Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 175 Didn’t you say I was real?

"How about it?"

In a room, Adolf looked at Adrian with provocative eyes and sneered.

The vampire members supporting him behind him also showed confident smiles.

In front of them, several screens on the wall were combined to project scenes. It was the scene where the crossbench member distinguished between the two Moriarty's.

Everyone present was a sophisticated person, so they could tell who was real and who was fake in just a few glances.

Don't think about those nonsense questions, can what is written in the novel be true? Just look at the attitude, one is calm and calm, the other is noisy and behaves awkwardly.

Obviously, the one Adrian and the others caught was fake.

Because from the beginning to the end, Nim's Moriarty was too calm, so calm that he seemed to be dictating what happened to others instead of what happened to himself, although from the outside, there was no flaw in the slightest.

What's more, the answers he gave were all standard answers in novels.

"It seems that after all your efforts, what you caught is still a fake!"

Adolf smiled with some schadenfreude, and at the same time he was glad that the great Lord of Blood had Suna and the others on his side. Otherwise, who would have thought that the real Moriarty not only didn't want to escape, but instead shot back?

The Camp City Building belongs to Lien Military Industry. If the other party hadn't been the first to break into Suna's room, once discovered, it was obvious that Adrian would have a high chance of succeeding.

Adrian glanced at him but said nothing, his face looking calm.

Were it not for the great Master who watches everything, he has a hundred ways to make the true become false and the false become true.

But now, he can only let Adolf be proud first, but even if Adolf becomes the first speaker of the vampire clan, it does not mean that Adrian will bow to him.

The Lien military industry he founded is almost as powerful as most of the Spiritual Religion Group. This is the source of his right to speak. On the contrary, the entire vampire family relies more on him.

After all, he is in the military industry, an industry that is both hugely profitable and violent. With the tacit approval of the federation, Lien Military Industry even has a security department with a large number of people called security. In fact, whether it is weapons and equipment or training intensity, They are all on par with or even surpass the federal army.

The instructors are all elites who retired from the Federation and were hired by him at a large price.

Adrian scoffed at the teams secretly trained by the Spiritual Religion that could only shoot people like small water guns.

"This guy"

Adolf secretly clenched his fists. His original intention of agreeing to Adrian's joining was to strengthen his own strength and let him support him. Unexpectedly, this old guy was ungrateful and turned against him faster than turning the page of a book. Instead, he brought a serious threat to him. feel.

Snap, snap.

At this time, Malos and Walter came over surrounded by Suna, and all the vampires in the scene felt a strong sense of oppression approaching at the same time.

Adrien turned around and saw that Suna had a voluptuous figure and was wearing high heels. Some prison staff not far away were so blind that their eyes were straight. However, this area was now under the control of the warden and given to Lien Military Industry by default. They I can only watch from a distance.

The warden still wanted and was happy to give this little face and help. Adrian's influence in the imperial capital was evident.

But at this moment, Suna's eyes were filled with red light, exuding a shuddering sense of oppression, and many vampires immediately knew who was coming.

"Great Lord/Master!"

The two waves of voices speaking in unison but with distinct voices indicate that the new vampire clan seems to have begun to split.

"Are there really two Moriarty?"

Of course, it was Lu En, or the blood spirit in Suna's body, who temporarily took over his will and looked at the screen in front of him with interest.

As for the split of the blood clan, he doesn't care. After all, a great man once said that there is no party or faction, and there are all kinds of strange things. Even if he is a god, he probably can't control people's hearts. Besides, isn't it the person with the most factions in the world? Do you devoutly believe in the Orthodoxy of God?

Unless he is willing to imitate the blood clan in his previous life and form a system of extremely strict levels, where subordinates are responsible to superiors, and where differences in strength are distinguished, Lu En neither wants nor bothers to put in the effort to do this.

"Master, what we found is real, theirs is fake!"

Adolf bowed in front of Suna and his tone was encouraging, while Adrian remained silent and did not deny it.

"Take me to see it."

Of course, you couldn't tell anything just by looking at the screen. When Su Na spoke up, Adolf immediately nodded in response and led the way in person.

Lu En chose to control Suna instead of entering in person. There was naturally a reason. It was said that the Imperial Capital Prison had just captured Mo Long, the leader of the Violent Bear Society. Others did not know that Lu En was from a clean background. He was clearly a prisoner. A trap for Nim.

In this case, who knows what is hidden, an archbishop or something might pop up, but Lu En doesn't dare to risk his life.

Although he walked all the way and his senses were spread to the limit, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Inside the iron gate, Nim was still playing the real and fake Moriarty game with them. In fact, his heart was mostly cold. He was just thinking about sneaking in. Who knew he would encounter such a situation? He knew nothing about it. Riati basically comes from novels, so it would be strange not to reveal any flaws.

He felt that he should have been exposed long ago, but for some reason, the other party never exposed him, as if they were acting in tacit agreement. Instead, the real detective Moriarty looked crazy and doubted his life.

At this moment, he heard footsteps in his ears, and then he looked up and his pupils shrank. Suna and Adolf walked over quickly, swept their eyes over several people, and then looked at Nim.

Nim lowered his head and cried out inwardly.

He naturally recognized Suna, Adolf and others, and he didn't expect that they were hiding behind the scenes. Doesn't that mean that after all the twists and turns, they are still dealing with Lu En?

If he hadn't dressed up as Moriarty, and the other party was obviously targeting Moriarty, he really couldn't believe that there was such a coincidence in the world.

Now he was only glad that he was still wearing Moriarty's face, otherwise it would be too embarrassing. He really didn't know how to face Lu En.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Lu En was seeing the black air lingering around the two of them through Suna's eyes. In the nightmare vision, nothing could escape his eyes.

In addition, it was said that Moron was imprisoned in the Imperial Capital Prison. How could he not understand what happened? Suna's face suddenly showed an angry and funny expression, pointing at Nim and the others.

"They are real, take them away with me!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. Adolf beside him was stunned, and Moriarty, who was swollen like a pig's head, was also stunned. Then he yelled at Suna's back frantically, almost vomiting blood!

"You crazy woman!!!"

"You said I was real, and you said I was fake? ! ! !"

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