Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 153 Remarks on the launch

Nearly three months have passed since I wrote the first word. To be honest, Xianyu didn't expect that Nightmare's results would be...somewhat unexpectedly good.

Maybe I’ve been on the street for a long time. Xianyu’s last book cost more than 200,000 yuan and I haven’t signed a contract yet, so I feel happy but also a little worried now. Although the collection is good, I still don’t know how many readers can subscribe. .

This is my first time to write a review for the release, and I don’t know what to say. Anyway, let’s get straight to the point. The release is guaranteed to be five updates. If the first order is more than 1,200, there will be three updates a day in the future. Monthly rewards will also have corresponding additional updates. The specific number depends on the results of Xianyu's hard coding tomorrow.

Therefore, I hope everyone can give Xianyu more support. Every subscription you make is very important to me. Nightmare has more shortcomings and deficiencies. I hope everyone can watch its progress with me. Xianyu will definitely work hard to improve it. The story from my mind is presented to you!

At this point, Xianyu would like to thank all the friends who have supported Xianyu in the past, as well as those who are still supporting Xianyu, and those friends who will support Xianyu in the future. Xianyu loves you!

Finally, thank you all again for your tolerance and support!

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