Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 266 Internal breakthrough and war-torn place!

The seemingly soft tentacles are actually stronger than the defense of the Black Sea giant turtle?

If Nim asked Luen now, Luen would definitely give him a positive response, and the gap between them was not even a tiny bit.

As the saying goes, if you walk a lot at night, you will always encounter ghosts. After easily killing many incoming monsters, Lu En finally met a strong opponent this time.

A giant sea monster that has devoured countless descendants of lords and has undergone great changes.

Lu En was no stranger to it. When he first entered the nightmare world, a big sea monster pretended to be a flying Henanese with a boat on its head to deceive him, and was easily solved by him.

But at that time, although the size was equally huge, it was only a Grand Priest-level monster. But what appeared in front of him now was a genuine Bishop-level monster, and it still devoured powerful monsters who were descendants of countless lords!

The huge body of this sea monster is hidden under the surface of the sea. It is not clear how big it is exactly, but just the several tentacles exposed are each bigger than the pillars of Athens. It is ferocious and terrifying, and its defense power is amazing.

"It seems that we are not the only ones capable of cheating!"

Lu En squinted his eyes and looked at the faintly visible golden lines that penetrated into the texture of the sea monster's waving tentacles. Then he looked down at the similar lines that appeared on his palms, and it suddenly became clear.

It seems that this sea monster should be like him, because it devoured a large number of descendants of lords and obtained their blood and strength, thus greatly strengthening and transforming its body.

Swish, swish, swish!

Moreover, the goal of this huge sea monster seems to be very clear, which is Lu En. It is chasing him all the way in the air with its tentacles waving. However, as a sea creature, it is simply wishful thinking to intercept Lu En in the sky. Lu En does not even have to dodge. , the sea monster can only stare at it if it rises a little higher.

"If you have the ability, you can even grow wings."

Lu En flapped his wings and stayed high in the sky. Lu En snorted coldly. Instead of continuing to dodge, he slammed down from the air like an arrow from the string. The blood on his side condensed quickly and turned into swirling blood. The energy wheel flew towards the sea monster's tentacles.

After Luen ascended to the sky, the sea monster's attention gradually shifted to Nim and others, but then Luen fell straight towards it, so the waving tentacles immediately changed direction and rolled towards him.


Although the power and sturdiness of the blood energy wheel flying away has been greatly improved, it has not yet reached the level of Poseidon believers in Lu En's memory. Moreover, even if it reaches that level, it is unknown whether it can withstand these tentacles. number, so there is no doubt that it is shattered.

However, their role was only to slightly block these tentacles. Lu En's body made a roar, like a cannonball hitting the sea, and sank quickly. He was surrounded by countless undercurrents for protection, and he sensed a powerful aura that was rapidly coming. Get closer to yourself.

Or without the power of the Poseidon's Blessed One, he had already seen with his eyes that a group of shadows was rapidly expanding under him, and then there were layers of large mouths spread out like chrysanthemums, and the dense circles of teeth looked incomparably terrifying. It's simply a trypophobia nightmare.

It was like a huge black hole, and Lu En immediately felt a huge attraction, and together with the surrounding sea water, it rushed towards the big mouth.

"It seems that although his strength has become stronger, his brain is still the same as before."

Facing the rapidly approaching big mouth, Lu En did not dodge at all, but instead took the initiative to dive into the sea monster's big mouth.

Since the defense capabilities outside are amazing, then look for a breakthrough direction from the inside!

Ever since he was killed by the pearl monster in various ways and then fought with his head held up, Lu En felt that his painting style had collapsed all the way. Looking at the sea monster's dense teeth, his heart did not waver.

Even if you eat him, chew him up and swallow him into your stomach, he can still be resurrected, and he can also teach this sea monster a profound lesson. Next time, he will habitually swallow anything else.

If there is a next time.

real world.

Moros, a land of war.

A hundred years have passed since the Federation Revolution, and half a century has passed since the Eastern Empire was reborn from the ashes. In the real world, peace and development have become more and more the main theme today.

With the improvement of science and technology, and the abandonment of hostility between the two camps, the rise of trade and cooperation has promoted the improvement of infrastructure such as medical education and peace. Peace has become more and more what everyone yearns for. Even the newly grown generation has shouted came up with the slogan of the golden age.

From a historical perspective, this is indeed an unprecedented period of peace since the Age of Discovery, but from a local perspective, war has never been far away.

Moros is such a war-torn place. As early as centuries ago, this was originally a land occupied by some indigenous tribes who thrived here. However, with the advent of the Age of Discovery, the indigenous tribes were killed and sold, and this place was became a colony.

Later, due to war, religion and other reasons, more and more people came in. Countries that failed to compete for hegemony, civilians who fled the war, defeated troops who lost their country, and even missionaries who conquered the heathens all made the situation here worse. Hair is intricate.

And with so many forces entangled together, they either seek common ground while reserving differences and form a new country, or they fall apart and make mistakes against each other, making the situation more complicated.

Fortunately and unfortunately for Moros, he was both.

After centuries of integration, the Moros had formed a pattern in which the Serbs were the main body and the other forces were either absorbed or expelled and eliminated, gradually developing towards a modern country. However, unfortunately, they happened to encounter the rise of the Federation and the The Resurgence of the Eastern Empire.

What's even more unfortunate is that the location of Moros happens to be at a strategic location. Both the Federation and the Eastern Empire are trying to establish a bridgehead here that favors them. The Serb country was easily overturned in the face of these two behemoths.

It is difficult for the flowers of hatred to wither, but the seeds are very easy to take root and sprout. With intentional or unintentional instigation and covert support, in less than two generations, hostility to each other has resumed here. split situation.

Even the Federation suffered in the end and had to withdraw its garrison, declaring the control plan a failure.

As the main ethnic group in the past, the Sers have been suppressed, discriminated against and even killed for hundreds of years. All kinds of grievances and hatreds are simply difficult to describe. The only thing that is certain is that they are extremely hostile to all the forces of Moros.

This is also the reason why the belief in Indra, the Mother of Darkness and the Terminator of All Things, as an originally inconspicuous character in myths and legends, gradually began to spread among the Ser people.

Suffering can make a group rise, and suffering can also make a group go crazy.

The Serbian people belong to the latter.

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