Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 264 Rejoice, the final divine punishment is about to come!


The transparent and solid glass door slid open silently, and the metal wall reflected the bright white light overhead, making the room as bright as daylight, even a little dazzling. It was completely impossible to tell that this place was underground at an unknown depth.


However, facing this thin figure who walked in, especially the pair of eyes hidden under the lenses, tall and ferocious with white scales, like a weak girl, he couldn't help but shrink to the corner.

Who knows what he has been through these days!

As a creature in the nightmare world, he was supposed to live a happy life in the quiet and peaceful Black Sea, holding Lu En's lap, happily forming his own tribe to play house, but who knew that the situation suddenly changed and he came to another place inexplicably? A world.

Although he also carries part of Lu En's blood domain, especially when he is disconnected from Lu En, he instinctively attaches to Bai Lin and gives him some authority. He is infinitely more powerful than himself at any time. times.

Just like the enemies he faced.

The two bishop-level beings, as if they didn't need to eat or rest, continued to exude their own pressure and momentum unscrupulously. The white scales were knocked back to their original shape before they even had time to expand, and they could only huddle in the corner and tremble.

This feeling is probably like that of a little white rabbit being watched eagerly by two Tyrannosaurus rex. However, it has not been frightened to death so far. It is not because the white scales have a strong psychological quality, but because the healing effect of blood energy is indeed powerful. After all, blood energy It is also transformed from vitality.

But this was also the beginning of White Scale's nightmare. After discovering his powerful self-healing ability, the young man with black-framed eyes, Kress, felt like a treasure and conducted a series of experiments on him.

Judging from Bai Lin's current performance, these experiments are obviously not good memories.

But today, Kress did not arrange an experiment for Bai Lin. Instead, he came in and looked at him reluctantly for several times before waving his hand.

"Okay, take it away!"

Two fully armed figures walked in. The armor they wore had some shadows of the God-killing armor studied by Dr. Willy. There was a subtle stream of light flickering on the surface. They silently approached the white scales, and then set them up. Walk out toward the door.

Bai Lin was very obedient throughout the whole process, without any resistance.

"What a perfect experiment. Unfortunately, even if the schedule is full, more than half of it is still unfinished."

Kress's eyes followed Bai Lin, and the desire and enthusiasm that emerged in them made Bai Lin shudder suddenly. When he passed the door, his legs became weak, and he was dragged out by two figures.

On both sides of the door stood a burly man in black and a long-haired beauty with an indifferent expression. Their eyes followed him a few times before falling back again.

"If you give me another period of time, I will definitely give you a more perfect result, instead of just a semi-finished product like now, and there is still the risk of losing control."

Amidst the sound of footsteps, Kress walked out, his tone full of regret.

"Mr. Kress, in the extraordinary world, there is no so-called perfection. Risks always exist, it's just big or small."

The woman did not answer. Only the strong man in black turned his head and smiled at him: "And after hearing the news, some adults couldn't wait any longer, forcing the parliament to make a decision as soon as possible."

"Okay, I don't care about the affairs between your agents, and I don't dare to ask. I just want to know where you choose to put it? You must know that even after it has been transformed and strengthened, it is still very fragile. Red Gloves gently I can blow it out with my breath, and I don’t want my achievements to go to waste.”

"Unless you are willing to protect it."

Kress looked at the two of them, only to find that the long-haired beauty just looked at him coldly, suddenly stepped forward with her long legs, and walked towards the end of the corridor without looking back, leaving the strong man in black looking a little embarrassed.

"Of course, we have also taken this into consideration. Don't worry, you will be able to see your results soon, and maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

At this time, a group of figures wearing white protective clothing walked out, each holding a transparent glass jar in their hands, which contained rich and viscous blood-colored mist that surged like a living thing. They were carefully held in their hands.

"Goodbye then, Dr. Kress."

The strong man watched these people leave, waved to Kress, then turned and left, leaving the young man behind with his eyes slowly narrowed, wondering what he was thinking.

Leaving the deep underground, above the extremely hidden laboratory, there is a large hospital with a vast area. In the underground parking lot, there are several fully enclosed trucks parked, which look ordinary on the outside. , in fact, there is something special inside.

Bai Lin and the figures holding the cans quickly got in, then closed the car door and quickly left the parking lot, leaving only the long-haired woman and the strong man in black.

"In this way, the task is finally completed, and you can go back and have a good sleep!"

The strong man in black gave a long yawn, clapped his mouth and said, but when he saw the woman looking at him, she exposed him without hesitation: "As the representative of that existence, do you still need to sleep?"

"A dead man, does he need to sleep?"


The strong man's movements immediately stopped, his eyes became sharp, he slowly lowered his hand and stared at the long-haired woman. The latter looked at him without showing any weakness, and even sneered: "Is it fun to deceive yourself?"

"I just remind myself not to forget who we are."

After a long time, the strong man sighed, turned his head and replied indifferently.

"Just a group of monsters!"

The woman said coldly, and suddenly her long hair, like a waterfall, went against the gravity and spread upwards quickly, wrapping her whole body, flowing into the ceiling, and soon disappeared.

"Is the difference between humans and monsters just appearance?"

The strong man lowered his head and said softly to himself, reaching out to pick the delicate flowers on his chest, and pulled out the misty filaments at the broken part, which seemed to be composed of countless tiny substances. The ground around him quickly condensed into green ice under his feet.

"Then soon, these differences will no longer exist."

The truck departed from the hospital, crossed the city, passed through the wilderness, passed through tunnels and rivers, and drove on roads without stopping. All the checkpoints along the way gave it a green light. It soon passed through most of the federation and came to the seaside. Several ships had been waiting for a long time.

A figure with green hair covering his eyes, standing on the top of the ship with his arms folded, immediately smiled, and his scarlet tongue licked along his jagged teeth.

In the middle of the ship, there were also some figures whose skin color and clothing were completely different from the Federation. They seemed to belong to the same organization. Their black robes were embroidered with all kinds of terrifying patterns, but most of them were monsters killing humans.

"The final divine punishment is coming. The great Indra will bring his glory to the world and cleanse this filthy world!"

Someone raised his arms and shouted, triggering cheers and shouts. With a pious and even fanatical look, he looked at the slowly approaching truck.

"The final divine punishment has come, and the final salvation has also come. Cheer, believers!"

The voice became even louder.

And the green-haired figure watching all this at the top just smiled disdainfully.

"A bunch of idiots!"

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