Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 155 Situation and...coming! (Please subscribe, please vote)

Chapter 155 Situation and arrival! (Please subscribe, please vote)


The closed door suddenly opened, and a solemn-looking middle-aged man in a federal military uniform walked in, with several shining medals hanging on his chest. Before the person arrived, the voice came in first.

"How's it going?"

Inside the room, the surrounding walls were covered with pictures. From them, one could see countless troop movements and even moving images of armored vehicles and tanks. An old man with a pipe in his mouth raised his head from the map and glanced at the middle-aged man.

"Not optimistic."

"The number of casualties has been rising, and all the people stationed in the Special Affairs Office have been wiped out. We don't even know who the enemy is."

"The army is ready, but if it wants to enter the city to fight and most of the residents are not estranged, even the marshal would not dare to make this decision. He can only let the military and police enter first. The president is convening an emergency meeting."

"This is a scene from the front lines."

He clicked a few times on the tablet on the table and opened an image.


"There are survivors over there!"

The camera was shaking and seemed to be mounted on a person. Along with heavy footsteps and shouts, the middle-aged man saw a woman appear on the screen, running forward in fear, as if something was chasing her from behind. .

But as the camera moved, the middle-aged man discovered that there was clearly nothing behind the woman, only empty air.


"Run this way!"

The owner of the camera shouted to the woman, and at the same time zoomed in quickly, running towards her. When the woman saw the rescue, a light of hope suddenly appeared in her eyes. She went up two steps faster, turned around and ran towards them. .

"Help me, there's a monster!"

Her face was full of fear, and her beautiful makeup was stained by her tears and nose.

Da da da!

The gunshots rang out, and the hot bullets pierced the air and sank into the ground behind the woman, exploding large amounts of dust and bullet holes, but there was no feeling of hitting anything real, but everyone could see the raised dust. , suddenly floated around, like some kind of huge thing suddenly leaping past.


A slightly frightened scream roared, and at the same time, countless bullets passed over the woman, hitting the air and the ground behind her!

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed and his expression became more solemn. He couldn't help but take two steps forward to see more details.


However, the next moment he saw that the running woman suddenly seemed to be grabbed by some invisible force, and then half of her shoulder was torn off, blood spattered everywhere, and then a row of ferocious tooth marks appeared on her neck, out of thin air. Was hung up.

It was as if an invisible monster was attacking her.

"Kill it!"

"I saw it!"

"Help, help!"

"Damn it, retreat, everyone retreat, I'll take the rear!"


Continuous screams and roars rang out. The middle-aged man watched the military police appearing in the picture fight with the invisible monster, being torn apart and slaughtered. The intensive gunfire sounded like firecrackers, and the camera shook violently. It ended with a miserable laugh.

"Come on, I will fight with you!"


The screen instantly turned black.


"He finally fired the grenade and died together with the other party."

The old man blew out a puff of smoke, covered his face, and spoke slowly.

"What kind of monster is that?"

The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice. From the beginning to the end, even if there were fighting and dead people on the screen, he could not even see the appearance of the other party clearly. It was as if these people had been fighting against the air.

"have no idea."

The old man shook his head: "Those people in the Special Affairs Office must know, but they refused to say anything. The fastest support is already on the way. I can't let our soldiers fight against such a monster, because this is not a battle, but a death! "

"And the situation has not reached the fastest point. Some unknown extraordinary beings are also fighting against these monsters."

As he was talking, suddenly there was an exclamation in his ears!

"The wave of monsters is heading toward the city center!"


The old man bit his cigarette holder, turned his head suddenly, and saw countless cracks and holes suddenly appeared on the ground in a blank space on a screen. Some green trees on the street were thrown up far away and torn into pieces, and some buildings were even visible to the naked eye. The visible speed was destroyed and turned into wreckage.

It was like an invisible raging flood coming.

At the very front of the flood, a figure was running fast. Although the distance was too far to see clearly, translucent tentacles could be seen around the figure from time to time, striking hard in the air!

"The third!"

With the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, Lu En lightly snapped his fingers, and countless blood-colored filaments emerged from all around, swarming in and submerged into the looming wings behind him. However, the people who were saved around him had no intention of thanking him. , but left quickly with even more fear.

So the world is declining.

Lu En shook his head and looked around. Countless black gases were either sparse or densely emerging from various places in the city, but there was no such huge black gas like a smoke column anymore.

"Most of them are believers and priests. There are only three grand priests. They have mosquito legs!"

He exerted force on his feet, and with a bang, a small pit opened in the ground. He had disappeared in place, bouncing quickly on the wall not far away, and shuttled through the construction alleyway.

He is looking for powerful monsters.

In order to distinguish them from evil spirits, Lu En called this kind of monsters with weird characteristics nightmare monsters. In his eyes, who has nightmare senses, these monsters are simply much friendlier than evil spirits. Their strength and weakness can be seen at a glance. Went through the most exhausting search process.

While Nim and others were busy fighting against the monster craze, Luen had already helped them share a large part of the pressure. Several Grand Priest-level monsters that were heading towards Nim were stopped by him and sucked into them. Mummy.

Moreover, Lu En discovered that the Lord of Blood himself had the ability to absorb extraordinary power for his own use. The power of those monsters was stored in the wings on his back along with the blood, and could be slowly absorbed by him.

However, both the speed of extraction and the purity of power are not on the same level as Food Spirits, not to mention the efficiency of utilization. Food Spirits can directly drain monsters dry without leaving any trace of extraordinary power behind.

However, this is not without its benefits. Lu En absorbed and stored these powers. He did not absorb them. Instead, when he was ready to gather a certain amount, he let the food spirits cook them in a pot. Otherwise, it would be a pity to ignore these mosquito legs. , but it is very troublesome to activate the food spirits one by one.

He specializes in hunting these Grand Priest-level monsters. Of course, if he encounters them, he will not show mercy to the nightmare monsters he encounters. If he can kill one, it will be one, and if he can save one, it will be one.


While he was in action, Lu En suddenly saw a ball of black gas emerging from not far away from him, and then the ground quickly sunk, turning into a pool of gray mud-like material, bubbling, and the bubbles burst and released a large amount of black gas.

A palm covered with dark yellow scales poked out from inside, one hand held the edge, and then the other. A tall figure slowly crawled out, with a mouth full of fangs and a huge one eye. There is a tail and wings waving behind it, and it roars!

"I, the powerful Pale Fang, have arrived!"


A powerful aura burst out from him, and the surrounding ground, centered on him, began to turn dark yellow and rotten, as if it had gone through countless years and was filled with a putrid atmosphere.

"Where is the coordinate carrier?!"

His one eye quickly wandered around, and finally landed on Lu En, with a sinister smile slowly appearing on his face.

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