Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 161 I feel more and more that this world is hopeless.

If there is a way to get in, Su Na will naturally have a way to get out.

Although the army surrounded the entire park, threatening to catch a turtle in an urn, Su Na had the design drawings of the entire park in her hands. Therefore, as the encirclement shrank and the confident smile of the man with the afro gradually disappeared, the three of them had already emerged from an underground place. The pipe crawled out.

Any large city that can accommodate a million people will not have a small scale of underground construction. It can even be said to be another city. Once inside, the pipelines extending in all directions can allow people to reach any part of the city.

The premise is that they don't get lost in the intricate underground passages like a spider web.

"Miss Suna."

After Suna climbed out, who was a little dirty and smelled of something unknown, people from the Vampire Clan had already come to greet her outside, and they were respectful to Suna.

"These two are distinguished guests. Treat them well, but don't let any news leak out."

Su Na looked back at Delina and Nuo Xia, who were on guard, and smiled: "Two of you, apart from us, there are more than one group of people out there looking for your traces. If you want to escape, you can do whatever you want."

She, or Lu En, knew that these people should have some hidden means, but they also had to consider the consequences of being discovered by other forces.

In contrast, the Vampire Clan, where most of the members are ordinary people, will never bring any sense of threat to them.

After being gradually strengthened by the blood spirit, especially after learning to draw life force from the blood, Suna's strength has also steadily increased. Once he takes action, he is sure to bring down Delina within three seconds.

As for Nuo Xia, isn’t it just for showing off her cuteness?

"What to do, Delina?"

After losing four or five masks at once, Nuo Xia looked severely damaged. He couldn't even maintain the face of a pretty girl. He turned into a cat mask and asked in a low voice close to Delina.

"Ami said it doesn't like the smell of this person, so let's run away!"


Delina looked at Nuo Xia speechlessly and held her forehead.

Doesn't she know that Suna is right in front of them? Is it really okay to discuss escape in such an honest way?

And no matter how low the voice was, it could not reach the level of the sound of mosquitoes. Not to mention Su Na in front of them, even the people from the vampire tribe who came to receive her glanced at them from the corner of their eyes.

"I really doubt that they sent you here because they thought I was too relaxed?"

Delina gritted her teeth and stared at Nuo Xia.

"Because I came here on my own initiative!"

Nuo Xia shook her cat mask and sounded quite pleased with herself.


Delina laughed inexplicably and turned to look at Suna.

"She has a problem with her IQ, don't listen to her, we'll go with you!"

In a park not far away.

A strong low pressure is spreading.

The yellow afro's face was livid, and he clenched his fists as he looked at the soldiers who were carefully looking around him, wanting to turn over the grass to look for them.

"Where is the person? Where is the person I want?"

He lowered his head and stared at the federal major in front of him with vicious eyes, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

"You told me you couldn't find two such big people. Could it be that they grew wings and flew away?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

The major nodded seriously, looked at the man with the afro, and changed his tone: "But we didn't see any flying objects flying out of the park, so this is just a possibility. In addition, they may become invisible and transform."


Afro roared angrily, and his palms were already on the ornaments on his chest, but at least he didn't explode and suppressed his anger.

"I need to find those two people. This is very important. I hope you can mobilize all your strength to find them as soon as possible."

"In that case."

The major looked into the eyes of the afro, and felt that something non-human seemed to be growing in them. He said with a stern expression: "I suggest you find the design drawings of the park and see if there is an underground passage to get out. In addition."

"You have no right to command us. According to the general's instructions, our mission ends here. I wish you good luck."

The major gave him a military salute and then looked at the soldiers around him.

"Everyone, retreat!"

The sound of neat footsteps gradually faded away. The man with the afro didn't say a word the whole time, and his teeth creaked. But in the end, he slowly loosened his clenched hands and looked at the two people behind him.

"Let's go find the design drawings!"

"Presiding judge, why."

The short-haired man was a little stunned and didn't know what was going on. They had always had contact with the military, but they had never been so businesslike or had a bad attitude.

"They just want to take advantage of the opportunity to get more things that don't belong to them."

The man with the afro opened and clenched his palms. After doing this several times, he finally regained his surface calm and said coldly: "We have endured countless hostility and pressure, and have struggled to maintain the order of this world step by step, but there are always some people. , they feel that we are superior and blocking their way, and they want to dismember us and swallow us. "

"You know what they want?"

He turned back to stare at the short-haired man, his expression cold and terrifying: "Power, power, dominance, even...eternal life!"

"I feel more and more that the world is hopeless."

After taking a shower, changing clothes, and even enjoying a sumptuous meal, the heartless Miss Noxia was very happy looking at the luxurious residence and the servants coming and going, but Delina couldn't sit still.

She originally thought that Su Na had ulterior motives for rescuing them. In fact, this was inevitable. But she didn't expect that as soon as she arrived at the destination, Su Na left alone, leaving the two of them confused and enjoying the king-like treatment. Luxurious treatment.

No one wanted to ask them anything, no one even looked for them specifically. They all showed importance to them but also seemed indifferent. There were ordinary people walking around, as if they didn't care whether they wanted to escape at all.

Delina thought about countless scenarios on the way, and even prepared her trump cards to escape when the situation was unfavorable. However, when encountering such a strange situation, she did not dare to act rashly. After thinking about it, she told the servant directly that she needed to see the owner here.

There was no obstruction or delay. After the request came out, she soon saw several black cars driving in through the window. The glass fell down and she could not see clearly what was going on inside. Soon after, footsteps were heard from outside the door.


The door was gently pushed open, and the two servants bowed down and stepped back. Delina looked slightly nervous. She saw a middle-aged man with a strong aura who seemed to have been in a high position quickly walked in. When she saw her In an instant, a warm smile appeared.

"I heard that Miss Delina wants to meet the owner of this place. Thank you for meeting me, Adolf!"

"You were the one who saved us? What's your purpose?"

After feeling it carefully, Delina found that the person standing in front of her seemed to be just an ordinary person. When the tension disappeared, her attitude became strong in an instant. She got straight to the point and asked directly.

If they were really ordinary people, then she wouldn't be worried.

"Your attitude doesn't seem like you want to repay a favor."

A voice suddenly came from outside the door. Everyone in the room, including Adolf, bowed down with a respectful attitude. Lu En chuckled and walked slowly in from the door.

"Long time no see, Delina, or something?"

Thank you Subless, Hu Hun, book friend 20180610204923914; Gaga Gaaaaaa; His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, book friend 2019050610604880 for the reward and the reward again, and everyone’s monthly ticket support, thank you~

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