Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 179 The hunter’s cabin and... news!

Chapter 179 Hunter's Hut and News!

If most people in the imperial capital are asked to choose a suitable hiding area, there may be many answers, such as the lower city with a large population and endless demolition of illegal buildings, or the central city with dense flow of foreign populations, or scattered and dotted with ethnic minorities and religious gathering areas in the imperial capital.

There may be 999 answers in the minds of a thousand people.

But if you ask the most suitable place to hide, most people will point to the ground under their feet after thinking.


Therefore, when Nim said that he could find an absolutely hidden place and opened the sewer manhole cover in a remote alley, Lu En was not surprised.

"Follow me closely, otherwise you will really get lost!"

Nim turned around and smiled at Lu En, half joking and half serious, looking around to see that there was no one around, and jumped down, followed by Dai Lina.

Lu En looked down, deep and dark, but there was no unpleasant smell, so he jumped down too.

An arm appeared behind him and pushed the manhole cover back to its original position.


His feet landed on the ground, and Lu En bent his knees slightly to relieve the impact. This place was about three meters from the ground, not as deep as it looked. It was dark all around, with only a few rays of light shining through the manhole cover above his head.


But then there was a fire. Nim held a candle in his hand, which made his face flicker. He looked a little scary, as if he was filming a ghost movie. His smile was even more creepy, but he didn't think so. He started to introduce it to Lu En while walking.

The underground drainage pipes of the imperial capital, or it can no longer be simply called drainage pipes. In the eyes of many people, this is simply a complicated underground city.

As the capital from the dynasty to the federation period, the imperial capital has carried out three major underground projects in total, and countless small and fragmented projects, which allow nearly 10 million people to live safely on it now. Otherwise, the garbage and wastewater produced every day are enough to flood the entire city.

However, what this brings is also an extremely complex underground system. Even with the blueprint, no one dares to guarantee that they can get out of it. Therefore, it has become a shelter and hiding place for many people, including many eroders.

And they are now in an underground passage that has been abandoned due to renovation.

Luen is more and more sure that there must be someone behind Nim. This information is not secret, but it is not something that can be obtained in a day or two.

Not to mention that they have found a pretty good hiding place.

After following Nim for countless times, Luen estimated that if he were an ordinary person, he would probably be dizzy now. Apart from anything else, those forks and entrances that look the same make people feel a strong sense of fear.

In such a place, it is really very easy to get lost.

"We're here!"

Accompanied by Nim's voice that seemed to be relieved, Luen's sharp eyesight saw the light in front of him. Sure enough, after turning a corner, dim oil lamps appeared on the wall, lined up in a row.

In front of him, in a blocked alley, there were tables, sofas and other objects, a hammock next to it, and even picture frames hanging on the wall.

Although simple, under the dim light, it looked a bit like home.

Or maybe this was someone's home, but it was obviously not Nim and the other man who were leaning comfortably on the sofa.

Because Luen saw several conspicuous skulls on the wall, similar to some beasts, but whether it was horns or sharp fangs, they all told of their characteristics that were different from ordinary beasts.

One of them had protruding thorns on its forehead, which formed a crown-like shape.

There is no doubt that these should come from the eroders or even evil spirits!

"Did you two arrange this?"

Luen walked to the other side of the sofa and sat down. Seeing a newspaper from a few days ago next to him, he asked knowingly.

"Of course not us, ah, I'm so hungry, help me get something to eat." Nim stretched out on the sofa and turned his head to Dai Lina, who rolled her eyes and walked to the counter to take out a few boxes of beef jerky and threw them to Nim. "And me, I want some too!" Masked girl Nuo Xia jumped out from nowhere and stretched out her sleeves. "You don't even have a body, it's a waste to eat it." Dai Lina was unmoved, sitting next to Nim with her legs crossed, and stretched out her hand to tear open a box and slowly put it into her mouth. "Yeah, I want some too!" The cat-faced mask with black air lingering in it pounced like a puppy, making a pitiful cry. It seems that after this period of time, the relationship between Nim and Dai Lina has improved greatly, and there may even be other emotions in it. Lu En saw all this and thought it was quite normal. The two boys and girls had been in contact for a long time and shared hardships. It is said that love grows over time. Ahem, don't think wrongly! After stuffing a few handfuls of dried meat into his mouth, Nim turned his head to look at Luen: "This is the hunter's cabin. He has been in the imperial capital for a long time. Although he looks fierce, he is actually a very easy-going person." "You will know after you have met him. He is like the protagonist in many western movies, strong and courageous, and a reliable man like a rock." I think you are like the protagonist in the movie, Nim.

Luen looked at the wall blackened by the oil lamp. There were ventilation outlets around, which made the place not seem stuffy. It also showed that the original owner had stayed here for quite a while.


He glanced at the skulls of several invaders, and suddenly his ears moved, sensing some small movements. He looked in the direction of the coming in, and a figure wearing a felt hat and with messy hair and beard appeared, and his eyes fell on him at the same time.

This was a burly man with rough skin and a long scar on his cheek that went all the way to his ear. His eyes were like those of a hawk, extremely sharp, and nailed on Luen's face.

"Uncle Hunter, you're back!"

Nim jumped up immediately, swallowed the dried meat in his mouth, and looked at the figure with some surprise.

"Is this the friend you rescued?"

The hunter saw Nim, and his eyes eased a little, but he was still alert when he fell on Luen. Although Luen had concealed his strength, based on some innate instinct, the hunter still felt a huge sense of threat from him.

"No, it failed. It was a trap!"

Nim's face suddenly dimmed: "Fortunately Lu En saved me, otherwise I would have fallen into the hands of the Red Gloves."

"But this also implicates him, so I brought him to the cabin to hide and think about the next plan."

At this point, Nim still has no intention of giving up.

"Almost no one has succeeded in saving people from the Red Gloves. I think it's better for you to give up."

The hunter walked in from outside, and Lu En saw that he was dragging a monster corpse similar to a python behind him, but on the long body, several pairs of pale hands that had lost their vitality made people's scalps numb, and they swayed with the hunter's movements.

"But if you really want to save people, I heard some news, maybe it's an opportunity."

The hunter threw the monster aside with a bang, and suddenly turned around and said to Nim: "It seems that someone is contacting and organizing some guys who are about to get out of control to attack the headquarters of the Red Gloves!"

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