Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 170 There is no hope, just wait for death, say goodbye!

"what's the situation?"

"The man committed suicide?"

The men in black who came from behind showed shock and rushed over. Only the strong man in black whose wrist was broken did not believe that Moriarty would seek his own death. He rushed over and saw a gray figure. The image is of a large hovering bird, descending rapidly.

In just three to five seconds, he landed on his feet with a plop and staggered forward two steps.

The strong man watched the other person take out a hat from his pocket and put it on his head extremely calmly. Then he waved a goodbye gesture to him, released a translucent silver wire in his hand, and got into the crowd.

As a well-known detective in the imperial capital, if Moriarty can go in, he will definitely be able to come out. The preparations beforehand are not inadequate.

"A bunch of idiots, still trying to catch me?"

After squeezing into the crowd on the street like a fish, he ignored the surprised looks around him and began to tear off his beard and even his hair. He took off his coat and pants, discarded them along the way, and finally poured a bottle of colorless liquid on his face. After rubbing it for a few times, I walked out of this street and turned into an energetic young man with brown skin.

His pace was always at a constant speed. He took out an earphone from his pocket and put it on his head. He shook his head and started to sway to the music.

"Step aside!"

"We must find him!"

Countless men in black seemed to have exploded, pouring out of the building and rushing past him. One of them grabbed his collar and asked with wide eyes.

"Boy, have you ever seen a middle-aged man wearing gray clothes?"


There was a look of awakening on his face, as if he had just woken up from the intoxication of music. He shrunk his neck and replied in federal dialect with the accent of a certain minority group: "No, I don't know anything! "

The man in black let go of his hand and left in a hurry. Moriarty thought for a moment, but instead of walking out, he backed away in the opposite direction. Soon he returned to the door of the building and saw a middle-aged man standing at the door with a livid face. , speaking to the communicator in his hand from time to time.

The men in black who were looking for them came back one after another, with the same frustration and doubts on their faces, and they were dejected and scolded.

Moriarty knew this guy. He was the leader of the Adolf family and consortium who had recently come to power. At the same time, he also saw with his own eyes the respectful attitude of the other person towards a stranger. His keen professional sense told him that there must be something special in this. Tell-tale secrets.

And it wasn't just Adolf, Moriarty also found some familiar faces in the crowd, all of whom were important figures in the Federation. Those who didn't know him probably had their identities as well, and most importantly, there was Adrian among them.

"Why did they gather? Who gathered them? What did they gather for? Who is that stranger?"

After seeing those people, Moriarty knew that he was in danger. Just like the gangs he had broken before, which had ulterior secrets, these people would never let him go.

And with the energy they have gathered, even the federal president has to stay away and dare not face it directly.

This may be the biggest crisis in his career!

But so what?

Moriarty looked at the furious and livid Adolf from a distance, with a confident smile on his lips. Over the years, he had defeated a family of tomb robbers that had been passed down for thousands of years, vicious terrorist organizations, and even fanatical and bloodthirsty cultists. Not so dangerous for once?

He is Moriarty.

The most famous detective in the entire Federation, Moriarty!


Suddenly, the communicator in his arms rang, and a lazy and seductive female voice came from it.

"Moriarty, where have you been? This time there is a big deal coming to our door. The customer wants detailed information about the federal prison. You have a glorious story of escaping from it. This is the fat man who has come to your door." Sheep. Sorry, I didn’t mean you.”

There seemed to be other people around the woman, who seemed to be looking for his new customers.

"Jona, I have some sad news for you."

Moriarty turned slightly and said with a solemn tone: "I suggest you leave immediately and find an absolutely safe place to hide. I've caused trouble again."

He glanced at the men in black who dispersed again, and there were more and more people in black, and bared his teeth: "A little trouble."

"Damn it!"

The woman Joanna's voice suddenly rose dozens of degrees, forcing Moriarty to stay away from the communicator.

"What did you do again? You swore not to provoke those people again, Moriarty!!!"



Something seemed to be broken on the ground. Moriarty's eyelids twitched as he thought of his favorite ceramic pony and ashtray, and his tone was a little sarcastic.

"Dear Qiaona, I absolutely swear that I really didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble always comes to me. Anyway, you should find a place to hide first. I will take care of these things, trust me."

"I believe you-toot-!"

In order not to let his partner waste time, Moriarty hung up the communication without hesitation, threw away the communication device without hesitation, continued to shake his head, and swayed away while listening to pop music.

Imperial City, Detective Moriarty's Office.

A red-haired beauty with a first-class figure and appearance angrily overturned the entire workbench. Listening to the beeping sound in the communicator, she also smashed it to the ground, still angry.

"Moriarty, don't let me see you again!"

In the messy office, on a small footing, two figures with somewhat embarrassed faces were standing, a tall and thin young man and an ordinary girl with freckles on the bridge of her nose, dressed as if she had just returned from school. It's the same as entering the imperial capital from the countryside.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

After losing her temper, Qiaona still remembered that there were customers in front of her, so while packing her luggage and clothes, she turned to the two of them and said: "Sir and Madam, as you can see, the great detective has caused me trouble again. I know what the trouble is, so I have to leave here. If you are not in a hurry, you may be able to wait until the matter is settled before entrusting us. "

"I hope your friend can have a good time in the Imperial City Prison."

Although she had a bad temper, Joanna still had unexpected trust in Moriarty. She quickly packed up her things and was a little confused when she saw that the two people in the room still had no intention of leaving.

"Are you planning to hire me? But I feel like I can't help you with anything other than to rob the prison."

She told a joke that she thought was very cold, but she found that the two people glanced at her carefully. The tall and thin man took a step forward and said in a hoarse voice: "Ms. Qiaona, is there no other way? We really He needs the help of Detective Moriarty, who is the one who knows the Imperial Capital Prison best."

"Unfortunately, I can't contact him now. Unless he takes the initiative to contact me, Moriarty will not be exposed to anyone. From this point of view, he is indeed a damn great detective!"

Qiao Na said bitterly and looked at the man: "Excuse me, sir, what exactly did your friend commit and was imprisoned in the Imperial City Prison, where visits are completely prohibited."

Of course, that's all on the surface. You can still get in secretly through some means, but these channels and methods are in the hands of a few people, and Moriarty is one of them.

In one case, he rescued the warden who was imprisoned in a prison he carefully built, and helped him keep a secret, which was why he received such preferential treatment and privileges.

"He will be sentenced to death in three days."

The man said expressionlessly and rubbed his face.

"It's hopeless. Just wait for death. Say goodbye!"

Qiao Na picked up her things and replied without hesitation.

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