter.

The energy of these people united is undoubtedly huge. After all, each of them is an industry giant, the leader of a hidden family or consortium, and the resources they control are unimaginable.

However, this also means that the risk is infinitely increased. After all, if a group of people with such energy are discovered by Red Gloves and are united because of Lu En, or even transformed into a vampire, they will immediately face a devastating blow.

The Red Gloves have always had zero tolerance for corroders, especially those who hold high positions and control huge social resources. Not everyone has tried to seek exchange help from other extraordinary organizations before, and the most famous among them is the last member of the Glory Empire. The king, unwilling to be bound by the constitutional monarchy, contacted the original sect through unknown channels and successfully reached an agreement.

The presence of several bishops and even archbishops of the original sects helped the king, controlling the cabinet, parliament and even the army through various means, winning over and controlling countless elite nobles, and even finally passed a resolution to convert the constitutional system into a monarchy. , and banned the Red Gloves’ predecessor organization.

Then there is no more.

The vigorous Great Revolution broke out, and countless nobles and even the king himself were sent to the guillotine. The various twists and turns and cruel struggles were enough to write another alien version of the List of Gods. The major changes envisioned by the king were also It finally happened. From the Glorious Empire to the Glorious Federation, the border lords, big businessmen, workers, and small citizens suddenly became the masters of the country.

Learning from the past, these people cannot be careless. After all, this is related to their own wealth and life. Red Gloves dare to kill even the king, so it is impossible to show mercy to them. However, the temptation of restoring youth and even eternal life is in front of them. No matter how dangerous it is, no one Will choose to exit.

As for the side effect of having to drink blood to absorb the vitality in it to maintain one's youthful vitality, is this also called a side effect?

Each of them waved, and there were a lot of people who were willing to sacrifice their lives for them, not to mention just blood. Drawing blood would not kill anyone, so they could get as much as they wanted, and many of them had hospitals, so they needed to Getting the blood was a piece of cake.

A new plot is about to begin. In addition, Xianyu would like to thank book friends 140502110207915; There is a blank in the heart; Gloomy dawn; Disappear like a dream; Eternal sky; Stars o Ruoshui and other big bosses for their rewards. Thank you Xianyu~

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