Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 173 A strange combination of circumstances! (please subscribe)

Except for herself, I am afraid that no one with a normal IQ would adopt the suggestion put forward by the masked girl, and Nim was no exception, and decisively chose to ignore it.

Impersonating the President of the Federation?

This is not like watching a movie or writing a novel. If someone could be impersonated easily with just one face, then the Federation would have been in chaos. Among hundreds of millions of people, would it be difficult to find someone similar to the president? Not to mention that there are plastic surgeries and extraordinary powers in this world.

So Nim finally chose to impersonate the great detective Moriarty!

Since he couldn't find the great detective, he would do it himself. Although the great detective seemed to be in trouble, he only needed to enter the imperial capital prison. He didn't believe those people could break into the prison to find him. Is he in trouble?

As for how to pretend to be more real, Nim could only treat the dead horse as a live doctor. He bought the complete series of "Detective Moriarty" and studied it. It is said that these are all from the great detective's personal experience. I think it should be Some of them are true.

In short, in order to save people, Nim has already risked his life, no matter what, he has to do it!

Early the next morning.

Just as Lu En set off for the Imperial Capital, and many people were secretly looking for Nimue, Detective Moriarty, wearing the iconic black soft hat and gray coat, stood at the entrance of the Imperial Capital Prison gate. She is accompanied by her fiery and irascible partner Joanna.

This is naturally what Nim and the others are pretending to be, but with the help of the masked girl Nosha, ordinary people will never be able to spot the flaws just based on their appearance or clothing.

The two walked directly into a hall, and a uniformed security guard came face to face: "Sorry, we don't accept it here. Are you Detective Moriarty?"

After half of what he said out of habit, the security guard suddenly reacted, his eyes widened, looking extremely surprised.

"it's me."

According to the description in the novel, Moriarty is an unsmiling man with sharp eyes, played perfectly by Nim, with a deep voice and hawk-like eyes scanning the surroundings.

"so cool!"

The security guard exclaimed, "It's exactly as I thought. I'm your fan. Can you sign your autograph for me?"

From somewhere, the security guard took out a paper and pen. Nim lowered his head and took the pen without hesitation. He drew a figure that he didn't even recognize. He handed it back to the security guard and lowered himself. brim of hat.

"Thank you, can you contact the warden for me? I have something urgent and I need his help."

He picked up the paper bag in his hand. According to the data, the warden of the Imperial Prison liked a kind of fruit called stink fruit very much. But one time when he couldn't buy it, Moriarty gave him one. From then on, they They became close friends.

Although he thought it was ridiculous, the world was full of wonders, so Nim brought a bag of smelly fruit over to give it to the warden as a gift.


The security guard wrinkled his nose, put away his signature, and quietly took two steps back: "Of course, the warden has ordered that as long as you are Detective Moriarty, you can enter directly without notification or reservation. When you go to the end, turn left and you will see the warden. 's office."

"I forgot that you are a regular visitor here and you don't need me to say anything!"

The security guard showed a slightly embarrassed smile and moved out of the way to indicate that Nim and the others could enter.

No, I'm not, it's my first time here.

With an expressionless face, Nim quickly led Delina into this famous federal prison for serious criminals. It is said that only the most cruel and cruel criminals or criminals with high status will be imprisoned here and receive life imprisonment or death sentences.

As for why someone with a high status would become a criminal, things have changed. Ahem.


And after the two of them had gone away and disappeared at the end of the corridor, the security guard took three steps and two steps at a time, rushed directly to the phone, and quickly dialed a number. The joy on his face could not be suppressed, and his tone was urgent.

"Yes, I found them. They are in the Imperial City Prison. They are going to find the warden!"

"I can confirm that it is him and his female assistant. There is no mistake!"

"We found him, he's in the Imperial Capital Prison!"

In a luxurious hall, a dozen well-dressed people with prominent positions in the Federation gathered together, talking to each other and discussing something, and among them sat the rejuvenated Adrian, with an aura. powerful.

After a congressman rushed in with a phone, the atmosphere reached its peak.


"We found him first!"

"Act quickly, don't let Adolf and the others get there first!"

Noisy discussions immediately started, and Adrian in the middle couldn't calm down any longer. He suddenly stood up with sharp eyes.

"Can you confirm? Why are you in the Imperial Capital? Could it be a bait sent by Adolf and the others?"

"Nine percent probability, it's him!"

The congressman swore: "More than ten intelligence officers confirmed to us that this is Moriarty!"

"very good!"

Adrian glanced at everyone and smiled: "Everyone, take action immediately and get ready to cheer for victory!"

Then he turned his head and ordered to his cronies behind him: "Contact the warden of God City as quickly as possible. I want to speak to him."


In a similarly decorated hall, there were also many people sitting at this time, but the ones surrounding them were not Adolf, but Walter and Malos.

As beings of a relatively higher class, Walter and Malos have a natural sense of oppression against many vampires, so the atmosphere is relatively dull. A congressman is reporting quickly.

"Trains, cars, planes, even smuggling and black cars controlled by gangs, all have failed to find the target. Our people have almost dug all around. So far, we still haven't found the damn detective!"

"Could it be that he used makeup to change his image to avoid our search?"

A congressman spoke up.

"We are conducting comparisons and investigations based on the collected data, but Camp City is too big. Looking for a person who hides his identity is like looking for a drop of water in the ocean."

The congressman shook his head.

"There is a chance. From what I know about this detective, he is definitely not the type of person who is willing to hide. This great detective always wants to make big news and then use it as material for writing a book!"

A congressman sitting in the corner suddenly spoke up and straightened his spine: "I hired him to find something before, but he directly took away a cult organization and ran out of it unscathed."

"This is a natural detective and adventurer. We just need to wait for him to jump out on his own and we can catch him!"


At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a councilman ran in in panic, shouting: "Oh no, Adrian and the others found him, in the Imperial Capital, Imperial Capital Prison!"


Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Before they could react, another congressman suddenly ran in, looking excited!

"We caught Moriarty. Why are you looking at me like this?!"

Thank you to Yuhua Royal Family; 123321ada; Ten Nights Emperor; Tears of Pearls in the Vicissitudes of the Sea; Transparent BB; Enthusiastic Mission Mr. Bin; sushanwawa; Book Friends 20190506160604880 for the reward, thank you all book friends!

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