Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 149 Script and... Bells!

The man in black robe stood quietly in the forest, looking at the entrance of the cave where Simon entered. His figure seemed a little erratic. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound under his feet, and a black beetle hurriedly crawled past and got through his feet.

This is an extremely realistic apparition.

"The nightmare disappeared?"

The instructor murmured to himself, but no sound came out, only a look of surprise and confusion appeared on his face.

Many years ago, he had fought against nightmares, and he had a deep understanding of its weirdness, and he also coveted it. This time, he asked Simon to come here for the purpose of testing.

The relationship between evil spirits and humans is far more than just food or enemies. If humans want to gain powerful power, they can only rely on evil spirits, and if evil spirits want to break through, they also need to rely on humans.

This is like some kind of insurmountable rule, and Simon is the bait released by the mentor.

Of course, dealing with evil spirits is extremely dangerous, and no one can guess their thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, the batch of decoys or apprentices trained by the mentor, except for Simon, have basically been destroyed, and the mentor has no idea of ​​pity or pity at all. Hesitation arranged an ultimate mission for Simon.

Those who can complete the task are naturally his apprentices, and those who cannot complete the task can only make him sigh with regret.

This is not because he is cruel, but because the world itself is like this, and the mentor used to be like this. The mentor-apprenticeship system of the original sect is far less gentle than the outside world thinks.

For the sect, only those who can use mortal power to deal with evil spirits and even complete baptism have the value of cultivation, no matter what method they use.

This kind of training mechanism is cruel but effective.

Bang bang bang...

Under the gaze of the instructor, not long after, rapid footsteps were heard from the entrance of the cave, and a figure suddenly jumped out from inside, covered in blood and looking panicked.


Shortly after Simon rushed out, a harsh roar came from the darkness, and a bloody shadow quickly emerged and rushed towards Simon.


The speed of this blood shadow was much faster than that of Simon. When he turned around, his expression suddenly changed. He was already a bit desperate, and his steps were even faster!

Naturally, he did not find the mentor hiding in the forest, and the mentor had no intention of saving him. He was like a rational bystander, calmly watching all this happen.

He is nothing more than a projection now.

"Damn it, are we going to fail?"

Although despair appeared in Simon's heart, there was no real despair. Instead, he turned his attention to the mask covered with dirt and moss in his hand.

He knew that all of this was caused by this mask, otherwise it would not have been possible that as soon as he picked up the mask, a blood shadow monster would rush out to chase him like crazy.

If he abandoned this mask, his chances of escaping the pursuit of the blood shadow would undoubtedly increase greatly. Therefore, despite the strong feeling of reluctance in his heart, Simon still made a decision quickly.

If something is gone, you can still find it again, but this is your only life!


His fingers were slightly loosened from the tightly clasped eye sockets of the mask. Just as he was about to take action, he saw the blood shadow that was rushing toward him disappear with a crash the moment it hit the sun, just like ice melting under the sun. Countless blood spurted out and fell to the ground!


Simon was speechless for a moment and stared blankly at this scene. The thick blood was surging in the dirt and grass. He was hiding from the sun like a living creature. At the same time, he was shrinking back. He quickly returned to the entrance of the cave and transformed into a human form again. Extremely He looked at Simon unwillingly, the blood on his body was gurgling, and countless bubbles gush out and explode.

"It turns out that sunlight is its weakness!"

Simon's heart welled up with ecstasy. This sudden turn of events made him feel that the ups and downs of life were coming so quickly. He looked up at the sun that was near the highest point in the sky and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

While smiling, he looked at the trophy in his hand that he had only narrowly escaped death. After wiping the dirt off the surface of the mask with his sleeve, he revealed the scarlet red underneath. Even after all the vicissitudes of life, it still did not feel dim at all.

A strong sense of longing grew in Simon's heart

The instructor stood quietly in the forest, watching Simon raise and lower his hand, put it down and raise it again. After doing this several times, he finally put the mask on his face, and the sharp barbs popped out from the edge of the mask and inserted into his chest. The head made him howl like a beast!

"A blood spirit?"

The instructor muttered to himself and slowly disappeared.


In the luxuriously decorated room, Lu En looked a little tired. He opened his closed eyes, but what emerged was a strong look of excitement.

If the perfect score is 100 points, then the score he gave his script must be at least 80 points. From the moment he saw the nightmare host in the photo, Lu En knew what Simon wanted but was looking for. At the same time, in his mind, instantly A bold idea emerged.

He wants to drive a nail into the original sect.

So he carefully planned this script. The plot was very simple. Simon wanted to gain power, so Luen gave him power. The most difficult thing was to hide it from the bishop-level master who was watching secretly. Therefore, Luen finally chose Control it all remotely.

Simon seemed to have narrowly escaped and escaped, but in fact it was Lu En who secretly let him in. Otherwise, with the strength of the blood shadow, he could suck out all the blood from his body with just one face-to-face encounter, and it would be nonsense to be restrained by the sun.

However, if the monster has no weaknesses, how can the protagonist escape happily? After making some arrangements, Lu En successfully delivered the Blood Face to Simon.

Lu En's original plan was to directly attach the blood spirit to Simon and turn him into his own clone, but after careful consideration, he gave up this plan.

The original sect is powerful. From ancient times to the present, it may not have encountered similar abilities. When the plan fails, I am afraid that it will be found in him.

The relationship between the Blood Spirit and him was too close, and Lu En did not dare to take risks easily.

"However, condensing the blood face will not be a loss in the long run, but now it does reduce my strength to a certain extent."

As soon as Lu En's thoughts changed, he had already turned his thoughts to himself. He had already thrown out the bait and hook. All he had to do now was to wait patiently. He was just thinking about how to make up for the lost strength when something suddenly happened in his ears. The melodious bells were heard.


The elongated metal vibrato has an endless aftertaste, like an ancient temple deep in the mountains, echoing in the empty valley.

"Where did the bells come from?"

Lu En frowned and listened carefully when two more sounds came in succession.


The sound was extremely loud, even a bit harsh. Lu En opened the door and walked out, only to find that everyone outside seemed to have heard nothing, with no doubts or curiosity on their faces.

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