Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 184 Monsters are raging!

"Monsters have suddenly appeared in several satellite cities around the imperial capital and are killing them wantonly."

Imperial City Reen Military Industry.

Adrien, who appeared to be his distant nephew, but was actually considered by many to be an illegitimate son, spoke respectfully about the information he had collected.

"What's Red Glove's reaction?"

Suna, who was sitting in the main seat and applying nail polish, raised her head when she heard this and asked with interest.

Lu En did not replace her will, because the information she knew, if Lu En was willing, could be obtained without any effort. After the Blood Spirit merged with her, in essence, she was already a part of Lu En.

As intimate as ordinary people's hands and feet.

"They have sent support, but the monster has caused a great impact, and even the imperial capital has been partially panicked."

Adrien bowed and replied.

"Don't Red Gloves have some kind of detection method for corroders and evil spirits? Why didn't they find it this time?"

Suna looked at her shiny nails and asked doubtfully.

There were no corrosives who wanted to make big news in the imperial capital before, but without exception, they were easily solved by Red Gloves. Of course, this was also due to the fact that the number and strength of the previous corrosivers were relatively weak.

"This incident seems to be related to a cult called the Doomsday Sect."

Adrian's tentacles penetrate into all aspects of the Federation, so he can naturally obtain some secret information.

"The Catholic Doomsday Cult? Sounds like it has something to do with the Zhengyi Cult?"

Suna asked, what the Zhengyi Sect believes in is the only true god in the world, an existence known as God.

"There is no information about this sect before. It may have split from Zhengyi Sect, but if it does such a thing, it must be a cult!"

Adrien shook his head and spoke solemnly.

"I'm more curious, how did such a small sect produce so many extraordinary beings, and who was helping them from behind?"

To start riots in several cities at the same time and still hide them from the eyes and ears of Red Gloves requires a lot of energy.

And the Red Gloves had to send people from the headquarters to support them, which shows that those monsters are not weak. However, before this, the so-called Catholic Doomsday Sect has been in obscurity, which is weird no matter how you look at it.

"Latest news, monsters have also appeared in the imperial capital!"

Suddenly, a vampire councilor rushed in.


"Help, there's a monster!"

"Run away!"

The Imperial Department Store Building is located in the central area of ​​the entire Imperial Capital. It is one of the landmark buildings in the Imperial Capital. It receives tens of thousands of people every day. But now, countless customers are pouring out of the exits in fear, making huge noises.


The incident happened in the city center. The police were extremely fast. Several roaring police cars almost drifted over, and heavily armed police officers emerged from them.

But now the exit was completely filled with surging crowds. The policemen were stunned for a moment before they rushed in. After entering, they found that the situation was even more chaotic. People in the entire mall seemed to be crowding towards the exit, no matter how much the police shouted, they were still crowded. There is no way in.

Some people even fell to the ground and were trampled wildly. In a scene of disaster and doomsday that only appeared in movies, a policeman reached out and grabbed a man covered in blood and asked loudly: "Where is the monster? Where is the monster?"

"Monster, monster on the third floor!"

The man seemed to be in a daze, pointing his blood-stained fingers upstairs with a horrified expression.

"Go to the third floor!"

There were several figures in black uniforms among the police. These were members of the Red Gloves. Hearing this, they immediately activated their weapons, forcibly separated the crowd and headed towards the third floor.


But before they could go up, the glass corridor surrounding the third floor shattered, and a body was thrown down from above, with blood and flesh splattering in the crowd!

"God has come!"

Accompanied by a hoarse roar, a tall dark red figure jumped directly from the third floor and landed in a crowd of people. Suddenly, there was a scream and scream, and several people who could not avoid it or could not avoid it were thrown directly. Being hit, the scene was instantly bloody due to the huge impact.

"The end is coming!!!"

This figure stood more than three meters tall, overlooking all living beings in the crowd, raised the huge blood-stained mace in his hand, and smashed it down with a roar!

The crowded hall was suddenly cleared to a small extent.

"Oh my God!"

A policeman was immediately stunned by this scene. He almost stopped breathing and looked at the scene in front of him with trembling eyes.

This is a humanoid monster whose skin has been peeled off from top to bottom. The bright red muscles and white meridians are exposed to everyone's eyes. As he exerts force, even blood is squeezed out from it, but he wears a mask on his face that is stained red by blood. mask.

That is the face that this policeman is extremely familiar with, and he sees it every time he goes to church to pray, the face of the god he believes in!

But now, this monster wearing the mask of God was slaughtering the crowd wantonly, turning the surroundings into a scene like hell in the blink of an eye. The pungent smell of blood and cruel scene made many people unable to help but vomit.


A hot bullet passed through the barrel of the gun, quickly rubbed against the air, and finally sank into the monster's body. The policeman's face was distorted, and his enthusiasm for faith even overshadowed his fear of the monster!

"Kill it!!!"

The high-pitched scream seemed to kick off, and countless hot bullets flew towards the monster, engulfing its body and the surrounding ground, and even the human body that could not escape. However, the effect was almost non-existent, and most of the bullets could only get stuck in the monster. among its muscles.

The only good thing might be that they succeeded in attracting the monster's attention.

"God has come!"

Swinging the mace and knocking down a piece of it, the monster roared and rushed towards them, leaving several bloody footprints in the crowd. A member of the Red Gloves roared angrily, holding a knife and rushing towards them at an alarming speed. But the moment it came into contact with the mace, he vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Be careful, this is at least an eighth-level monster!"

His tone was full of horror, and the surrounding Red Glove members were all shocked and in disbelief.

The Red Gloves naturally do not use the standards spread from the original sect to divide their strength, but have their own basis. The Grand Priest level corresponds to levels seven to nine, and level eight is beyond their range.


But just when a few people were gritting their teeth and preparing to fight hard, suddenly there was the sound of shattering glass in their ears, and then a silver figure fell from the sky, countless lightnings entangled him, and stepped on the monster's head!


The monster's huge head exploded like a watermelon in an instant, and silver-white electric snakes swam on the bright red body, making crackling sounds. People who came close felt static electricity overflowing all over their bodies at the same time, and their hair stood on end.

"presiding judge!"

The members of the Red Gloves quickly gathered around. The lightning humanoid nodded and didn't say anything. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the other direction of the imperial capital!

Several streaks of black smoke rose from that direction, and at the same time, several strong waves like tsunamis appeared. The lightning on the humanoid body couldn't help but spread, and then was suppressed back.


A deep and thick voice spread throughout the entire imperial capital in an instant. The silver figure crashed through the wall with a roar and disappeared instantly. The remaining Red Glove members looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"That's the direction of the headquarters?!"

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