Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 159 Trap! (Fifth update completed)

No, not a human!

To be honest, the first thought in Lu En's mind was that there were all kinds of conspiracies. Anyway, it seemed that nothing good had ever happened around Nim.

But when he carefully looked at the little girl who was protected by layers and kept her head down, he shook his head gently.

She was wearing a white lace princess dress stained with blood, a red bow on her head, and her white shoes were also covered with blood. If Lu En hadn't seen the bloody hole behind her head, he would have thought it was a human.

White and red fluids slowly flowed out along the wound behind the head, and in it, there was a faint green light. Lu En's keen vision could also see something like tentacles dancing.

This was just a corpse, and it was occupied by a monster.

Lu En's expression was slightly cold. He stood on a high place and straightened his body slightly, looking up at the sky. Countless flying snakes and some monsters with wings but bodies like goblins were hovering in the sky, casting a large shadow on the ground.

However, Nim did not seem to notice this for the time being. His face showed a variety of expressions of shock and anger. Suddenly, he moved, and countless translucent tentacles around him waved and rushed towards the little loli.

Like Luen, Nim also felt that someone was playing tricks at the first time, especially after the guardian's shield disappeared strangely, he felt even more that there seemed to be an invisible black hand behind him controlling everything.

He had experienced many more conspiracies and intrigues during this period than Luen had imagined. This strange scene immediately touched his sensitive nerves.

"Who are you?!"


He roared angrily. Along the way, countless bloodshed and deaths made his heart feel like being bitten by a poisonous snake, full of self-blame and pain. The translucent tentacles on his side seemed to sense his emotions and slapped around violently.

Countless monsters that surged up were knocked away or even beaten into meat paste. Those who blocked them were invincible, which surprised Luen, who was watching secretly. Nim's strength was already firmly at the level of the Grand Priest, and the speed of improvement was amazing!

Although still inferior to him, Lu En has a golden finger like the Soul Eater, which can refine all extraordinary powers for his own use. It is natural that he becomes stronger quickly. If it were not for the bottleneck, he could be even faster.

But Nim does not have a golden finger. After thinking about it, Lu En can only attribute such a terrifying improvement speed to his identity as a night watchman.

If this profession is not incomplete, Lu En really wants to choose the night watchman instead of the Lord of Blood. From the current point of view, this is almost the most potential and mysterious profession.

Although the troubles caused by this may be much more, for Lu En who has the Soul Eater, he would like to have more such troubles.

Swish, swish, swish!

Nim killed all around below, slowly but firmly rushing towards the little loli. Although there were many monsters around, most of them were believers and priests, and they could not stop his steps at all. The little loli kept her head down without any movement. The monsters hovering in the sky seemed to be unable to bear it, and rushed down together with a roar.

Bang, bang, bang!

The first to bear the brunt were the flying snakes that were like blood bombs. Countless pieces of flesh and blood splashed around Nim. These flying snakes were indiscriminate attacks. They didn't touch Nim much, but they knocked down a lot of other monsters that besieged him.

This is probably a friendly army.

Luen was also a little speechless when he watched from above. Those flying snakes couldn't break through the defense of the tentacles on Nim's side, but caused heavy casualties to his own people. Nim also took the opportunity to rush towards the little loli.

This is simply unparalleled mowing, tut tut.

Luen felt that the overall situation was almost settled on the top. Of course, the biggest contributor was not Nim who was fighting hard below, but him.

If he hadn't intercepted halfway and killed all the monsters at the level of the archbishop or even the pale fangs at the level of the bishop, any one of them would have been enough to make Nim drink a pot with the cooperation of many monsters.

In other words, unknowingly, Luen had helped Nim reduce the difficulty of hell to difficult, but he was also happy to do good things without leaving a name.

Only by silently helping others can you feel real happiness.

This time, the commotion seemed a bit bigger.

He looked around, the smoke and the crying and rioting continued. The economy of Camp City had regressed for at least ten years. It was a question whether the Federation could suppress it.

Even if it was evil spirits, the damage caused was far less than these nightmare monsters in the same number. After all, the characteristic of being invisible and invulnerable was simply against the sky. Lu En himself had experienced it personally. Unless they were within three meters, all attacks were just useless against the air and the ground.

But within three meters, how many people could stop the attacks of these monsters?

Even fully armed soldiers would have to pay a heavy price.

It was like... No, it was a monster from another world!


Nim waved a cold ice knife in his hand, which came from his ability to control water, and split the two monsters in front of him into two, and the scene in front of him was suddenly empty.

Unknowingly, he had killed all the way to the middle of the square. In front of him was the little loli with her head drooping.


There were countless protective monsters rushing towards him, but they were all slapped back by the translucent tentacles. Nim's pupils shrank, and he saw the bloody hole behind the little loli's head, and his face suddenly changed.


Anger appeared in his eyes and he gritted his teeth, but at this moment, the little Loli who had been standing quietly with her head bowed moved, slowly raised her head, revealing a terrifying face, with countless tiny tentacles piercing through her facial features. out, dancing in the air.

Hiss hiss.

Some thin sounds came from the little Loli's body. Her thin body suddenly began to swell, but Nimu moved faster than her. The ice knife in his hand moved towards the red light on her chest.

Nim knew that the root of all this was from red light, so he hit the target without hesitation!


The ice knife pierced into the red light, but there was a stagnant feeling like it was stabbing into a solid body. His face was suddenly startled, and he found that the red light on the little Loli's chest slowly dissipated, and his ice knife was piercing her breast. On the chest, countless tiny tentacles wriggled out from the wounds.


Lu En's eyes moved slightly, but the loud and melodious bells still sounded in his ears, but compared with before, it felt a little more dull.

No, this is a trap! ! !


Violent vibrations occurred, and the flower bed on the edge of the square suddenly tilted and exploded, revealing countless sharp teeth. The next moment, a big mouth that opened like a basketball court suddenly appeared from the ground, and closed it in one mouth, bringing Nim along with countless monsters and even... The ground, swallowed together!

This was a huge worm with a diameter of several meters, and its surface was covered with wrinkled bristles. All Luen saw was its head. The moment it swallowed Nimu, the worm immediately retracted its head underground, leaving a deep hole. Big bottomed hole!

Lu En's eyes widened for a moment, and he discovered that there was no black gas representing the nightmare monster coming out of this giant worm!

Is this an evil spirit? !

Take a break and continue coding in the evening. Come on!

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