Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 271 Sorry, you got the wrong person!

"Forgive me?"

Lu En noticed that some of the scales on the sea lizard had turned golden. At the same time, his eyes fell on the sea monster essence containing the lord's blood in his hand from time to time, and he suddenly understood.

When he saw this sea lizard before, he did not have the characteristics of the lord's bloodline, but now it seems that the other party has absorbed the lord's bloodline and became the so-called descendant of the lord. After all, he is not Luen or Nim, who can do anything unscrupulous of cheating.

If he wants to survive among the increasingly powerful monsters around him, this sea lizard can only choose to absorb the blood of the lord. However, this is obviously too late, and the progress is far behind the other descendants of the lord. But fortunately, he When he met Lu En, he just killed the big sea monster.

And due to the induction between bloodlines, he clearly knew that Lu En had not absorbed the lord's bloodline.

"Of course, Pazan, now is the best chance for us to escape from this place of exile!"

This sea lizard was unhurried and exuded mental fluctuations towards Lu En. Due to the mark of the Poseidon's Favored One, he had no doubts about the authenticity of the "Pazan" in front of him. After all, being able to become a believer of the Poseidon's Favored One is one in itself. Very rare, let alone exiled.

As for impersonation, this is the power given by the gods. Who can impersonate enough and who dares to impersonate?

Of course, he didn't know that nothing was impossible in the extraordinary world, and he was facing a cheated time traveler, one of the most terrifying beings in the multiverse.

"Although I don't know what method you used to break the seal of the lady, it's useless. The lady's clerical field has already deviated and will no longer look after you. Even if you escape from this place of exile, the Divine Court will still be I won’t let you go!”

"Now the pure Deep Sea Divine Court has been destroyed, and even your king has fallen. Your existence is a kind of blasphemy and offense to the Divine Court, but I am different."

In the mental fluctuations emitted by this sea lizard, there is a hint of pride: "I am the son of Nongkad. I was originally the next Bishop of the Divine Court. I was exiled here only because of some small mistakes. If I can escape, No one will pursue this matter again.”

"And relying on my position in the Divine Court, I can protect even you, the original Poseidon's faith and favor, but only if you hand over what you have in your hands to me and offer your loyalty!"

"Think about it, how long has it been since you were exiled to this world? Don't you miss your hometown, your people, your descendants, and your followers? The believers of the original Poseidon still exist as slaves. Don’t you want to rescue them?”


Not far away, the ice crystal giant Nim transformed into and the sea rhinoceros were going back and forth in an extremely fierce manner. However, the turbulent undercurrents dissipated not far away from Lu En. Looking at the confident sea rhinoceros, Lizard, Luen smiled hoarsely.

"Although you have said so much, I'm sorry that you got the wrong person!"

"You got it."

The sea monster essence was quickly refined by the food spirit. Lu En didn't even read the prompts in the corner of his eyes, and directly stuffed the food in his left hand into his mouth. The reason why he listened to this guy's nonsense was to buy time for the food spirit.

Otherwise, carrying the essence or throwing it away in battle will be extremely risky. Of course, what this guy said may not be all nonsense, at least there is still a lot of useful information vaguely revealed.

"You actually!"

Although he didn't know what happened, the sea lizard was still shocked and angry when he saw the sea monster essence suddenly disappearing from the sensor. He pointed at Lu En and found that the figure had disappeared from his fingertips just after he emitted mental fluctuations.

Where are the people?

He was horrified, and he instinctively grasped a staff from his hand. Layers of light immediately poured out, wrapping it up, but it was too late. With the turbulent undercurrent, Lu En suddenly appeared in front of him. His side.

"No wonder the Poseidon believers put all their efforts into creating a Halberd of Annihilation. It was originally used to deal with you!"

Facing these brilliance, Lu En's heart showed no fluctuation. He just slowly pulled out the Halberd of Annihilation from his back. The sea lizard's expression suddenly changed, and he waved his staff. The surrounding seawater suddenly became cold and quickly condensed into solid ice!


However, before these ice cubes got close to Lu En, they suddenly exploded and turned into sea water again. Instead, they poured back. Lu En's lips curled up.

He is still wearing the mark of the Poseidon's Favorite. Playing such a trick in front of him is simply like playing a machete in front of Guan Gong!

Click! ! !

Moreover, the protective light around the sea lizard was far inferior to those of those with big eyes. Lu En effortlessly pierced through it with a halberd and dodged into it.


Lu En's current four-dimensional attributes have reached an extremely astonishing level. They are both at the bishop level, and before the sea lizard could even react, his whole head exploded like a ripe watermelon!

The radiance pouring out immediately disappeared, and from the headless body of the sea lizard, a small golden shadow slowly emerged from the sea lizard, with a dull face, and flew towards Lu En on its own initiative.


On the other side, at the moment when the sea lizard died, the sea rhinoceros fighting with Nim suddenly roared, then left Nim alone, and its huge body crashed towards Lu En, as if crazy.

However, even if he went crazy, he could not change the difference in strength between them. Lu En stretched out his left hand to grab the sea lizard phantom, and then punched it out. A big bloody hole suddenly appeared in the sea rhino's head, and even the hard horns were broken. It broke into two pieces and flew back.

And the direction happened to be towards Nim. He glanced at Lu En silently, and then helped this big guy who kept screaming to free himself completely.

The sudden appearance of this sea lizard can only be regarded as an interlude for Lu En, or the dessert after a big meal. After refining the sea monster, although he did not obtain skills or information, it provided Lu En with a large number of attribute points, and Most of it was added to strength and stamina, making the changes in his body even more significant.

The spiritual light condensed from countless blood energy seems to have constructed and woven into a network in his body. With every movement of his hands, he can erupt with unimaginable power.

But Lu En still felt that even so, this was still just a process of quantitative change, and there was still an unknown distance between him and the qualitative change required to become an archbishop.

"My attributes are like flying now. My highest physical strength is almost reaching 300. How can I still not reach the threshold of Archbishop?"

Lu En was surprised, but now that there are monsters all around, it is not difficult to increase attributes, so he is not too impatient.

The two people quickly emerged from the sea again. Nim was now in the form of a giant more than ten meters tall. He stood on the sea and looked around, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Is it my imagination, Lu En? Why do I feel that the vortex in the middle has become bigger?!"

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