Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 14 Three Gods Religion

"Grand Priest!"

In an even smaller darkroom deep in the basement, the old man stood upright. Brad, who was once Lucas's boss who took all things black and white, had just done something shocking a few days ago, lowered his head with a respectful expression.


The old man known as the Grand Priest snorted coldly, his eyes fell on Brad, and his tone was unkind: "You have done a great job, I asked you to cooperate with Turing and report the progress to me at any time, but you are actually with him There’s a fight in the city, who do you think you are, how dare you go against the will of the cult!”

"You'd better give me an explanation that can convince me, otherwise" the Grand Priest sneered twice.

"Master, this happened suddenly, and I had no choice but to act like this!" Brad said with a bitter expression: "Originally, my cooperation with them was going smoothly, and it was about to succeed. However, something went wrong at this time. One of my subordinates was in the field. While collecting sacrifices, he was spotted by Red Gloves, and"

"How much does he know?" the Grand Priest asked coldly, interrupting Brad's story.

The latter's face twitched and his tone was a little lower: "He is my confidant. I originally planned to bring him to see the dean after this matter is over."

In other words, although I don’t know much, I definitely don’t know much.


The Grand Priest's gaze penetrated Brad like a knife, and with a low roar, the dust in the corner of the wall fell, like a muffled thunder. Brad, who was closest to him, even his mind went blank for an instant, and there was a message in his ears. Long voice: "What then?"

"Turing moved me to clear my mind. I knew I was no match for him, so I decided to strike first and sent my men to raid the club!" There were countless words of evasion brewing in his heart, but when it came to his mouth, Brad still couldn't help it. The facts have been reported.

"I see."

The Grand Priest exhaled slowly, looked straight ahead, and said calmly: "Your power has expanded rapidly over the years, and you have also connected with the military to help them smuggle items, obtain weapons and equipment, and give birth to a child. A lot of thoughts that I shouldn’t have.”

"No, I don't dare!" Brad was shocked and quickly defended: "My faith in the Order has never wavered. Grand Priest, you must believe me."

The Grand Priest sighed softly: "Bullets and explosives can give people a level of confidence that swords cannot match. But you don't know that Turing wants to kill you. Even if you just move your fingers slightly, you think you are hiding here." Can you hide it from him? "

"He specially left you as bait to lure me out!"

The Grand Priest said quietly, while Brad's face turned pale and he was sweating profusely, but he seemed to be able to see through people's hearts and still said: "Even if you didn't think of it at the time, you should have thought of it later, but you still contacted me. Me, is death really that terrible?”

"If your faith is still firm, you should understand that death is not scary, but a kind of beginning and a kind of glory!"

"Me!" Brad couldn't stop trembling all over. He took a step forward and wanted to say something, but the Grand Priest suddenly raised his index finger and tapped it lightly. A ball of dark red sparks emerged from the fingertips and passed through with a whoosh. Take his head off!


With a certain smell of barbecue, Brad fell to the ground with a bang, a round hole in his forehead was smoking, and there was still fear and ferocity in his eyes!

An ivory-handled pistol slipped from his sleeve and fell to the floor.

At the last moment, Brad still wanted to take a risk, but unfortunately the Grand Priest knew his thoughts clearly and ended his life straightforwardly.

"Picture, Picture Master!!"

At this moment, Jamie's scream suddenly came from outside the door, followed by a whine that sounded like his mouth and nose were being covered. The Grand Priest frowned, stepped over Brad's body, opened the door and walked out.

Jamie was slumped on the sofa with a look of horror on his face, strangling his neck with both hands, his face flushed red, and his blood vessels bursting out. When he saw the Grand Priest coming out, his eyes immediately showed a look of help and hope, but he The dean didn't even look at him, his eyes fell on the center of the room, where a thin, handsome middle-aged man stood quietly, his dark green eyes looking at the great dean at the same time.

"I originally wanted to lure the snake out of the hole, but ended up catching a big fish. Are you okay with your visit?"

Turing curled his lips and bowed to the Grand Priest: "I have long wanted to thank the good people who have been supporting me behind the scenes. I am really surprised and happy to see you today. It is quite unexpected." , I wonder which one of the three gods you are a believer in?"

"You don't have to know who I am, just that we can help you, Bishop Turing."

The Grand Priest's eyes fell on his feet, and he seemed to be studying the texture of his shoes. He said lightly: "The people with red gloves have arrived in Lucas. You'd better act as soon as possible."

"I don't care." Turing smiled and said: "Time is meaningless to us. If I fail this time, I can continue in another place. If it doesn't work once, it will be twice. If it doesn't work twice, it will be three times. It will always succeed once. of."

"Oh, then why do you still stay here?" The Grand Priest sneered, "There is no need to say these words in front of me. We know far more than you think. At this point, all retreat options are for you. It's a dead end and you have no choice but to go on, Bishop."

The smile on Turing's face gradually disappeared, and strands of gray mist dispersed from behind him, and a black shadow appeared in it, as if there was some monster lurking in it. The Grand Priest's expression remained unchanged, but there was a crackling sound in the air around him. , some scorch marks suddenly emerged from the wooden floor.


A painting hanging on the wall suddenly fell down. Half of it twisted and withered, as if it had been eroded by something, while the other half turned into black ash and scattered on the ground.

"Your people disrupted my plans."

After a long time, Turing spoke coldly.

"We will help you contain the coming Red Gloves!" the Grand Priest said calmly. Turing narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing more. He suddenly grabbed Jamie who was about to strangle him to death on the sofa, turned around and left. .

"Illustration Master!"

The few people who were guarding outside quickly followed up, all with doubts on their faces. After walking a certain distance, Lord finally couldn't help but asked: "Who was that person just now and why did he want to help us?"

"The people of the Three Gods Religion, the sect that believes in the sun!" Turing's brows were tightly knitted together, and his expression was not good-looking: "They are not helping us, but they want to fish in troubled waters, let me muddy the waters."

Although he knew that there was a force behind Brad supporting him secretly, otherwise how could a smuggler leader get what he wanted, but Turing did not expect that the people hiding behind him were actually people from the Three Gods Sect. You must know that the Three Gods Sect It has received official endorsement, and its external image has always been quite positive.

But even if he understood that he had vaguely changed from a flag bearer to a chess piece, Turing could only grit his teeth and move on. Just like the Grand Priest said, at this time, all his retreat options were dead ends except continuing.

But people from the Three Gods Sect, you are playing with fire!

Turing looked grim and threw Jamie in his hand to Luosander.

"No matter what method you use, find my secret book as soon as possible!"

"There was another gas leak in the city last night, and a family of three did not survive. Experts hereby advise everyone to take precautions as the temperature drops."

The host on the TV was still reading the news in a formulaic manner. Lu Guang was busy putting breakfast on the table, and then knocked on Lu En and Xiao Kui's doors respectively.

"Breakfast is already prepared. The money is on the table. Remember to buy food and cook at noon."


Lu En opened the door and walked out. The temperature in the early morning was still a bit low. He was only wearing a shirt, but he didn't care at all. His moving arms protruded with massive muscles. Lu Guang was stunned when he saw it.

When did your son become so strong?

After thinking about it, he took out some more money from his pocket and looked at Lu En: "You are growing taller, buy whatever you want to eat, don't treat yourself badly."

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