Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 142 Simon’s story!

"Goodbye, Simon!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Zambi, Mrs. Molly!"

With a smile on his face, Simon politely waved goodbye to a couple who had a good chat along the way, then got off the train with his backpack in his arms, squeezed a way out among the people getting on and off the train, and only wiped his sweat when he got out of the platform.

"It's a big city, there are so many people."

He took a deep breath, looked at the busy streets outside, holding his small bag, and his expression was slightly confused.

This period of time was as incredible as a dream for him.

Simon came from a small town, a town with a lower level of development than Lucas. His father was a farmer and his mother worked in a textile factory. In the words of many people, he was a country boy who had never seen the world, although he studied in the only middle school in the town and was among the top students.

Knowledge can change destiny, provided that tuition can be paid.

Unfortunately, Simon has four brothers, both big and small. His two elder brothers dropped out of high school to help ease the burden on the family. Although Simon was able to finish high school, his family did not plan to let him continue his studies.

Unless he could get into a top university like Imperial University and get a large scholarship, the tuition fees for any university would be a large amount that Simon's family could not accept.

Therefore, even if Simon, who loves to study, was unwilling, he knew that his life was in a future that he could see at a glance. After finishing high school, he would find a good job or become an apprentice to help ease the burden on his family and support his youngest brother to go to school. In a few years, he would save money to marry a woman he did not dislike and have children.

This is the life trajectory of most ordinary people. Perhaps everyone will be self-important when they are young, thinking that they are unique and can create miracles, but in the end they will succumb to life, and Simon is the same.

If he had not gotten up in the middle of the night to sneak into that remote library to read books because of his love of study.

In the library, he saw with his own eyes the protagonist of a ghost story that had been circulating in the school for a long time, being easily solved by someone, and then thrown into a big mouth to chew and chew, and swallowed, which scared him to death instantly.

Next, there was no doubt that he was discovered, but because he was so scared that his legs were weak, he didn't even run, and watched the other party walk towards him, and then the other party asked him in a very gentle tone what he was doing running out in the middle of the night, using the mouth on his forehead.

Simon didn't know why he, who had always been timid, didn't faint from the shock, but stammered to answer the other party that he came to read books and study in preparation for the unified examination next year.

Although he didn't have the strength to take the entrance exam for the Capital University, it didn't prevent him from having such a dream.

What if he really passed the exam?

Then, the development of things was beyond Simon's expectations. The other party didn't arrange himself into a platter or a mosaic like in the horror story. Instead, because of his attitude towards learning and knowledge, he was accepted as an apprentice by the other party.

And the other party also became his mentor.

So, in ignorance, Simon stepped into another world he had never touched before, a world with horror and weirdness, completely different from what he had seen in countless fantasy novels.

He once thought he was lucky to meet his mentor, until other apprentices appeared around the mentor and then slowly disappeared, he realized that perhaps on the contrary, leaving that ordinary world was his greatest misfortune.

As the apprentices disappeared one by one, he began to panic and developed a strong fear and vigilance towards the mentor. He felt that the mentor was like raising pigs, waiting for the moment to fatten them up and then swallow them with that terrifying big mouth.

Otherwise, it could not explain why the mentor always came back alone after taking the apprentice out for baptism and obtaining the power of evil spirits, and then looked for new apprentices again.

Under this kind of pressure that was like a thorn in the back and almost made people collapse, he eagerly learned the knowledge taught by the mentor, secretly contacted other apprentices who noticed something wrong, and planned to escape. They did not dare to call the police, let alone tell others, because they knew the horror of the mentor. Ordinary people, no matter how many people there were, were useless in front of him.

Finally, after the mentor led people away again, the other apprentices couldn't help but start to run away. Simon wanted to run away and had already put it into action, but before leaving, he couldn't help but go back home to see his family. Then he found that none of the apprentices who said they would wait for him waited for him, and all left first.

When the angry Simon left along the agreed route, he found the cold bodies of the apprentices on the roadside.

Finally, he returned to the mentor obediently. As always, the mentor seemed to have noticed nothing and still taught him wholeheartedly, and repeated the process of recruiting apprentices, baptizing, and returning alone. Simon numbly watched the apprentices around him come and go, and he couldn't remember how many people there were. Finally one day, the mentor called him.

A war was going on, which contained countless opportunities. As a mentor who valued apprentices the most, he finally couldn't escape this time. Following the mentor to be baptized, there was also a girl with super learning ability, who seemed to have experienced a lot and was mature beyond her age.

Unlike other apprentices, this girl came to him on her own initiative. Of course, in Simon's eyes, this was tantamount to seeking death.

And everything that happened next was also beyond Simon's expectations. It turned out that the mentor had never deceived them from beginning to end. He indeed took the apprentice out for baptism!

When the girl exploded in front of Simon, Simon suddenly realized that the truth was not much better than he thought.

The success rate of baptism is horribly low, and all apprentices who fail will end up with only one fate.

But Simon did not dare to escape. He could only follow his mentor to face the final judgment, or a new life.

Maybe he will be the only lucky one?

Thinking like this, Simon involuntarily lowered his head and prayed to God, then hesitantly stepped forward and merged into the crowd.

It was his mentor who was supposed to take him to Camp City together, but some accidents happened along the way. The mentor left alone and asked Simon to go to Camp City to wait for him. Simon naturally obeyed and understood that no matter where he went, the mentor would be there. There is always a way to find yourself.

"I hope my instructor won't think I'm running away if I sit down."

With some worry, he scanned the crowd, hoping to see a familiar figure, but found nothing. Instead, he saw a man with a sallow face staring at him. After being discovered, his eyes became a little panicked, and he quickly lowered his head and left.

Seems a little weird

He hugged the bag on his chest tightly, and suddenly found a large number of people pouring out in front of him, squeezing in front of him.

"Brother, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

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